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写个英语作文 要求在里面.假设你是LiMing 目前在英国参加Homestay夏令营 住在Mrs.W

2020-09-29 04:35:01

Dear Miss wangr: I am Li hua ,I want to tell you about my situlation of learning about English . To begin with, I felt difficult about English when I start to learn English in senior,I thinked it was too difficult to learn , I even lost the confidence , but I know the importance of English ,so I sticked to learning even though it was very difficult to me . I studied very hard because I think diligence redeems stupidity, whats more I not only discussed with my teachers and classmates when I met problems , but also learn the ways of the learning English from them. Now ,I have made much progress in English ,and I am more and more insterested in English.I am very satisfied with the achevement ,I will study more and more hard in order to learn English more well. yous Li hua 楼主 绝对原创,还热乎呐.....望采纳希望对你能有所帮助。

写个英语作文 要求在里面.假设你是LiMing 目前在英国参加Homestay夏令营 住在Mrs.William家.用英语描述你的房东.要点如下:外貌特征自己发挥和蔼友善 与你相处融洽.经常照顾你的日常生活



争做好少年作文 生活需要微笑作文 什么使我快乐作文 保护地球的英语作文 什么让我着迷作文 mytrip作文 成长作文500字初中 看电影作文400字 哥哥打屁股作文 学打羽毛球作文 含泪的微笑作文 埋下一颗种子作文 最熟悉的陌生人作文 课间10分钟作文 厦门植物园作文 把握当下作文 香港迪士尼作文 中秋有感作文 辞旧迎新的作文 什么温暖了我作文 成长需要挫折作文 生活需要勇气作文 我渴望成功作文 描写汤圆的作文 我眼中的色彩作文 写妈妈的作文600字 三年级写景作文300字 坚持的作文400字 快乐的春游作文 初一优秀作文500字