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大学英语作文范文: 取消高校标签就能平等?

2020-09-27 11:10:01

Cancelling the Tags Can Make the Colleges be Equal? 取消高校标签就能平等?

In China, it has been admitted that the universities are in different level, the universities which are labeled with 985 are treated as the first level schools, the universities which are labeled with 211 are treated as the second level schools, the rest are in the third level. It is said that those tags will be cancelled so that all the colleges can be equal. In my opinion, it will work.在中国,人们承认大学水平是所差别的,那些标记着985的大学被认为是第一流的学校,标记有211的大学被认为是第二流的学校,剩下的就处在第三流。据说这些标签将要被取消,这样所有的大学就会处于平等。在我看来,那是行不通的。

The first and second level universities are thought to be Chinese good schools, every students dream to enter into these schools. Once they are the members of these schools, they will be treated as the successful students who study so well. What’s more, when the companies recruit, they will think about the students from 985 and 211 universities. Even the tags are cancelled, people still hold their idea about the university, the different levels are still existing. It is hard to change people’s thoughts, and the good universities still attract the excellent students to come. So it is impossible for the colleges to be equal.第一流和第二流的大学被认为是国内最好的大学,每个学生都梦想着能都进入到这些学校。一旦他们成为这些学校的一员,他们就会被认为是在学习方面成功的学生。而且,当公司招聘的时候,他们也会优先考虑985和211的学生。即使取消掉这些标签,人们仍然对大学有他们自己的看法,不同的水平依旧存在。人们的观念是很难改变的,好的大学仍然吸引着好的学生的到来。因此大学平等是不可能的。

Cancelling the tags can’t make the colleges in the equal situation, students can choose colleges according to their lever.取消标签并不能让大学处于平等的状态,学生可以根据他们的水平去选择大学。

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