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2020-09-29 03:05:01

八年级英语(上册)作文范文1.My Summer Vacation wonderfulsummer vacation last year. Last summer vacation myparents because goodplace vacation.First, we went beach.We played beach volleyball, swam pickedup beautiful shells 贝壳. wewent shoppingcenter buysome gifts ourfriends, didn’tbuy anything myselfbecause weretoo expensive. Finally, we put up tents搭起帐篷 sea.How interesting seawhile sleeping! relaxingsummer vacation. 2.MyLast Weekend beautifulday last Saturday. FenghuangMountain myclassmates. morning,we met schoolgate wewalked Fenghuangmountain. We talked sangalong seemedall treessang along us,too. o’clock,we arrived FenghuangSquare. We began playmany kinds games,some usplayed badminton, some usrode two seatbicycles, some usclimbed otherswent boating lake.What goodtime we had! When gothome verytired reallyhappy! 3.MyLifestyle 14 year oldmiddle school student. healthylifestyle. ofteneat fruit vegetables.Apples myfavorite. lovejunk food, too, onlyeat threetimes sleepless than seven hours every day. feelsleepy sometimes. playping pong after school. myfree time, enjoyreading books. oftengo myfriends. brushmy teeth thinkmy lifestyle goodenough. shouldn’teat too much junk food. balanceddiet sleepmore. shouldbrush my teeth twice betterlifestyle. 4.Howdo keephealthy? thinkhealth veryimportant ourlife, keephealthy? keephealthy, weshould have healthylifestyle. First, we should eat balanceddiet. We should eat ourhealth. Also, we should drink milk every day. weshould exercise twice threetimes week.Doing sports ourmind ourbody. Next, we should get enough sleep. leasteight hours’ sleep day.We shouldn’t stay up too late. We should go bedearly getup early. word,health veryimportant ourlife. 5.MyBest Friend mybest friend. someways we look someways we look different. We both have black eyes blackhair. Her hair longerthan mine. She moreoutgoing than me. We both like sports, sheplays tennis better, so she always wins. However, Linda often helps me bringout me.Now gettingbetter tennis.Also, Linda morehard morecareful than me, so she always get better grades than mybest friend, likeher very much. 6.Mywinter vacation plan Mywinter vacation dowhat wintervacation. Let me tell you something about my plan wintervacation. First, goodrest relaxmyself. readmore useful books because reading books canalso make me lotfrom alsocan open up my eyes world.Next, amgoing spendmore time myparents helpthem do some housework. workhard lookafter me well every day. trymy best helpthem. mywinter vacation plan. happyevery day wintervacation. can’twait. 7.MyDream Job growup, newspaperreporter. writearticles amgoing Beijingafter high school. Maybe savesome money. Next, TVstation travelaround mydream job. studyharder from now believemy dream cometrue one day. 8.MyLife TenYears tenyears, tenyears. mydream. dresssmart so lookbeautiful confident自信的. workhard. wonderfulpilot. readsome books. shorttrip savesome money so cantake longtrip myparents. Soyou see, mylife tenyears. makemy dream come true, studyharder muchbetter than moretall buildings bigapartment. Most havecars eachhome helpus do morefree time relax.Each family computer.We can do studentswon’t go canstudy word,our life muchmore beautiful future,don’ youthink so? money,I’ll buy bighouse myparents. morecomfortable life. plantmore trees mycity, because canmake our city more beautiful. canimprove our environment, too. helpthose poor children who can’t go school.I’ll veryhappy when seethem studying teacherwhen growup. teacher,I’ll try my best teachmy students well. I’llplay themafter class. helpthem. sureI’ll goodfriend goodteacher makefriends mystudents. alwayssmile secrets秘密 nothingdifficult youput your heart goodteacher. 常用句型:1,I’mpretty healthy./ 相当健康。/我有点不健康。 sleepnine hours every night. 我每晚睡九个小时的觉。 4,Myhealthy lifestyle helps me...我健康的生活方式帮助我...... 你的朋友Linda写信询问你的身体情况和生活习惯,请你以Ann 的名义给她写一封回信,介绍一下你的实际情况: DearLinda, yourlast letter. verywell now Whatabout your lifestyle? Please write mesoon. 你的生活习惯和饮食习惯健康吗?请以”Mylifestyle”为题写 一篇短文介绍你的生活习惯。词数要求在100 以上。 Mylifestyle Nowlet me tell you something about my lifestyle. ofteneat fruit vegetables.Apples myfavorites. lovejunk food, too, fourtimes sleepless than seven hours every day. feelsleepy playping pong after school. myspare time, enjoysurfing oftengo myfriends. brushmy teeth once thinkmy lifestyle goodenough. mustn’teat too much junk food balanceddiet sleepmore. shouldbrush my teeth twice betterlifestyle. 70个单词。 differentways. Fifteen students take buses because livefar from school.Ten students walk. onegoes bothhave long straight hair. they’reboth friendly outgoing.My mother likes singing myEnglish teacher likes them, too. differences,my mother myEnglish teacher short.My English teacher funnierthan my mother. loveher class very much. About hobby,my mother likes playing pingpong myEnglish teacher likes goswinning. goodfriend.Her name WangHua. She April,1988. threepeople herfamily. Her father hermother Englishteacher. She studies Chinese, math, English,music, history someother subjects school.She likes computer very much herfree time, she enjoys swimming, collecting stamps popularsongs. 根据信息完成下列短文,50词左右。 Name:Yao Ming Date playbasketball 1996:joins Shanghai basketball team1997: joins nationalbasketball team 2002:joins NBA Myfavorite basketball player YaoMing. He September12, 1980. He started playing basketball Hejoined Shanghai basketball team yearlater, he joined nationalbasketball team. He joined NBA becomingmore morefamous now. 新年计划要求:根据提示内容写一段60 词左右的短文,可适 当发挥。 Doyou have any plan yournext year? Can you say something about your New Year’s resolutions? How many resolutions do you have?Why yougoing dothem? How yougoing dothem? MyNew Year’s resolutions havethree resolutions mynext year. amgoing spendmore time studying English, because getgood grades. practicereading English every morning dosome English writing every evening. Next, amgoing takemore exercise. keepfit takewalks mymother after supper. Finally, amgoing makemore friends. So learnmore strong points from them. takepart someactivities meetmore people makefriends them.假如你叫Dave。今年寒假,你 和父母一起云澳大利亚呆一个月,但家里的小猫没人照料,现在 请你给你的朋友Tony 写一封e mail,请他帮忙。60 词左右。 Subject:Cat From: Dave amgoing myparents mywinter vacation. We plan month.twice day.Don’t forger cleanher bed every day you’dbetter give her bathtwice week.She lovelycat sureyou likeher. Write mesoon.Thanks, 1.假如你是林涛,去年夏天去北京度假,参观过许多地方。以My vacation 为题目,写一篇70 词左右的短文。内容包括:1, 游景点(theGreat Wall, PalaceMuseum, Tiananmen Square, Beijing hutong. 天气、活动。3,观点等。 Lastsummer, myfather. hot.First we visited GreatWall. GreatWall. longestwall nextday, we visited PalaceMuseum TiananmenSquare. We took many photos Wealso visited some other interesting places Beijing.We visited Beijing hutong, too. We had greattime 根据下面的八年级(1)班学生的活动调查表,用英语写一篇90 词左右的文章。 studentsactivity survey Ninetypercent studentsdo homework every day, only ten percent studentsdo homework once week.Eighty percent studentsuse Internetevery day. othertwenty percent studentsuse leastthree fourtimes week.Most students use resultsabout playing sports alsointeresting. Thirty percent studentsplay sports every day. Twenty percent studentsdo week.Fifty percent studentsdo fourtimes Oldhabits die hard. We should start exercising before toolate. lovemy mother myChinese teacher very much. someways someways bothhave long straight hair. they’reboth friendly outgoing.My mother likes singing myChinese teacher likes them, too. differences,my mother myChinese teacher short.My Chinese teacher funnierthan my mother. loveher class very much. About hobby,my mother likes playing ping pong while my Chinese teacher likes going swimming. 假如你是Jim,常到学校附近的三家商店购物,你对三家商店进行了对比,请用学过的比较级或最高级的句型描述三家商店 的不同。词数:60~80。 提示:Ham’sBargain Store: Jenny’sDepartment Store: mostfashionable clothes, bestservice, mostexpensive Carol’s Department Store: mostpopular store, mostexpensive, friendliestservice threestores near my school. threestores, likeJenny’s Department Store best. Because sellsvery good things. mostfashionable clothes. bestservice. However, people don’t often shop because mostexpensive. alsolike Carol’s Department Store. Because mostpopular store near my school. mostexpensive. friendliestservice. Ham’sBargain Store, don’tlike mostpopular. fact,lots 上个星期天你和几个好朋友游览了香港迪斯尼乐园。请根据以下提供的信息写一篇80 词左右的游记。 提示内容:1. 乘坐 公共汽车很早就到了迪斯尼乐园。 LastSunday my friends visitedHong Kong Disneyland. We got amusementperk, we felt excited. amusementpark verybig. wesaw Disney characters like Mickey Mouse DonaldDuck everywhere. weremany visitors from all over Disneycharacters played games atelunch us.Some visitors kept saying Disneycharacters were great. Hearing felteven prouder cartooncharacters WaltDisney made. 请以“Mydream job”为题,写一篇80 词左右的短文,介绍自 己对未来理想职业的打算。 dream,my dream Englishteacher. likeEnglish, likemy Englishteacher very much, so Englishteacher lovemy job, loveeach mystudents. teachmy students very well, tellthem many interesting stories teachthem learnbeautiful English songs. achievemy dream, shouldstart from now shouldlearn hard, onlyEnglish, alsoother subjects. goodeducation. Next, shouldlearn how getalong well otherpeople, especially children. learnmy teachers teaching methods hopemy dream cometrue.



人与人之间的沟通作文 初中你好作文500字 描写春天的作文二年级 最美的馈赠作文 写作文我的学校 作文帮 初三的感受作文 那次考试作文 垃圾分类作文800 写梁山的作文 人与他人作文素材 崇洋媚外作文 三年级作文我想变成什么 为善良的人点赞作文 小学三年级作文最难忘的一件事 建议类英语作文模板 优美作文句子 我的一次探索作文600字 求人不如求己的作文 有时我也想作文600字 作文这件事让我感动 关于春天的小标题作文 开学第一课视频作文 钓螃蟹作文 善意的提醒作文 老人摔倒扶不扶的作文 致运动员作文 那声音在我耳边回响作文600字 以静为话题的作文800字 啦啦操表演作文