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2020-09-29 01:50:01

写作课Unit 3学习目标:1.通过师生、生生交流,能用比较级来描述人物外貌的异同;2.通过范文赏析,能归纳比较级句型的结构及好文章的标准;3.通过独立创作,能写出一篇80词左右比较人物特征的文章。Just for FunCompare these peopleThey aretwins.Lily istallerthanLucy.Lucy isshorterthanLily.5LucyLilyquietermoreoutgoingYao Ming istaller thanJordan.Pang Changjiang isshorter thanZeng Zhiwei.FreeTalkA+ be动词或实义动词+比较级+than +B.实施评价任务1先同伴说他们两个人物差异,再小组交流。(其中注意比较级的用法)3aWang Lingling and Liu Lili are best friends. Look at the chart below and compare them.Wang LinglingLiu Lilitalltalllong straight hairshort straight hairlikes readinglike sportspopularpopularoutgoingoutgoingseriousfunnyhard workingsmartExample:Wang Lingling’s best friend is Liu Lili.They are both tall,they both have straight hair, Lingling and Lili are both popular and outgoing.However, they are different.Lingling’s hair is longer. Lingling likes reading, but Lili likes sports.Lingling is more serious than Lili . She is more hard working than Lili, and Lili is funnier and smarter than Lingling.实施评价任务2论一论:小组认真观察范文并讨论好文章的标准,读出范文并会交流复述。根据表示,以“My Best Friend and I”为题写一篇短文,比较你俩的特征,至少10句话。提示:1.我的好友名叫琳达;2.在某些方面,我们看上去一样;在某些 方面,我们看起来不同;3.我们都有黑眼睛,黑头发;4.她比我高,比我文静,很认真;5.我外向一点,而且比她风趣;6.都喜欢读书。My Best Friend and IASSESSMENT(评价标准)Structure(结构)2分Is the articledivided into parts?Content(内容)5分Are allthe detailsstated?If not, add the missing details.Language(语言)6分Anymistakesspelling or grammar?If yes,correctthem.Anylinking words?If yes,circlethem.Anygood vocabulary or sentences?If yes,underlinethem.Handwriting2分Is it clean and tidy?组内交流组别:姓名:自评得分:互评得分:Mybest friend and I结构得分:内容得分:语言得分:卷面得分:What have we learnt today?Summary实施评价任务3独立创作。组内交流。展示评价。HomeworkCompare yourselfnowandtwo years ago.Are you tallerAre you smarter?Are you more popular?Are you more outgoing?Are you a better student?Compare yourselfnowandtwo years ago.Then write down.Two years ago. I was aprimaryschool student. I’m taller now.I work harder and I’m smarter than before . I was not popular in primary school. But now, I’m more popular in the middle school. Although I was not good at my schoolwork, I am a better student now. 学科网每份资料都启用了数字版权保护,仅限个人学习研究使用。任何分享、转载行为都会导致账号被封,情节严重者,追究法律责任!

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  1. 2020-09-17 19:59知123[澳门网友]IP:1744749694


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