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2020-09-25 11:45:01

顺便一提,现在我报读的ABC夫下在线的助教说过,事实上要学好英语是轻松的~坚持要拥有一个恰当的研习情境及实习口语对象,重点就是老师教学经验,发音纯正非常重要,保持每天练习口语 1v1加强化教学才会有最.好.的进步幅度!学习后还要重听课堂录音档,来进一步深化知识。不过实在没人帮忙的话,那么就到 VOA或大耳朵获得课后材料练习 多说多练迅速的口语就加强起来,学习成长应该可以快速显着的!with large amount of people crowding into metropolitan cities, the majority of folks harbour the idea that living in the urban area is much better than making the hard living in the seemingly dull and boring countryside.notng like the common perspective, by contrast, i am a big fan of the nature close one.to start with, suburban district sees more about the nature for wide and board land mabe it possible for the green belt to exit. subssuently, the atmosphere as well as the whole environment and the climate, wch provides better living conditions for our human beings.furthermore, large scale apartment are available at much lower price. and what happify us more is the fact that you can even habitat in a gorgeous villa with a fabulous garden that is scattered with dense plants and blossing flowers. isnt it fanscinating? you may be eager to purchase ts sort of habitant, inteasd of living in the tiny and loomy house with too much noises, arent you? last but not least, handful of people probably argue that its remote location can lead up to some annoying problems, namingly lack of public transportation, unconvenience of visiting acsuaintance and uneasy approach to life necessities and commodities. they appear to be true reflections of the the life . however, as the internet enjoys great popularity among our daily routines, what are mentioned above are no longer unsolvable. opinion varies from person to person . but as for me, each coin has its own two sides and apparently on settling down in the countryside, the merits definetely overrun the defects.



介绍宜兴的作文 梦想是医生的英语作文 感谢老师的英语作文带翻译 六年级毕业考作文题目 写春游的作文500字 作文我眼中的春天400字 他怎么了作文400字 小学生活作文400字 美丽的巴音布鲁克作文 小草的作文 铭记历史作文300字 美丽的颜色作文600字 记人作文300字 介绍桥的作文 家有什么作文600字 暑假生活作文200字 成长的半命题作文 秋思300字作文 作文猫的特点 预防未成年人犯罪作文 一个人给我的启示作文 秋天的雨四年级作文 四六级作文预测 一本魔法书作文 我的心里话作文300字 二年级作文30字 关于一篇植物的作文 上台表演作文 以恒为题目写一篇作文 写人大方的作文