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my mother初三英语作文

2020-09-26 22:15:01

> > > > my mother初三英语作文my mother初三英语作文发布时间:2019 12 27

妈妈为人善良,她从小就教导我做人要诚实,待人要宽厚,从小就来培养我好的品德。 你知道如何写一篇妈妈的英语吗?下面是第一范文网小编给大家整理的my mother初三英语作文,供你参考!

my mother初三英语作文篇1

I have a busy father and a kind mother.

My father is a businessman. He is 42 years old. He is short. He likes reading newspapers after meals. He watches TV in the evening. He goes to work by car. He has got a nice black car. He often plays golf with his friends on the weekend. He does not often eat dinner with us.

My mother is a housewife. She doesn t work. She stays at home. She is beautiful. She has long hair. She does housework in the morning. She often goes shopping in the afternoon. She is kind, but she is strict to my study. She likes reading. She watches TV at night, too.

I love my parents. And they love me too.

my mother初三英语作文篇2

My mother tall body, not fat is not thin, his forehead with a few silk shallow wrinkles, his face often hanging smile.

Mother is kind, she taught me from an early age to be honest, treat people to be generous, from childhood to cultivate my good character.

I remember something I always forget. It was a hot afternoon, the sun was like a big fireball baked the earth. I do in the room, kept fan fan, but sweat or kept rolling down. I said to my mother, Mom, the weather is too hot, hot to death! I want to eat popsicles. Mother said: go, I take you to buy some popsicles. Then they picked up the wallet.

To the place to buy popsicles, I picked the popsicles, my mother from the wallet took out a 50 yuan of the whole vote handed to buy popsicles uncle, uncle to find the money, my mother and then hurried home.

Home, my mother to find a few numbers back, said to himself: Huh ye not right, a total of 7 dollars, how to get back 45 yuan? I heard, happy to say: great My mother stared at me, angrily said: more looking for 2 yuan, we should be sent back, can not covet Those small cheap! Besides, people selling popsicles is not easy! Then, my mother braved the burning sun, the 3 yuan to the people sent to the.

Sleep at night, I can not sleep in bed, think of things during the day, suddenly understand that a person from the bit by bit to start things, not because of the little bit in front of cheap, to make some sorry things. This thing has a great education for me, I love my mother, I try to wear her heart

my mother初三英语作文篇3

A woman walking from afar.

Black and elegant hair, like a waterfall like a drape on the shoulders; crescent child of the same eyes; like red roses lips inlaid with a smile full of smiling face.

Who is she? Is my mom.

Mother is very beautiful, every day to make up. Dress up on the station full of Angtou Qiao tail of the cosmetics. Mom every day to spend a lot of time to make up. That day, my mother came back to the night shift is very sleepy, in order to make up even went to the store to sleep while the side of the aunt to help her mother make up. I have such a mother really helpless!

Mom is very concerned about me. One day I was playing at home Suddenly, my mother called me and asked me how to live well recently, how to learn ... ... I have such a mother really happy!

Mom sometimes some confused. That time, my mother in the toilet to pick up the father s phone. I heard footsteps, went to the living room to see my father even at home. I was trying to talk to my mother, my father gave me a wink, I cunning smiled ... ... father came to the toilet, ah shouted. Frightened her mother. I have such a mother really happy!

I love my mom!

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