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书面表达 这是一个关于找妈妈的小故事:李明逮住了一只小鸟 并拴住它玩。忽然 他看

2020-09-25 05:00:01

One day Li Ming caught a little bird. He tied it and played with it on the square while his mom was talking with others. At that time,he saw a little girl crying nearby. A policeman came, and asked her why she was crying. When he learned that the girl had got lost and she was looking for her mother,he decided to help the girl go back home.

Seeing this, Li Ming thought that the little bird also wanted to be with its mother. Then Li Ming set the bird free.

As for me, this is a good lesson for protecting animals. Its wrong of people not to be friendly to animals. Do you agree?


此类文章需要根据材料作文,把材料中的基本信息通过英文表达出来。善于使用复合句。范文中的高分句型: He tied it and played with it on the square while his mom was talking with others.他把它绑起来,在广场上玩,而他的妈妈正在和别人说话。其中and连词,while当....的时候,引导状语从句。he decided to help the girl go back home. 他决定帮助那个女孩回家。使用了固定搭配decide to do sth.决定做某事。As for me, this is a good lesson for protecting animals. 对我来说,这是一个很好的教训,保护动物。其中,As for me,对我而言。Its wrong of people not to be friendly to animals. Do you agree?人们对动物不友好是不对的。你同意吗?最后使用疑问句。

书面表达 这是一个关于找妈妈的小故事:李明逮住了一只小鸟 并拴住它玩。忽然 他看见一个迷路的小女孩在哭着找妈妈。警察帮她回家。李明有感于此 ...



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