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与幸福相关的东西 The Things Connect With Happiness

2020-09-28 23:30:01

The meaning of happiness differs to people. Some of them believe that fame and money is the greatest happiness, while others take the secure life as the most precious thing. We can’t make the decision which part is right, because the factors connect to happiness are various.幸福的含义因人而异,一些人认为名声和金钱是最大的幸福,而另一些人则视安稳的生活为最珍贵的东西。我们无法判定哪一方是正确的,因为与幸福有关的因素是多方面的。For some people who eager to make a great difference, they work so hard to realize their dreams. The successful persons enjoy the power. They are in charge of many employees. This feeling brings them the sense of pride. They enjoy being busy and negotiating with all kinds of businessmen.对一些想要有所作为的人来说,他们努力工作以实现梦想。成功的人享受着权力,他们管理许多员工,这种感觉给他们带来自豪感。他们喜欢忙碌、与各种各样的商人谈判。While for some people who take the family in the first place, they pay special attention to the family hour, so they give up some chances and are pleased to stay more hour with the families. Such as some young people choose to work in small city, so that they can have dinner with their families every day. The connection with relatives makes them feel the greatest joy.而对于把家庭放在第一位的人来说,他们注重家庭时光,所以他们放弃一些机会,很高兴与家人在一起多呆些时光。比如一些年轻人选择在小城市工作,这样他们就可以每天和家人共进晚餐。与亲人在一起总让他们感到最大的快乐。The different values decide the variety of happiness. We can find our place in the world and live the comfortable life.不同的价值观有着不同的幸福。我们都能在这个世界上找到自己的位置,过着舒适的生活。 查看全文



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