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谁能帮我写一篇含有被动语态的英语作文 题目不限 要多种时态。

2020-09-27 02:40:01

English is the most important language around the world . It is spoken in the USA. It is also widely used in some other countries. How to study it ? First we can read some English books . Many new words may be found by us. After we find out these words ,wu may find it is so interesting . Second we can listen to the rideos ,Useful grammar may be found . Third,try to make some sentences. For example: Some new computers were stolen last night. This book was published in 1981. the window was broken by Mike. Eight hours per day for sleep must be guaranteedDont be afraid of making mistakes . The joymust be enjoyed if youtry your best to make some sentencesLast but not least . Believe that English can be spoken by yourself.



一次冲突作文 初一语文考试作文 小区秋景作文 描写熊猫吃竹子的作文 优势与成败作文 关于微笑的作文素材 差不多先生作文 决战中考作文 有一种力量作文 春天的作文150字 去游泳的作文300字 我和谁作文500字左右 有关清明节的英语作文 感动作文四年级 初三作文600字 四季的作文200字 我是一棵树作文500字 写人作文七年级 关于负责的作文 如果没有你作文600字 考研作文跑题 优秀写人作文大全 母爱的作文250字 关于文学的作文 回族风俗作文 二年级秋季作文 洗碗的作文500字 运动会作文250字左右 快乐一家人作文 什么的故事作文