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2020-10-12 15:45:02

2014 年外研社八年级英语下作文考点预测1、 林丹是中国最著名的运动员之一。 下面是他的档案, 请你根据其档案提供的内容以 “My Favourite Sportsman”为题写一篇短文。 林丹档案 年龄 外貌 性格 爱好 其他 30 岁 高约 1.8 米,有一头黑头发,看上去很强壮和很友好。 经常微笑,很有礼貌。 看小说,看电影。 1.五岁时,开始对羽毛球感兴趣。 2.1995 年参军。 1. 3.到目前为止,在很多比赛中获得了不少的奖项。 写作要求:1.必须利用所给出的文字信息表述。2.使用正确的时态。 3.词数 70 个左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数内。 参考词汇: 羽毛球 badminton 军队 army 到目前为止 so far My Favourite Sportsman Lin Dan is one of the best known Chinese sportsmen. He is 30 years old. He is about 1.8 meters tall and he has black hair. He looks very strong and friendly. He often smiles and he is very polite. He likes reading novels and watching films when he is free. He began to show his interest in badminton at the age of 5. In 1995, he joined the army. So far, he has won many prizes in many competitions. 2、假若你是健康专家李教授,你被邀请到一所中学给学生作一场健康方面的讲座,请根 据以下内容写一篇发言稿。字数 80 个左右。 饮食 锻炼 生活习惯 少吃垃圾食品,多吃健康食品如水果和蔬菜 最好有自己喜欢的运动,每星期锻炼 2 3 次;尽量步行来代替乘车 保持足够睡眠;睡前可听音乐,不要玩电脑游戏或看电视 每天保持心情轻松十分重要Hi, everyone, today I want to talk about how to keep healthy. I hope my advice will help you. You should eat less fast food and eat more healthy food, like fruit and vegetables. It’s better to have your favourite sport and do exercise twice or three times a week. Don’t take a bus if you can go there on foot. I also advise you to have enough sleep. You can listen to music before you go to bed. But don’t play computer games or watch TV. It’s important to be happy every day. If you can follow my advice, I am sure you can be in good health. Thanks for listening. 3、每个人的爱好都有所不同,你的爱好又是什么呢?请你根据以下写作要点,写一篇文 章介绍你的爱好,并列举一下这些爱好给你带来的好处。1 写作要点: 我的爱好 1. 8 岁那年开始喜欢听音乐; 音乐 2. 父亲送了一台收音机作为我的 10 岁生日礼物;我在完成作业后 能欣赏收音机里播放的音乐。 运动 好处 1. 打篮球是我最喜爱的运动; 2. 至今已在校篮球队效力 4 年了。 听音乐和做运动使我放松,??自拟一项。写作要求:1. 文中需包括所有写作要点,但不要逐字翻译,可适当加入过渡语句,使短文 通顺、连贯。2. 文中不能出现考生的真实姓名和学校名称。 3. 词数 80 个左右,短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇: 至今 so far Different people have different hobbies, such as reading and so on. But my hobby is listening to music and doing sports. I became interested in music when I was 8 years old. My father bought me a radio as my 10th birthday gift. So I could enjoy great music on the radio after I finished my homework. As well as listening to music, I enjoy doing sports. Basketball is my favourite. So far, I’ve played for the school basketball team for 4 years. I think music and sports make me feel relaxing and they can bring me a lot of fun. 4、假设你叫李华,你的英国朋友 Sally 准备暑假来你所居住的城市旅游,她想了解一下当 地的旅游胜地。请你根据表格中的信息向她介绍黄金海滩 (Golden Beach)的情况, 写一封词数为 90 个词左右的邮件。邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数内。 黄金海滩(Golden Beach) 位置 特点 活动 费用 公用设施 交通条件 位于城市西部,离我家 10 公里远 全国最好的海滩之一,放松的好地方,沙细,水净 游泳,沙滩排球 免费 洗手间,更衣室,商店,餐厅 有多路公交车到达,随时乘坐出租车 更衣室 dressing room 方便的 convenient参考词汇: (沙)细的 fineDear Sally, I’m glad to hear that you’ll travel to my city. Now let me tell you about one of the places of interest here-the Golden Beach. It’s in the west of city, about 10 kilometres away from my home. It’s a good place for relaxing yourself because it’s one of the best beaches in our country. The sand there is fine and the water is clean. You can do lots of activities them, such as swimming and playing beach volleyball. What’s more, you can enjoy all of there for free. You2 can find washrooms, dressing rooms, shops and restaurants everywhere, so it’s very convenient. If you are interested in it, many buses can take you there. You can also take a taxi at any time. I hope you will have a good time there. Yours, Li Hua 5、朋友是人生中的一大财富,请你根据以下的写作要点写一篇短文,介绍你最好的朋友 Sally,同时分享一下你们维护彼此间友谊的心得。词数 80 个左右,短文的开头已给出, 不计入总词数内。 1. 外貌:一双大眼睛,长长的头发,和我一样高; 关于 Sally 2. 性格:待人友好,脸上经常带着微笑; 3. 兴趣爱好:喜欢唱歌跳舞(和我一样)。 维护友谊的 心得 1. 每天一起骑自行车上学, 周末一起到图书馆看书; 2. 下课后经常一起聊天,分享快乐和烦恼; 3. 对彼此诚实,······自拟一项Sally is my best friends. We met at a party 10 years ago. Sally is a beautiful girl with two big eyes and long hair. She is as tall as me. She’s always friendly to others and wears a big smile on her face. Both of us like singing and dancing. Every day we go to school by bike together. At the weekend, we go to the library to do some reading. We often talk with each other after class and share our happiness and worries. We are always honest to each other and help each other when we are in trouble. I hope our friendship will last forever! Friendship Friendship is very important for us. We want to have a long friendship; we need to do the following. First, I think we should always help each other. I have some good friends at school, they always help me. For example, my math is very bad, because of their help, I can get good grades. Second, Do not say lie , I think we should be honest each other. we should be kind each other Third, we should share things with each other . In my eyes, a true friendship likes a bridge ,connects our heart. It makes us feel warm and happy. My plan for summer holiday The summer holiday is coming . I have some plans. First, I will go over all my subjects, such as English, Chinese and math. second, I will do some exercise, I will go swimming and go3 running with my friends . Do exercise to keep us healthy. Third, I will travel to Beijing with my parents. We will stay in Beijing for a week. We will visit The Great Wall and the Summer Palace. Finally, I will buy my favorite books and some lovely gifts. I believe I will have a happy summer holiday. Module5 作文 请你写一片以 My favourite cartoon heroes 为题的作文,内容包括: 1. 你喜欢的卡通人物有哪些。2 他们的外貌性格爱好等 3、你喜欢的理由 My favourite cartoon heroes Many children like cartoons .Cartoons are my friend,I also like them very much . My favourite cartoon heroes are Tintin and the Monkey King, Tintin is a little boy, he has been popular for over eighty years. Tintin has red hair and a small dog. He works for a newspaper and has lots of exciting experiences around the world. Tintin’s stories are very funny, many Chinese like him. The Monkey King is the hero of a story called Havor in Heaven. He is brave,clever and humorous. It always makes parents and children laugh together and we expect to see more Monkey King cartoons. I like them best and I can learn a lot from them. Module6 作文 写一篇有关你自己的爱好的文章。 例文 1 I have many hobbies, such as reading, watching TV and playing basketball. But playing basketball is my favorite hobby. Playing basketball is very interesting. Many people like to play it. It can make me healthy and strong. I often play it after class in my school. I often play it with my classmates. When I play basketball, I feel very relaxing. I can forget all the problems. I also like watching NBA on TV . My favourite basketball player is Yao Ming. I want to be a famous basketball star like him when I grow up. 例文 2 Everyone has hobbies. My hobby is collecting stamps. I collect all kinds of stamps, especially Chinese stamps. I started collecting stamps when I was in my primary school. I enjoy collecting stamps because I can learn many things from these stamps. I hope I can collect more and more stamps, I plan to write to many pen friends, so I can collect foreign stamps from letters.4



我的语文老师作文 我的未来职业规划作文 四年级关于科技的作文 作文身边的人 窗外作文200字 环境描写的作文开头 学艺的作文 三年级作文珊瑚 作文优秀范文 童年作文开头和结尾 初中生托物言志作文 爱的作文 七年级下册的英语作文 我的朋友作文五年级 2019年高考作文题 这一年作文600字 以那截树枝为话题的作文 关于校园的作文150字 我的理想作文600字初中 家为话题的作文 亲情无价作文600字 什么让我什么作文 为爱点赞作文600字 有关禁毒的作文400字 我眼中的秋天作文500字 友善的作文500字 家规家训作文 光盘行动作文800字 大自然的音乐会作文 选择信念作文400字