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2020-09-29 03:00:01

高中英语必修二全册课后练习题 库 (含答案) 和应试参考作文: 《国之重器》 ( 41 ) Unit1Culturalrelics SectionⅠ WarmingUp,Pre reading, Reading amp;Comprehending 课后篇巩固探究 一、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空 in search of belong to in return less than be worth without doubt by design at war 1.She sometimes does things just to make me angry. 答案:by design 2.China is a country developing country. 答案:belonging to 3.The police published information on the Internet the murderer. 答案:in search of 4.My wife bought me a gold watch on my birthday.I will give her a diamond ring on her birthday . 答案:in return 5.The meeting has been, ,one of the most useful meetings we have had so far. 答案:without doubt 6.I paid $50 for the MP4,but he thought it $5 at most. 答案:was worth 7.She looks very tall,but in fact,she is 1.65 metres. 答案:less than 8.In the 1930s,the two countries were and his father was fighting at the front. 答案:at war 二、同义句改写 1.He will pass the exam without doubt because he is always studying hard. he will pass the exam because he is always studying hard. 答案:There is no doubt that 2.It took a team of the country s artists about ten years to make it. A team of the country s artists about ten years it. 答案:spent;in making 3.I will have my house painted today. I will my house today. 答案:have someone paint 4.He is one member of the football club. He the football club. 答案:belongs to 5.The boy went into the kitchen to look for a drink. The boy went into the kitchen a drink. 答案:in search of 三、利用 Reading 部分的词汇,完成下列各题 1. A car accident happened yesterday. I saw it.Luckily all the people in the car 生还. 答案:survived 2.As soon as the cake is done, 移出来 it from the oven. 答案:remove 3. He has bought a new house. Yes.He is busy 装修 it. 答案:decorating 4.As far as I know,the designers who ...



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