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2020-09-26 22:55:01

www.ruiwen.com 事件类英语作文


1.My parents lives in the country.They keep a dog called Ah Fu.One day my parents went to work in the field and I insisted on going with them.Finally they had no choice but to take me and Ah Fu along.While they were working,I walked to a river nearby.Ah Fu followed me there.I was trying to picked a flower when I fell into the river.I couldn t swim so I called for help.Ah Fu barked and jumped into the water immediately.When my parents heard Ah Fu barking,they ran to the river.They saw Ah Fu swimming towards the bank carrying me.My parents praised Ah Fu warmly.It was our brave Ah Fu who had saved me.

Although it happened many years ago,I still remember it.I indeed thank Ah Fu from the bottom of my heart.It was one of the most unforgetable experiences in my life.

2.I met a beautiful girl last summer and was deeply impressed the memories she brought to me.

It was a nice morning,we boarded the bus to visit the local memorial.After minutes,there was a boy getting sick and then threw up.The boy beside him got angry and shouted at him at once.The girl next to me immediately exchanged the seat to prevent things going amuck.

After the visit she told me the boy s behavior could just make people look down upon him.

I never see her again,but her personality left a forever impression on me.

3.As is often the case, sometime last month I walked on the street and found someone smiling or even trying to talk to me, but I couldn t recall who he or she was at all. I felt so ill at ease that all I did was only to gently stand there and try my best to smile as brightly as possible.

One day such a thing happened again. While I was greeting that beautiful girl, a crazy idea came into my mind that I decided to keep on talking with her though I didn t know her. Luckily, we had a pleasant conversation for ten minutes. But when saying good bye to each other, we both suddenly found she had mistaken me for my elder sister. What an embarrassing experience it was!

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