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一篇关于野生动物英语作文根据下列文字 写一篇短文.*动物是人类的朋友 他们对人类非

2020-09-27 00:55:01

Animals are humans friends all the time,and they are very important to human beings.Caged animals must be very sad since they should be free as humans.As a result,we need to take steps to protect our friends.Firstly,we are supposed to take good care of animals and prevent those bad people from catching,killing and eating animals without limit.Secondly,we teenagers should do more helpful things to make a contribution to protect animals.In a word,as long as we make our effort,the situation will be better and our good friends will be happoer than before.

一篇关于野生动物英语作文根据下列文字 写一篇短文.*动物是人类的朋友 他们对人类非常重要.*关在笼子里的动物一定会不高兴 动物应该和人类一样自由自在.*我们应该关心 爱护动物 制止



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