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2020-09-29 04:50:01

Everyone has the responsibility of our responsibilities is to do their own work for their own class to make its due contribution. Phenomena are noisy all the time in class, everyone so, I believe this class group of classes where the wind will not be good to go.

Class, some students are foul mouthed, not at his class honor, let alone contribute to the class. What is more, not only do not learn, but also disturb others. With such people learn to live in has been, how would their moral character be improved? Remember those red nearly lost the company he keeps the truth!

Maybe they will say that the increase in themselves the responsibility is too heavy, their uncivilized phenomenon only occurs only occasionally, swearing they export only their own feelings of anger, catharsis, perhaps ... ... but their responsibilities, especially a mans responsibility is to should not have any of the conditions is that they must perform.

One of our responsibility to life, people have done, but also to do a competent, able to fulfill their responsibility to students? We have many responsibilities, such as not stole, do not waste, and so on. These students can not do, how to go for the community, the class to contribute to it?

Yes, life among the many responsibilities, and we each had to perform my son.

Responsibility, for each people, are not new, because of the responsibility, we each of us will work hard; have the responsibility, the state can continue to grow and develop; because of the responsibility, society can progress. Yes, the responsibilities of a country, a nations development. Therefore, great responsibility.

Is the responsibility of parents to develop their own talent adult woman. Training because their parents, we were able to grow up healthy and happy; because of parental responsibilities, we can almost happy music every day to school, get down to go home and rest. Therefore, great responsibility.

Is the responsibility of the school we have an ambition to learn, the teachers responsibility is to impart knowledge to us. As the saying goes, "Spring Silkworms to death silk square to make the candle dry ash tears start." This means that the teachers how much for the sacrifices we have made. It is because of the responsibility that we can every day, access to new knowledge; because of the responsibility, we can build for the road to the future on a bridge.

The responsibility of ordinary farmers what is it? Their responsibility is to cultivate the crops growing well. Them back into the air every day of labor toward the loess, they never had any complaints. When various food mature, hanging in their faces the sweat and smile, because of the responsibility, we can eat every day, white rice and bread. Because the responsibility, we can have a healthy body, work hard for their future. Therefore, great responsibility.

Everyone has a responsibility, and is the responsibility of our students learn in the future be able to offer a source of strength for the country. Even a modest line also ah! As long as we all pay a little bit, it will also be gathered into a powerful force. Now, we have to do is only to study diligently, to pave the way their own way after. Only then will we be worthy of struggling to raise our parents, our teachers was worthy of all the efforts made, there is the food produced by farmers hard. Therefore, great responsibility!

To strive, to the title of this responsibility, we should also learn hard, because people paid too much for us, we only use their own action to return them. So, I give thanks to our responsibility to use their responsibility to us!

Yes, I always bearing in mind these words: responsibility, no matter of what people.




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