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《手把手作文:初中生英语作文一本全》摘要 书评 试读

2020-09-29 01:20:01

Im Sorry, Little Girl Time cant let me forget that thing.When I think of it, I feel very sorry. It was two years ago.It was rather dark when I left school at night.“It seems to rain,”I thought,“I must go home quickly.” I rode my bike as fast as I could.Suddenly, I saw a little girl crossing the road. She looked worried and held a basket in her hand.My bike was nearer and nearer to her.I wanted to stop my bike, but it was too fast to be stopped. My bike hit the girl! She was hit so hard that she couldnt help crying. Her basket was lying on the road. What should I do?One sound told me,“You must send her to hospital!” Another sound told me,“Go away, dont ask for trouble ! ” I didnt know what to do. It was raining at that moment. At last, I decided,“Leave here ! ” I rode in the rain.But my heart couldnt be quiet.My conscience made me go back to that place. But when I got there, that girl was no longer there,leaving her basket alone. I stood there, and let the rain wash my face... Two years have already passed, but I cant forget that girl.I really want to say to her,“Im very sorry, little girl. “ 对不起,小姑娘 时间并不能使我忘记那件事。每当我想起它时,都非常惭愧。 那是两年前的一天,我晚上离开学校时,天很黑。”要下雨了,我得赶快回家。“我心里想。 我飞快地骑着自行车。突然,我看到一个小女孩正在横穿马路。她手里提着篮子,看样子很焦急。我的车离她越来越近,我来不及停车了。 我把小女孩撞倒了。她摔得很重,篮子甩在大路上,她忍不住哭了。 怎么办呢?一个声音说:“你快送她去医院!”另一个声音说:“走了算了,惹什么麻烦!” 我站在那里,不知所措。正在此时,天下雨了,我最终决定:“离开这儿!” 雨里,我骑着车子,心怎么也平静不下来,良心使我又往回走。 当我回到撞倒小女孩的地方时,小姑娘已经不在那里了,只有她的篮子留在那儿。我站在那里,任凭雨水冲洗着我的脸…… 两年已经过去了,我还是忘不掉那个小女孩,我真想当面对她说:“对不起,小姑娘。” ……



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