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求一篇赞美祖国的英语作文 或者提纲也行 要能说出祖国很伟大 是我们美丽的家园

2020-09-27 10:00:01

If you let me sing a song, I will sing "I love the motherland." If I draw paintings, I will paint "my country." If I make a poem, I will make a "praise of the motherland." Now, Im writing. I would like to sing the praises of the motherland, Praise her beauty. Jane because she has the Great Wall, Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin; Jervois because she is, the mother of Guilin; She has since Xishuangbanna, Xisha Islands. I would like to sing the praises of the motherland, Sing the praises of her strength. As we round the dream of space; Because we have a successful Olympic bid; Because we joined the WTO. I would like to sing the praises of the motherland, She praises the spirit of the fine. She breast feeding because of the Lei Feng, Trainin; She has been training since Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping; Because she brought Sima Qian, Xu Beihong. Ah, mother of the motherland! 10,000,000 river is being released into the atmosphere of your hair, The rolling green mountains is your blood, Dongting Lake water is that your bright eyes, Qinghai Tibet Plateau is the backbone of your tough, Beijing is your beating heart, Guilins landscape is the head of your jade, Plum, peony embellishment of the earth is your bodys clothes. I would like to turn into a poem, a painting, a song, Once and for all the praise you: My mother Peoples Republic of China. Chinese dragon, you take off in the 21st century is the star of the stage you!



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