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2020-09-29 01:00:01

School safety is the work of the whole social security a very important part.It is directly related to the young students can safely and healthy growth,related to the well being of millions of families peace and social stability.World Health Organization released a report in 1990,most countries in the world,accidental injuries are children and adolescents injured,disabled the main reason.In China,the majority of school age childrens accidental injury occurred on the way schools and school; in young people of different ages so,on 15 to 19 years the highest mortality rate of accidental injuries.Accident not only caused a large number of children in permanent disability and premature death,consumes enormous health care costs,and reduced national productivity.Not only for children and families suffering and misfortune,but to the community,government and schools due to the huge burden and loss.According to the survey,between 1999 to 2002,there were schools in Beijing compensation for the economic losses of the students were more than 360 casualties,Qi Zhong half of the schools in the difficulties encountered when dealing with incidents.Therefore,the campus safety has become a hot issue in the community.Protect every child,so that happened to them to reduce accidents to a minimum,has become an important primary and secondary education and management of content.

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  1. 2021-08-14 08:53拽神灬筱胖哥°[香港网友]IP:3406320330
  2. 2020-03-28 00:29恋晴[河南省网友]IP:1743779223


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