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2020-09-28 00:30:01

怎样 写好段落?? 段落的三个组成部分:?? 主题句 topic sentence?? 扩展句 development sentences?? 结论句 concluding sentencesample?? 1. Drug addiction is a growing problem among young people in many countriesnowadays. Surveys show an increasing number of teenage addicts. Addiction is often linked to poverty and unemployment. In their despair, youngsters are turning to the easy relief of drugs without realizing the damage they are doing to their bodies. The government must do something to combat this problem.篇章连接词语1。 用于 启 的过渡词语First, first of all, firstly, in the first place, at first?? 2. 用于 承 的过渡词语Second, secondly, in addition, moreover, what s more, for example,For instance, in other words, etc3。 用于 转 的过渡词语however, on the other hand, but, whereas, on the contrary, h nevertheless,yet4. 用于 合 的过渡词语Therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in a word, finally, at last, in short, in general, 段落展开方法1。排列(listingTraveling by bicycle has many advantages. First, . Second, .last ?? In China, bicycles are very popular and welcomed by almost everyone. The reasons are as follows: First , a bike is cheap, and most people can afford it. A bike costs from only about 200 yuan to 500 yuan. Second, riding a bike is a ood exerciseand it can helus to g , pkeep it. Third, bikes don t cause air pollution, so that people in a city will have a nice environment to live in. Finally , a bike doesn t need a large parking space. For these reasons, many people in China like a bike very much.see p 101?? These days e mail is very common, and is popular among almost all city dwellers. Its advantages are as follows. First, email is cheap: for example, if you send an e mail message to the United States it will cost you t i t only a few fens. Second , it is fast. An e mail message takes a few seconds to reach the person who it is intended for. Finally, e mail is convenient, you can send it out through your computer a...



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