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英语作文请根据调查报告写一篇短文 谈谈班上同学是用什么方式上学的以及你所喜欢的上

2020-10-12 11:15:02



How do the students in my class go to school?After completing a survey on all the fifty students,we have achieved the following results.Twenty students go to school by bus and ten by car.Fifteen students go to school by bike and five on foot.Most of the students going to school by car are from wealthy families that either own or have at least a car at home.However the reason for those going to school by bike and on foot is not totally because their families are poor.Oppsitly several students from very rich families still chose to go to school by bike or on foot because they want to keep fit and healthy.I believe going to school by bike or on foot is better because doing so you dont have to worry about overweight.by ztlthb

英语作文请根据调查报告写一篇短文 谈谈班上同学是用什么方式上学的以及你所喜欢的上学方式 并简要说明理由.不少于60词Ho



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