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父母的教育 Parents' Education

2020-09-29 01:35:01

Recently, the calling of Bear Kid is very popular. It means the children who make mistakes but they will not admit their mistakes. When people are criticizing the Bear Kid, the parents are condemned by the public first. As the saying that children are parents mirror, which means parents education is very important. It decides the childrens characters. When children are making mistakes, parents first reaction is to educate and correct the mistakes. The bad situation is that some terrible adults blame other people instead of educating their children. The parents will pay the bill someday for not offering the right education. I believe that most parents set the good examples for the young generation.最近,“熊孩子”的称号很流行,意思是犯了错误的孩子却不会承认自己的错误。当人们批评熊孩子时,父母首先受到了公众的谴责。俗话说,孩子是父母的镜子,这意味着父母的教育是非常重要的,它决定了孩子们的性格。当孩子犯错,父母的第一反应是教育和纠正错误。然而,部分做得不对的成年人会指责别人,而不是教育他们的孩子。父母总有一天会为没有为孩子进行正确的教育而付出代价。我相信,大多数父母都会给年轻一代树立良好的榜样。 查看全文



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