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英语作文 70单词左右 关于动物园之行

2020-09-26 22:40:01

On Thursday, the school organized a trip to the zoo. So my mother gave me a digital camera, in order not to waste this chance, I decided to take some photos.The car the students are very excited, Sue teacher is not to say we.First of all: we went to the monkey house, the big monkey show down with us, also saw abig monkey king, binocular ones eyes brimming with radiating vigour to our angry to see.And then to the waterfowl lake, there are very fond of fish species such as: animal,egrets, pelicans, crane.Then we went to the endangered golden frog and a giant turtle amphibious amphibiousanimal animal museum. Then we came to the childrens zoo, I took advantage of the lunch time to catch seals, the first did not find tips to seal quickly ate the fish on thepole, the second time I put the fish rod dangling to seal an empty head, at this time, I heard the cry of the team, so careless, let the seals to eat fish. Although fishing seals I spent only ten yuan of money, but I get happy.We ate lunch went to the elephant house. The book says: the elephant is the worlds most gentle beast. But others dont think so, when we pass by, the elephant a deafeningroar, startled us.Finally, I take the giant panda and my buddy Shuai Yuxuan, we decided to take it to the fastest speed, so that I can keep up with the team can take the giant panda is shoot two hawks with one arrow to see the team slowly forward, we quickly according to plan.When we find that the pandas sleeping at the giant panda museum, so I took a photo to sleep it, see it when sleeping charmingly naive look really cute, we must protect it.In the afternoon, we left the zoo of be reluctant to part.Look at my hands the camera photos I laughed, the zoo tour harvest quite a lot.



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