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高考英语作文 概要写作考试分析攻略 学会再提高几分

2020-09-27 09:55:01


概要写作给的阅读材料的词数为300 ~ 350,需要考生通过阅读写出一篇60词左右的概要。从文章文体来说,通常以议论文和说明文为主,原则上不会出现记叙文或应用文。概要写作是考生使用自己的语言对一篇较长文章的基本内容加以总结,不是对原文进行释义,也不是变换措辞,而是在原文内容的基础上提炼。因此,概要中所有内容要客观,要忠实所给的原材料,既不能漏掉基本内容,也不要随意增加内容。




各句的要点表达需要相对独立,但同时要点不要过多,控制在3 ~5句即可。概括时尽量使用较短的句子,可采用独立结构或复合结构,但句意要表达清晰,不能太空泛笼统、含混不清。对于从句,特别是较长的从句,要谨慎使用;多采用概括性词汇,少用具体性词汇。同时,句子和要点之间要有适当的连接过渡词。




Is it okay to keep exercising when you have a cold? What about the flu? With winter viruses going around, ifs important to know how to change your training if you do catch a virus.

The guidelines are pretty easy, says Dr. Lorenzo Masci. Anything above the neck if you ve got a cold, for example, a runny nose or a sore throat then you should probably cut down your exercise by half or just do 50 percent of what you normally do.

If you ve got anything below the neck, like muscle pain or fever, you shouldn t really exercise at all until those general symptoms settle down, Lorenzo says. He points out that a cough would also fall into this more serious category. For example, if anyone comes in with a fever, I d tell him to stop exercising until the fever and muscle ache settle. Then he can start his training again at 50 percent once all those symptoms settle, even if he s got a bit of a runny nose or a sore throat.

The reason we tell people to stop exercising is because if you exercise when you are unwell it can make the illness worse. There is a second reason Lorenzo advises his patients to stop exercising when they have below the neck symptoms. In the event that you have an illness which affects your heart, exercise can sometimes actually lead to death.

Lorenzo advises his patients to take zinc and vitamin C as a way of preventing colds. But he admits that this is controversial some studies have shown that these supplements can improve immune function while other studies have cast doubt on the issue. The good news is that if you exercise regularly and at a moderate适量的level, you are most likely to improve your immune system and you re probably at a lower risk of developing coughs and colds. If you exercise too much, it can predispose使...偏向于 you to coughs, he points out. This is often the case for excellent athletes who train every day.


1. 文章话题:如何防止病毒感染

2. 文章结构:总 分


1感染病毒时,调整 训练




4. 可能用到的词汇和句型:

unwell, virus, adjust, because of, training,reduce, by half, stop, a fever, restart, symptoms, when it is... or whatever...,worse, cause death, That s because...,supplements, prevent,virus regular, moderate ,enhance


When you are unwell because of some virus, adjust your training.要点1 Reduce exercise by half when it is a cold. Stop completely when it is a fever or whatever and restart gradually when symptoms are gone.要点2 That s because exercising will worsen the illness or even cause death.要点3 Although some supplements may help to prevent viruses, it is regular and moderate exercise that can effectively enhance your health. 要点4

以上是为大家整理的高考英语作文:概要写作考试分析攻略,学会再提高几分!同学们还有其他学习上的问题,可拨打学而思爱智康课程免费咨询热线电话:4000 121 121 .有专业的老师为大家解答。



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