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写一篇英语作文:我家乡的四季随便 写出来就行

2020-09-26 23:00:02

Four Seasons of My Hometown My hometown is in Huanggang, Hubei Province. Ive lived in my home town since l was born.I love my hometown, and I love the four seasons of my hometown. In spring, the weather gets warmer and days get longer. Swallows flyback. The trees turn green and the flowers start to come out. Everything be gins to grow. Spring is not a bad season. Summer comes after spring. It is the hottest season of a year.Everythinggrows quickly. Many young people like this season, because its good time for travelling. But I dont like summer, for its too hot. Autumn is a golden season and a season of harvest. Farmers are busyworking in the fields. Ginger is npe in this season. Ginger is our special localproduct. I like ginger and this season very much. Snowflakes dance sometimes in the sky in winter. How cold it is! It likes a fairyland. We can ski in winter after a heavy snowfall and make asnowball or a snowman with snowflakes. Its very enjoyable, isnt itlI like my hometown very much. You are welcome to visit my hometown. 家乡的四季 我的家乡在湖北省黄冈。自我出生以来,我一直生活在家乡。我热爱我的家乡,我热爱家乡的四季。 春天,天气变暖,白昼变长了。燕子飞回来了。树变绿了,花开放了。一切都在生长了。春天是一个好季节啊! 春天走了,夏天来了。夏天是一年中最热的季节,一切都生长得很快。许多年轻人都喜欢夏天,因为它是一个旅游的好时节。但我不喜欢夏天,因为它太热了。 秋天是金色的季节,是收获的季节。农民们在田地里忙于收获。秋天是生姜成熟的季节。生姜是我们的特产。我喜欢生姜,喜欢秋天。 冬天,雪花漫天飞舞,冬天多冷啊!它就像一个圣洁的世界。冬天,一场大的降雪后,我们能滑雪、滚雪球或堆雪人。这非常有趣,不是吗? 我爱我的家乡。欢迎你到我们家乡来做客。



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