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2020-09-29 04:00:01

Approaches to English Learning英语学习方法According to a report,there are more than 300 million Chinese studying English,more than the total populations of the United States.However,the Chinese should try hard to improve the overall standard of English.Here are the common approaches to improve English learning.据报道,有三亿中国人学习英语,超过了美国的总人口数.但是,中国人应该提高整体的英语水平.以下是提高英语学习的一些常见的方法.Firtstly,interest and perseverance.English learning is a long and arduous process,and only the interest can make you adhere to learn.For a beginner,at least half hour for studying is necessary and,the moring and evening is the best time to learn.首先,兴趣和毅力.学习英语是一个长期的、费力的过程.所以只有兴趣能使你坚持学习.对于初学者,至少半个小时的学习是必须的,早上和晚上是最好的学习时间.Secondly,reading original English articles and listening to English materials which correspond to the English proficiency,which is the best way to learn the authentic English and can help you to think in English way.第二,阅读和听一些与水平相符的英语原著和听英语材料是真正学习英语的方法,还可以帮助你从英语的角度思考.Thirdly,brave enough to speak English.The English of many Chinese is “Dumb English” because they can listen,read and write all but speak.Many of them do not speak English on account of face.Mistakes make them embarrassed.第三,用于说英语.对于很多中国人来说,英语就是“哑巴英语”,因为他们能听,读,写却不能说.许多人基于面子的问题不说英语.错误会使他们感到尴尬.Last but not the least,practice.Practice makes perfect.Adhering to practice listening,speaking,reading and writing to cultivate a good sense of the phrase which makes English learning to achieve a multiplier effect.最后一点也是最重要的一点,练习.熟能生巧.坚持练习听说读写来培养一个好的措辞语感,这能够让学习英语事半功倍.To sum up,if one wants to learn English well,he or she should be interested in learning English and be remorseless and brave.总之,如果一个人想学好英语,他或她应该对学习英语感兴趣并且要坚持不懈和勇敢.



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