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2020-09-28 06:05:01

* The mobile phone is playing a very important part in our daily life. The mobile phone is playing a very important part in our daily life. It is more and more widely used even among teenagers. Just as the old saying goes, every coin has two sides, so people have different opinions about teenagers using mobile phones at school. Some people are in favour of it while others are strongly against it. Reasons for it keep in touch with feel safe a useful tool, have fun and be cool Reasons against it disturb the lessons a waste of time and money vie with each other Reasons for it It’s convenient to teenagers to keep in touch with their parents and friends. They feel safe carrying a mobile phone wherever they go. To many teenagers, the mobile phone is not only a useful tool but also a way to have fun and be cool. Some people are in favour of teenagers using mobile phones at school. For one thing, it’s convenient to teenagers to keep in touch with their parents and friends. For another, they feel safe carrying a mobile phone wherever they go. What’s more, to many teenagers, the mobile phone is not only a useful too but also a way to have fun and be cool. Reasons against it Using mobile phones at school may disturb the lessons. It’s a waste of time and money for students to play games and send messages to each other using phones. It’s easy to cause students to vie with each other. Others are strongly against teenagers using mobile phones at school. On one hand, using mobile phones at school may disturb the lessons. On the other hand, it’s a waste of time and money for students to play games and send messages to each other using mobile phones. In addition, it’s easy to cause students to vie with each other. 关键句型(一)表达他人观点的句型 1. People have different opinions about… 2. Some people are in favour of … 3. Others are strongly against/object to… 4. They hold the view that… 5. They think/believe/argue… 关键句型(二) 阐述论据的句型 1. For one thing,… For another thing… 2. On one hand,…On the other hand,… 3. What’s more,… 4. Besides,… 5. In addition,.. 6. More importantly,… 7. Above all,… 8. Moreover,… 9. Also,… 10. Firstly,…Secondly,… thirdly,… As far as I am concerned, a mobile phone does us more harm than good, It’s understandable for us to follow the fashion, but we are still too young to control ourselves. As students, studies should come first. Personally, having a mobile phone makes us look nice in front of our friends. More importantly, It makes our life easier. *



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