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2020-09-29 02:40:01

P328年份 命题 体裁 简要内容 时态 2001 表格 书信说明 介绍减负前后变化 综合 2002 表格 议论 公园是否该收门票 现在 2003 书信说明介绍住房信息 现在 2004 提纲 书信说明 介绍才艺大赛 现在 将来 2005 表格 议论 动物园是否应该搬 现在2006 提纲 书信记叙 自我介绍 现在 2007 提纲 说明 介绍宾馆 现在 2008 提纲 书信说明 介绍如何学好中文 现在 2009 提纲 说明 介绍前门大街 现在 80120 2224 tellyou mylife. Before, we had many classes every day. homeworkafter school. verytired. Now canvisit museums. canlearn computer canread books watchTV. 10:00now. verypleased tellyou mylife since our homework has reduced. Before learningduring verysimple. Having class doinghomework onlything we should do. evening,we also had do.We could beduntil 11:30. Nevertheless, since reducing learningload, my life has become much more interesting. oftenvisit museums computerrooms drawpictures myspare time. alsohave time watchTV readnewspapers. longerstay up late; about10 pm. amquite satisfied mylife now. SentencesMaking SentencesCombining Drafting writingdown finalversion thoughtout goodidea. All goodidea occurred shouldtake learnEnglish well. tellyou. Wedon’t have enough money car.share youcan’t afford biggerthan Wealso have swimmingpool. opensall day. Compared bigger.We also have swimmingpool, which opens all day. more;besides; also; moreover; additionfurthermore however;yet; instead; otherhand; so;thus; therefore; whileafter before until later;afterwards lately; recently since from aboveall otherwords; saynamely example;like; fact;actually; tellyou truth10. short;all word11. Personally myopinion; From my point concerned;Jack student.Jack highschool student. Jack highschool student London.Jack highschool student studying London.Jack Jack highschool student studying privateschool London.Jack highschool student studying privateschool historyover 100 years London.destination, New York visitors.New York visitorswho come every year. New York visitorswho come every year busiestcities world.Located eastcoast UnitedStates, New York visitorswho come every year busiestcities splashwater here flowaround ground1.pass gopast makehim wet splashhim waterrun away without runaway, leaving turnoff angry1.write savewater putup comeback getback feelashamed



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