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求英语作文老师 我想对你说 II.GuidedWritingDirections:WriteanEnglishcomposition

2020-09-29 00:35:01

Teachers,I Want to Tell You!Dear teachers and fellow students,This is our last class meeting that we are holding before graduating.I am so happy and excited I have many many things to say to you,my dear teachers.But how can say out all these things and show my respect to you in such short time?Three years,which is 1080 days and nights, we have spent together!You taught us to be a useful person,cared for our study and life.It is you that have brought us happiness,laugh,and hopes.In the past three years,we told you about our trouble,sorrow or other boring things.But today ,I want to tell you,wherever we go,well always remember you,well keep our spirit,keep our style,and keep being a useful person for our country.

求英语作文老师 我想对你说 II.GuidedWritingDirections:WriteanEnglishcompositionin120~150wordsaccordingtotheinstructionsgivenbelowinChinese.你班将组织毕业前的最后一次主题班会 主题为“老师 我作业帮



水资源英语作文 写作文的好词好句开头 关于奶奶的作文600字 自信作文题目 小学六年级语文作文题目 库里作文素材 台阶作文600字 作文温暖400字 廉洁自律的作文 跌宕起伏的作文 初二上册语文第二单元作文 有人物描写的作文 介绍旅游景点英语作文 青春有信仰作文 四年级暑假作文350字 初中作文200字左右 以阅读为主题的作文 作文执着 赞美祖国的作文开头 辣的作文 我的母亲150字作文 四年级大扫除作文 怎么保持健康英语小作文 意志力的作文 为什么作文 参加架子鼓比赛作文 小狗自述作文 面对挫折作文450字 星空幻想作文 我错了作文400