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2020-10-12 12:40:02

Doyou have soccerball? 写作课 1.通过图片展示,能用have /has来表达自己 或他人所拥有的体育用品; 2.通过范文赏析,总结掌握重点句型; 3.通过独立创作,能写出一篇50词左右的作文 学习目标: What sports collections do you have? tennis racket ping pong ball basketball volleyball soccer ball ping pong bat tennis Memory challenge Writing Write more questions about sports equipment? Doyou have soccerball? don’t.Do you have baseballbat? Doyou have volleyball?Do you have ping pongbat? 3aWriting Exchange books partner.Answer his herquestions Doyou have don’t.Do you have Doyou have Doyou have 3b范文赏析 范文(一)I don’t have soccerball. Tom has baseball.He doesn’t have baseballbat. Lucy has basketball.She doesn’t have volleyball.范文(二)Hello, everyone! My name don’thave soccerball. My brother Tom has hedoesn’t have baseballbat. My father has volleyball.My mother has two ping pong balls. We all like sports very much! Writing Discuss writedown your sentences. Discussion Sentences: 1.Do you have Yes,Ido./No,I don’t. 2.Does he/she have a…?Yes,he/she does. /No,he/she doesn’t. 3.I don’t have 4.He/Shehas he/shedoesn’t have ASSESSMENT(评价标准)Structure (结构)2分 articledivided parts?Content (内容)5分 detailsstated? missingdetails. Language (语言)6分 Any mistakes spelling yes,correct them. Any linking words? yes,circle them. Any good vocabulary yes,underline them. Handwriting tidy?Write yourselves独立创作 Write yourselves独立创作 Judge groups组内互评 Judge groups组内互评 Show time 展示交流 Show time 展示交流 介绍一下你和你的朋友Jim所拥有的体育用品 注意:词数50左右; likesports very much.I have ASSESSMENT(评价标准)Structure (结构)2分 articledivided parts?Content (内容)5分 detailsstated? missingdetails. Language (语言)6分 Any mistakes spelling yes,correct them. Any linking words? yes,circle them. Any good vocabulary yes,underline them. Handwriting tidy?组别: 姓名: 自评得分: 互评得分: likesports very much.I have 结构得分:内容得分: 语言得分: 卷面得分: Yours, 1.Idon’t have 2.He/Shehas he/shedoesn’t have friendindeed.



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