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2020-09-27 07:40:02

Mars is one of the eight major planets of the solar system. It is the fourth planet in our solar system from inside to outside. It belongs to the terrestrial planet类地行星. It has a diameter of about half of the earth. The period of its revolving on its axis, is similar to the earth, while the period of its orbiting around the sun is two times of the earth . The Orange red appearance is caused by iron oxide氧化铁on its surface. Mars is basically a desert planet with dunes沙丘, gravels砂砾 everywhere. There is no liquid water on Mars. With thin carbon dioxide and dust in the atmosphere it is cold and try all year round. In winter the cold temperature can reach minus 130 degrees centigrade while in summer time it can rise to 27 degrees Celsius. Strong sand storms visit this planet every year. The Martian poles have dry ice caps with seasonal fluctuation. Mars has two moons rotating around it. Mars can be seen by the human eyes and it is slightly darker than the Venus金星 but much brighter than Jupiter木星. The nearest distance from Mars to the earth is about 55 millions kilometers, while the farthest distance is about 400 million kilometers.



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