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一篇英语作文 写一封信给你朋友如何学习英语

2020-09-27 11:25:02

Dear Lucy,I am so glad to hear from you and I am so sorry that I have been too busy to reply you these days. Ive heard that you are having trouble learning English, which makes you upset. Dont worry and never be upset. Here are some tips to learn English that could be useful to you. First of all, you should develop interest in English, since interest is the best teacher. And secondly, you should listen to other English speakers more, speak in English more, reding more English articles, and write more in English as well. The best expectation is that you can think in English one day. Last but not the least, you should try to enrich your vocabulary as much as possible, which will help you to express yourself better. English is not that hard to master. If you make a little forward day by day, you will make big progress eventually. So do not get upset. I trust you. Looking forward to your reply Li Ping



作文图片 生活 作文 抄一篇300字的作文 醒来作文600字初中 追梦 作文 我学会了骑自行车作文400字 初一英语作文范文15篇 关于元宵节的作文600字 我与书的故事作文500字 谁不说俺家乡美作文 妈妈的童年作文500字 难忘的春节作文300字 成长的滋味作文500字 特别的礼物作文600字 桥作文600字初二 读后感作文300字左右 语文六年级下册第一单元作文 三年级满分作文大全 这就是幸福作文600字 春节作文100字左右 春节作文450字左右 春节趣事作文500字 我最喜欢的电影英语作文 我又长大了一岁作文 路上的风景作文600字 关于成长的作文800字 初二作文辅导 元宵节猜灯谜作文 过春节作文400字 大扫除作文二年级