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My School我的学校英语作文

2020-09-29 00:35:01

时间:2010 06 09来源:英语作文网栏目:作者:英语作文 收藏: My School我的学校英语作文范文附带作文地带提供中文翻译,请您参考。我就读于一中。学校有3个年级,32个班,它并不大,但是很漂亮。

My School我的学校英语作文I study in the No. I middle , where there are three grades and thirty two classes. It is not big but very beautiful.In the center of the there is a new teaching building, which is very clean and beautiful. The lab building and the library are to the east of the new building. There all kinds of book in the library. You can enioy them as many as you like.South of the new building lies a playground and its very big. On the playground, you can have sports such as football. basketball. Youd better play basketball as there are four basketball grounds in our , You can enjoy yourself very much.There are many trees in our .Grass is everywhere. In front of the new building there are two gardens in which, there are flowers of all colours.We are studying hard in our , Our life is happy and intcrcsting. I love our very much.


我的学校我就读于一中。学校有3个年级,32个班,它并不大,但是很漂亮。校园中央是新建成的干净、美丽的教学大楼。实验楼和图书楼在新楼的东侧。图书馆有各种各样的书,你可以随意阅读。操场在新楼的南边,它很大,你可以在操场上做你喜欢的运动,如足球、篮球。你最好打篮球 因为学校共有四块篮球场地 你一定会玩得十分尽兴。更多信息请访问作文地带。学校种了许多树木,草坪随处可见。新楼的前面有两个花园;园里的鲜花五颜六色。我们学习刻苦,生活愉快而有趣。我爱我们的学校。



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