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2020-10-12 17:30:01

啦()精心整理为大家整理了 关于暑假生活英语作文带翻译 望给大家带来帮助!更多英语作文大全,英语作文万能句子,高中英语作文,初中英语作文,英语作文范文,高考英语作文,请关注并收藏英语作文啦!

When the autumn is coming, have school begins in a twinkling of an eye. And then I was the second day of the students, to remember the summer vacation, every day of the rich and colorful, also a lot of harvest.

I am receiving the happy, because happiness always around you. This summer vacation I went to beidaihe. We pick up shells on the seashore, catch small fish, a lot of fun. I m swimming in the sea, feel the vast waters in our country. Algae around on my feet, as if to tell me the secrets of the sea, the dove nest sunrise rises at the seaside, red light waves on the sea of spectacular, like a beautiful picture waves hit the rocks, aroused waves. Also the mystery of the sea, beautiful shells, lively little fish are happy I witness. Don t be sad after the harvest let I meet with difficulties in future but to use the smile to face.

Gain the knowledge, as the saying goes: the book has its own gold room has its own treasure to book. But I learned a lot from ancient building on the knowledge of history. Beijing is the ancient capital is the place where Chinese and foreign people and friendly exchanges. Yuanmingyuan documents the British and French troops did damage to China, let us never forget The Times of China defeated the hateful things. Now our country rich and strong, is no longer a Michael Jackson of the sick man of east Asia at that time, but the future is our motherland s successor. The imperial palace to us showing the life of the ancient emperor, the rising five star red flag in tiananmen square represents a promotion prospect of our country. The Great Wall is the ancient, of tens of millions of people s blood and sweat built at that time, foreign invasion, in order to resist invasion, our ancestors with a piece of a large and heavy stones, build long the Great Wall. These ancient buildings are telling what happened in ancient times, let me travel in the ocean of history.

I benefit a lot from the summer harvest, let me understand more about the knowledge of life. A new attitude, I will take a big step in the study.




收获了知识,俗话说: 书中自有黄金屋书中自有颜如玉。 而我却从古建筑中学到了不少关于历史的知识。北京是古都是中外人民友好往来的地方。圆明园记载了英法联军对中国所做的破坏,让我们永记这个中国落败的时代,这件可恨的事情。如今我们的祖国富强起来了,不再是当时任人宰割的东亚病夫,而我们就是祖国未来的接班人。故宫向我们展现着古代帝王的生活,天安门广场上冉冉升起的五星红旗代表着我们祖国步步高升的前景。长城是古代千万人民用血和汗水筑起的,当时外族侵犯,为了抵御侵犯,我们的祖先用一块一块又重又大的石头,筑起长长的长城。这些古建筑都在讲述着古时候发生的事情,让我傲游在历史的海洋中。




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