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2020-09-29 01:10:01

Character of My ParentsA good listener:As parents,they sometimes quick to judge my actions or choice of words,that they do not hear my cries for love,attention,or help.they listen to my feelings,reactions,and opinions.Try to understand my point of view.Look at me when they are talking to show that they are hearing my every word.A good example:They treat me as our equals and not as subordinates.The "do as I say and not as I do" mentality doesnt work.Teach me how to be responsible,caring,a hard worker,patient,etc by exhibiting those characteristics within themselves.Makes time for the family:Its true that many of parents have to work to provide family with the essentials.In doing so,my parents always remember that material things cannot substitute love and quality time from a parent.Get involved in my life.Respecting my interests,they do not down play me as mediocre.Share in some of the activities I enjoy.Become familiar with the current trends.Displays unconditional love:They love me no matter what.Never allow me to have a doubt in my minds of their love for me.At times I may disappoint them,anger them,or even disrespect them,but even during those times I know that they love me.Shower those imperfections with love.



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