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英语作文!写怎么让美国的学生学好汉语 特别是在口语和听力方面.80字左右.一定要是初

2020-09-27 00:15:01

Now lots of foreigners are more and more interested in learning Chinese.And how to let American student learn Chinese better?There are some advice on it. In my opoin,it is not easy for American students to learn Chinese especially in listening and speak.So at first they should watch some Chinese DVD or listen to Chinese songs to improve their listining ability.Secondly,its very important to speak Chinese as often as possible.They also can practice conversations with their Chinese friends.Its really useful to speak Chinese well.In the end,they also should read some Chinese magazines and stories to learn more new words. Actually,Chinese is not as difficult as they think.Work hard and they will get good prograss.真是的,想让美国人学好中文就应该用中文打嘛,英文写有什么用啊,出题目的人真是有毛病!

英语作文!写怎么让美国的学生学好汉语 特别是在口语和听力方面.80字左右.一定要是初三年级能写得出来的!参考词汇:listeningability spokenChinese DVD...



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