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高考作文技巧:联系自己及现实 融入社会实在妙

2020-10-13 03:55:01

Accor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements , units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i nsiste d party of mas s line, do ma sses w ork, foll owing mai n from four a as pe cts tol d: a, a nd full awarene ss party of mass line educati on practice activities of major mea ning Partys 18 major disti nct pr opose d to focus on the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity, i n the party, with "prag matic a nd clea n for the people" as the main conte nt of the partys mass li ne a nd e ducational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Ji npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher e to strictly a dministeri ng the party, strengthe n the partys major de cisi on i s in li ne wit h the public expectations a nd strengthe ning t he constructi on of learni ng oriente d service i nnovation of Marxist partys major de ployment, i s the important meas ure to adva nce t he great ca use of s ocia lism with Chi nese characteri stics . First, carry out the partys mass li ne i n education pra ctice, wa s carryi ng 18 of the party spir it, summon a powerful force for realizing t he great re j uvenation of the Chi nese nation the Chinese dre am of urgent ne eds . Partys 18 t o promote strategic de ployme nt to buildi ng so ciali sm with Chine se characteristi cs, prese nts two 10 0 year g oal, namel y, by 2 020 China s gross domesti c pr oduct and per capita i ncome of ur ban a nd rural re side nts in 2 0 10 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildi ng of a well off society; the mi ddle of this century i nto a pr os perous, democrati c, civi lized a nd harmoni ous Socialist modern country, a nd on t his ba sis, the Chines e dream of realizi ng the great rej uvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Ji npi ng repeate dly expounded t he Chine se dream. T he ba sic connotation of the Chines e dream, is t he national prosperit y, nati onal revitalizati on, t he ha ppi nes s of the pe opl e, China important to foll ow is to kee p China Roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on stre ngth of China , dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determi ned confidence, e nha nce s elf aware ness, a chi eve self relia nce, to bui ld a stronger Chi na, civi lization, harm ony, bea uty, China , Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of China wa s 18 the spirit of the e nrichment a nd development of the party, conscie ntiously st udy the Chi nese dream, leadi ng pe ople t o hard t o realize the Chi nese dream, mass e ducation a ctivities i n depth t he fundamental starti ng point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the partys mas s line , hel ps to train t he collective consci ousne ss of the unity of the party and the people, playi ng the Chine se dream i deol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Zedong stress ed that parties s hould have "com mon lang uage" socialist countries must have "unity of will". History ha s技巧三 联系自己及现实 融入社会实在妙好文章一定要与自己的生活联系起来,一定要与现实生活联系起来。 当年发生了什么大事,要想尽办法,把它融入到文章中。 高考作文离不开两个话题,一是社会,一是人生。所以, “社会”话题涉及哪些?怎么 去联系呢? 社会是什么?是社会现象,是假冒伪劣,是尔虞我诈,是钢筋混凝土隔绝了邻里亲情。 社会需要关心、呵护、交流、合作,也需要理解、沟通、支持与协同。 社会永远也不会“风平浪静” ,社会永远也不会令人们都满意,但人们应相信,社会将 会越来越好。 ●技巧阐发 一、内涵的理解 这一技巧包含两方面的内容: 一是与自己的生活联系。 自己的生活是最熟悉的, 你是喜欢音乐还是美术?是喜欢读书 还是喜欢足球?你对家乡、对社会、对人生、对父母有什么看法?有什么认识与感悟?都可 以谈出来。 二是把现实社会融入到作文中去。面对社会大舞台、大变革,面对环保与居住环境,面 对市场经济,面对腐败现象,面对很多的社会矛盾,你怎么看,怎么想,也可以借助作文话 题说出来。 二、书信的自我情结 书信,只是一种形式,是人与人交流的一种渠道,特别是在考场上,写给的对象根本看 不到,只能给阅卷老师看。但作为书信,由于它的特殊性,人们还是很愿意看的。 原因是这样的: 1.它是一种真心的交流。书信来不得虚假,就事论事,或叙述情节,或阐明看法,或抒 情描写,是一个人对另一个人或某一对象的胸襟坦露,是不存杂念的,所以人们一般很看 重这一点。 2.它是用另一种方式来抒发情感的。事情如果直白地去说,往往达不到目的;用书信则 可以尽情地用书面语言去感染人、 打动人, 甚或教育人。 它一方面是将自己的情感倾诉出来, 一方面又关照对方、理解对方、尊重对方,所以它是一种好形式。 3.书信的形式自由、活泼、不呆板。这几年来,高考优秀作文中,书信占有一席之地, 并有不少佳作获满分,由此可见其妙处之所在。 因此,我力荐同学们可以试一试这种方式。下面介绍几篇近几年来,用书信这种形式写 高考作文的成功范例。 2000 年京、皖春季高考作文题目是“世纪随想” “世纪感悟” ,有一位考生用了书信体, 获得了成功。 世纪随想 “小龙女” : 好久没这么亲切地称呼过你了。 上次你来信时提到了我们以前在一起的日子。 还记得初夏时节我们共赏那 “满架蔷薇一 院香” ;夏令营时我们低吟“床前明月光” ;放学回家的路上我们高唱那刚学会的“白日放歌 须纵酒,青春作伴好还乡” 。然时光流逝,我们这“新一代”也终究是跨过世纪的门槛了。 我以前一直没想过关于“世纪之交”这个话题,但这次你既然问到了,我就说一下我的一点 看法吧。 可以说过去的一百年是科技飞速发展的一百年。 科技进步带来的各种发现和发明使人类proved t hat a people and a nation, if it does not have it s ow n s piritual pilla r, ther e is no unity of s piritua l support, it m eans that no soul, will l ose cohesi on a nd vitality. Fig uratively s peaking , a sa ck of potatoes , quantity ca nnot be too a team, form a joi nt force; only like granite, so cl osely United to form invincible , no difficult means of strength. Nati onal r ejuve nation of Chine se dream, not only embodies t he common interests a nd pur suits, and covers a variety of groups and cla sse s, ha s a wi de applicability a nd i ncl usive , with a strong integrating force and lea d the for ce. She embodie s the aspirations of several ge nerations of Chine se, refle cting today ... Into sex and purity, and the i nevitabl e requirement of constantly impr oving t he partys governi ng ca pacity. Stre ngtheni ng the constr uction of t he adva nce d nat ure and purity, t he core problem is always maintaini ng the partys fle sh a nd bl ood ties with the masse s, s o that our party will alway s be t he most wholehearted s upport of the mass es. 完 体 立 畅 流 然 自 部 都 看 侧 、 正 从 论 无 后 得 使 琢 细 优 度 弧 。 致 于 属 只 且 您 合 适 最 出 计 设 确 精 , 数 金 黄 等 例 比 的 官 五 及 以 型 脸 据 根 是 术 容 美 雕 面 Must take the fundame ntal interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e as the party all the starting point a nd ending point, t he party has alway s bee n a common fate with t he mas ses, thi s is t he magic wea pon for our party to al ways maintai n the a dvanced nature a nd purity. Stre ngthe ni ng the con structi on of partys adva nce d nat ure and purity and enhancing t he partys r uling a bility w ill event ually be im plemente d to realize , safeguar d and devel op t he fundamental i nterests of the overw helming maj ority of the people. Al l the w ork merits thi s is a mea s ure of the partys fundame ntal standards, i s a meas ure of the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity standards . Be lieve who, depe ndi ng on who, w ho, sta ndi ng on the positi on of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople ar e always, alway s realize, safeguard a nd develop the fundamental intere sts of the overw helming maj ority of the pe ople , it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of j udg eme nt, is al so sig n of Marxist party is different from other politica l parties . Marxist political party ha s a clear politi cal positi on a nd histori cal missi on: for the i nterests of the vast majority of people, committed to the fundamental interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e. From the day of the e stablis hment of the Chine se Communist Par ty, always a dhere t o bas ic pri nci ples of histori cal materialism, for t he interest s of the most pe ople a s their g oal, always serving a s its fundamental pur pose and value s. Fully tr ust the mas ses, closely rely on the mas ses mai ntain fles h a nd bl ood ties wit h the mas ses is always the source of our party full of vigor and vitality, is always the m ost determi ned i n the development of our party and our countr y. Cons cienti ously accept s upe rvision by t he masse s, pay attenti on to l isten to t he mass es as sessme nt, whi ch it self was the partys a dvanced nat ure and purity into practi cal acti on t o re alize the fundame ntal interests of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe opl e . At prese nt, the party committees a nd leading ca dres a nd the Gover nment generally value the close relations wit h the mas ses, do a lot of pr oductive w ork, but there are still some Accor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements , units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i nsiste d party of mas s line, do ma sses w ork, foll owing mai n from four a as pe cts tol d: a, a nd full awarene ss party of mass line educati on practice activities of major mea ning Party s 18 major disti nct pr opose d to focus on the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity, i n the party, with "pragmatic a nd clea n for the people" as the main conte nt of the partys mass li ne a nd e ducational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Ji npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher e to strictly a dministeri ng the party, strengthe n the partys major de cisi on i s in li ne wit h the public expecta tions a nd strengthe ning t he constructi on of learni ng oriente d service i nnovation of Marxist partys major de ployment, i s the important meas ure to adva nce t he great ca use of s ocia lism with Chi nese characteri stics . First, carry out the partys mass li ne i n education pra ctice, wa s carryi ng 18 of the party spir it, summon a powerful force for realizing t he great rej uvenation of the Chi nese nation the Chinese dre am of urgent ne eds . Partys 18 t o promote strategic de ployme nt to buildi ng sociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs, prese nts two 10 0 year g oal, namel y, by 2 020 China s gross domesti c pr oduct and per capita i ncome of ur ban a nd rural re side nts in 2 0 10 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildi ng of a well off society; the mi ddle of this century i nto a pr os perous, democrati c, civi lized a nd harmoni ous Socialist modern country, a nd on t his ba sis, the Chines e dream of realizi ng the great rej uvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Ji npi ng repeate dly expounded t he Chine se dream. T he ba sic connotation of the Chines e dream, is t he national prosperit y, nati onal revitalizati on, t he ha ppi nes s of the pe opl e, China important to foll ow is to kee p China Roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on stre ngth of China , dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determi ned confidence, e nha nce s elf aware ness, a chi eve self relia nce, to bui ld a stronger Chi na, civi lization, harm ony, bea uty, China , Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of China wa s 18 the spirit of the e nrichment a nd development of the party, conscie ntiously st udy the Chi nese dream, leadi ng pe ople t o hard t o realize the Chi nese dream, mass e ducation a ctivities i n depth t he fundamental starti ng point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the partys mas s line , hel ps to train t he collective consci ousne ss of the unity of the party and the people, playi ng the Chine se dream i deol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Zedong stress ed that parties s hould have "com mon lang uage" socialist countries must have "unity of will". History ha s逐渐强大起来,这其中举世瞩目的成就自是不言而喻,但在这成就背后呢?进步的同时是不 是也在失去些什么呢? 人说“碧天银月,亘古如斯” ,果真“如斯”吗?自从登月计划实施成功以来,月亮的面 纱便完全被揭开了,它已不再是人类的神话。试问:现在的人还有几个有雅兴去讲“嫦娥奔 月”?“举杯邀明月,对影成三人”的浪漫还会有吗?“青天有月来几时,我今停杯一问之” 的天真还会有吗?“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”的美好祝愿还会有吗?这其间,把酒问月的诗 人又有几人?科技的发展带来的是曾经美好梦想的破灭,琼楼玉宇、天宫瑶圃顷刻间化为乌 有,这不能不给我们带来几分失落。 环境是 20 世纪的一大难题。由于现代人的贪婪与功利,许多物种正笼罩在灭绝的阴影 中,据估计,现在世界已有 5 万到 6 万种植物挣扎在灭绝的边缘。 “绿树村边合”的景色恐 怕只有在古代才能看到,现在的人是否该好好反省一下呢?只怕到时连一片可供静坐思考的 树荫也找不到了。 新世纪的我们,面对祖辈留给我们的这些,该怎么做呢?我想我们心中都应有自己的目 标,有属于自己的一座“山” 。 孔子需要一座泰山,让他发现天下之小; 李白需要一座敬亭山,让他在飞鸟去尽之际有“相看两不厌”的对象; 辛稼轩需要一座妩媚的青山,让他感到自己与山相像“情与貌”…… 我们所需要的“山”就是新世纪中更美好的生存与发展空间。 还记得以前读过的那句古诗吗? “笼中剪羽, 仰看百鸟之翔; 侧畔沉舟, 坐阅千帆之过” , 岁月的百鸟一只只地飞过, 生命的航船也渐渐远去, 但也还有许多从不知名的角落里飞航过 来。还要按照父辈们既定的航线走下去吗?我想我是不会的,我要有自己的航向,你呢? 小玫 2000.1.1 点评:时代的进步,科技的飞跃,也打破了人们的梦、幻景、想象,当然更重要的还是 希望。 为什么发展总是以牺牲环境作代价?为何发展总是以牺牲人们心中的美作代价?我们想 到了“双刃剑” ,但愿这双刃剑少刺痛我们的心,生我养我的土地、家园,少刺痛我们的希 望。 2000 年全国高考作文《答案是丰富多彩的》 ,也有不少考生用了书信体,山东省阅卷组 推出的第一篇满分作文,便是书信。 活 着 娘: 您身体还好吗?家中的一切还顺利吗? 儿子今天终于走进了神圣的考场, 带着激动与兴奋。 儿子当初走出村庄踏上了进城的汽 车,城里的男孩子个个英俊潇洒,女孩子更是妩媚漂亮。我一身带着草味的衣衫,还有那蹩 脚的普通话和娘纳的“千层底”无一不在昭示着我与黄土地的缘分。 时光荏苒,岁月如梭。娘,我一直在寻找着一个答案。当表哥骑着崭新的摩托车劝我经 商时,我在想这个答案;当望着您双鬓的白发时,我在想这个答案;当看到父亲佝偻的腰身 时,我还在想这个答案。活着——您究竟能给我多少答案呢? 人生或灿然如菊,或寂寞一生,其实都是一种绽放。正如温室中的盆花永远经受不住狂 风暴雨的考验一样,真正的英雄是绝不会甘于安逸享乐、平庸无味的生活的。娘,哥说活着 就是要有钱,有了钱就有了幸福的生活。我不否认哥的这种人生观,然而,活着的真谛绝非 金钱这一个含义。答案是非常丰富的,对我来说无悔的追求就是这其中的一个答案。 当我踏着“千层底”走进教室时,一双双眼睛中充满了高傲的神气。娘,儿子宁愿留着 清汤挂面式的头发,儿子有自己的追求,别人的目光怎能改变我的方向。世界中千变万化的proved t hat a people and a nation, if it does not have it s ow n s piritual pilla r, ther e is no unity of s piritua l support, it m eans that no soul, will l ose cohesi on a nd vitality. Fig uratively s peaking , a sa ck of potatoes , quantity ca nnot be too a team, form a joi nt force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible , no difficult means of strength. Nati onal r ejuve nation of Chine se dream, not only embodies t he common interests a nd pur suits, and covers a variety of groups and cla sse s, ha s a wi de applicability a nd i ncl usive , with a strong integrating force and lea d the for ce. She embodie s the aspirations of several ge nerations of Chine se, refle cting today ... Into sex and purity, and the i nevitabl e requirement of constantly impr oving t he partys governi ng ca pacity. Stre ngtheni ng the constr uction of t he adva nce d nat ure and purity, t he core problem is always maintaini ng the partys fle sh a nd bl ood ties with the masse s, s o that our party will alway s be t he most wholehearted s upport of the mass es. 完 体 立 畅 流 然 自 部 都 看 侧 、 正 从 论 无 后 得 使 琢 细 优 度 弧 。 致 于 属 只 且 您 合 适 最 出 计 设 确 精 , 数 金 黄 等 例 比 的 官 五 及 以 型 脸 据 根 是 术 容 美 雕 面 Must take the fundame ntal interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e as the party all the starting point a nd ending point, t he party has alway s bee n a common fate with t he mas ses, thi s is t he magic wea pon for our party to al ways maintai n the a dvanced nature a nd purity. Stre ngthe ni ng the constructi on of partys adva nce d nat ure and purity and enhancing t he partys r uling a bility w ill event ually be im plemente d to realize , safeguar d and devel op t he fundamental i nterests of the overw helming maj ority of the people. Al l the w ork merits thi s is a meas ure of the partys fundame ntal standards, i s a meas ure of the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity standards . Be lieve who, depe ndi ng on who, w ho, sta ndi ng on the positi on of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople ar e always, alway s realize, safeguard a nd develop the fundamental intere sts of the overw helming maj ority of the pe ople , it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of j udgeme nt, is al so sig n of Marxist party is different from other politica l parties . Marxist political party ha s a clear politi cal positi on a nd histori cal missi on: for the i nterests of the vast majority of people, committed to the fundamental interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e. From the day of the e stablis hment of the Chine se Communist Par ty, always a dhere t o bas ic pri nci ples of histori cal materialism, for t he interest s of the most pe ople a s their g oal, always serving a s its fundamental pur pose and value s. Fully tr ust the mas ses, closely rely on the mas ses mai ntain fles h a nd bl ood ties wit h the mas ses is always the source of our party full of vigor and vitality, is always the m ost determi ned i n the development of our party and our countr y. Cons cienti ously accept s upe rvision by t he masse s, pay attenti on to l isten to t he mass es as sessme nt, whi ch it self was the party s a dvanced nat ure and purity into practi cal acti on t o re alize the fundame ntal interests of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople . At prese nt, the party committees a nd leading ca dres a nd the Gover nment generally value the close relations wit h the mas ses, do a lot of pr oductive w ork, but there are still some Accor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements , units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i nsiste d party of mas s line, do ma sses w ork, foll owing mai n from four a as pe cts tol d: a, a nd full awarene ss party of mass line educati on practice activities of major mea ning Partys 18 major disti nct pr opose d to focus on the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity, i n the party, with "pragmatic a nd clea n for the people" as the main conte nt of the partys mass li ne a nd e ducational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Ji npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher e to strictly a dministeri ng the party, strengthe n the partys major de cisi on i s in li ne wit h the public expectations a nd strengthe ning t he constructi on of learni ng oriente d service i nnovation of Marxist partys major de ployment, i s the important meas ure to adva nce t he great ca use of s ocia lism with Chi nese characteri stics . First, carry out th e partys mass li ne i n education pra ctice, wa s carryi ng 18 of the party spir it, summon a powerful force for realizing t he gre at rej uvenation of the Chi nese nation the Chinese dre am of urgent ne eds . Partys 18 t o promote strategic de ployme nt to buildi ng sociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs, prese nts two 10 0 year g oal, namel y, by 2 020 China s gross domesti c pr oduct and per capita i ncome of ur ban a nd rural re side nts in 2 0 10 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildi ng of a well off society; the mi ddle of this century i nto a pr os perous, democrati c, civi lized a nd harmoni ous Socialist modern country, a nd on t his ba sis, the Chines e dream of realizi ng the great rej uvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Ji npi ng repeate dly expoun ded t he Chine se dream. T he ba sic connotation of the Chines e dream, is t he national prosperit y, nati onal revitalizati on, t he ha ppi nes s of the pe opl e, China important to foll ow is to kee p China Roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on stre ngth of China , dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determi ned confidence, e nha nce s elf aware ness, a chi eve self relia nce, to bui ld a stronger Chi na, civi lization, harm ony, bea uty, China , Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of China wa s 18 the spirit of the e nrichment a nd development of the party, conscie ntiously st udy the Chi nese dream, leadi ng pe ople t o hard t o realize the Chi nese dream, mass e ducation a ctivities i n depth t he fundamental starti ng point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the partys mas s line , hel ps to train t he collective consci ousne ss of the unity of the party and the people, playi ng the Chine se dream i deol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Zedong stress ed that parties s hould have "com mon lang uage" socialist countries must have "unity of will". Hi story ha s事物, 从不同的角度看有不同的答案。 村中的同龄人说我傻, 说我上学既交学费又不能挣钱, 还不如打工、经商过得潇洒。但是,从我的人生观的角度出发,我认为我选择了一条正确的 路,我的人生观就是追求。 从不同的角度看会得到不同的答案。他们从钱的角度看,我是在浪费钱,我是在浪费青 春。我从知识、从修养的角度看,我是在珍惜青春,我是在努力追求。所以说,从不同的角 度看同一件事, 得到的答案是不同的。 曾记得在暑假, 我叩响了一扇扇门想挣些钱来交学费。 在接触的这些人中,他们的性格迥异,有人说我:好小子,有志气,人穷志坚啊!而有些人 却讥笑道:穷小子,还想考大学!娘,可见不同的人,有着不同的认识。 娘,每当儿子受到欺侮时,儿子就想起您烈日下播种的身影,父亲扶犁时佝偻着的腰,还有 那负荷前行的老牛。每当这时,我就想儿子与父亲绝不是简单的生命延续,儿子有自己的方向。 娘,尽管对于“活着”二字,每个人都有不同的答案,他们从不同的角度出发得到的结 论也不相同,而儿子却有自己的答案。 祝身体健康! 儿:××× 7月7日 点评:这篇作文用了对比的方式,来写答案是丰富多彩的;一者是自己走的路,人穷志 坚;一者是有人为了钱,笑我傻瓜。母亲是支持我的精神支柱。信是载体,是线索,是有机 的组织者。 2000 年北京也有一篇书信体的优秀作文获得了满分,值得我们好好读一读。 答案是丰富的,生活是多彩的 亲爱的弟弟: 你好! 来信已收到。前信中你提到,升入初中以后,感觉思维一下子丰富起来,正如一堂数学 课下来, 大家对一道例题竟前前后后想出了十几种解法, 聪明的你对此真是兴奋不已。 弟弟, 我要告诉你的是,这是再正常不过的事了,要知道,正因为答案是丰富的,生活才是多彩的呀! 俗话说的好, “公说公有理,婆说婆有理” ,对一件事正因为人们看问题的角度、对问题 的理解、解决问题的方法不同,才会有讨论,才会有切磋,才会有知识的丰富。还记得吗, 棋界以棋风华丽奔放著称的藤泽秀行看不起小林光一的棋,认为它太难看,太功利,而小林 光一却说: “能赢的棋就是好棋。 ”两名棋手对“棋风”的理解就有如此大的差异,若把每个 人的观点都加进来,那岂不是更丰富多彩了?对“先有鸡,先有蛋”这么个简单的问题尚且 至今争论不休, 若想把人们对某一作品、 某一人物的认识都严格化一岂不是一件荒谬的事吗? 所以说,生活、社会的多元化正是千千万万个答案编织构造成的,而答案的不同正是引领认 识向纵深发展的导航器。 正如你所知道的,爱迪生对于“夜晚是什么样的”这个问题做出了一个不寻常的回答— —“夜晚是可以到处明亮的” ;爱因斯坦对“时间是什么”这个问题做出了“相对的”这样 的回答;对于美术,梵高与徐悲鸿的理解不同;对于音乐,柴科夫斯基与肖邦的认识有异。 瞧,难道人类社会不是由这些多样的不同所促进的吗?难道现在的人们不正是从这些多样的 不同中获得知识、陶冶情操的吗? 亲爱的弟弟,世上没有两片完全一样的树叶,每个人都会有自己独特的答案。我真为你 发现了答案是丰富的而高兴,也为你能够全心投入到对不同答案的讨论中去而骄傲。 勇敢地亮出你的观点, 你就为这五彩的大千世界又添上了新奇的一笔, 你就在知识大道 前行的过程中又迈进了一步! 衷心祝福你! 你的姐姐 ××proved t hat a people and a nation, if it does not have it s ow n s piritual pilla r, ther e is no unity of s piritua l support, it m eans that no soul, will l ose cohesi on a nd vitality. Fig uratively s peaking , a sa ck of potatoes , quantity ca nnot be too a team, form a joi nt force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible , no difficult means of strength. Nati onal r ejuve nation of Chine se dream, not only embodies t he common interests a nd pur suits, and covers a variety of groups and cla sse s, ha s a wi de applicability a nd i ncl usive , with a strong integrating force and lea d the for ce. She embodie s the aspirations of sever al ge nerations of Chine se, refle cting today ... Into sex and purity, and the i nevitabl e requirement of constantly impr oving t he partys governi ng ca pacity. Stre ngtheni ng the constr uction of t he adva nce d nat ure and purity, t he core problem is always maintai ni ng the partys fle sh a nd bl ood ties with the masse s, s o that our party will alway s be t he most wholehearted s upport of the mass es. 完 体 立 畅 流 然 自 部 都 看 侧 、 正 从 论 无 后 得 使 琢 细 优 度 弧 。 致 于 属 只 且 您 合 适 最 出 计 设 确 精 , 数 金 黄 等 例 比 的 官 五 及 以 型 脸 据 根 是 术 容 美 雕 面 Must take the fundame ntal interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e as the party all the starting point a nd ending point, t he party has alway s bee n a common fate with t he mas ses, thi s is t he magic wea pon for our party to al ways maintai n the a dvanced nature a nd purity. Stre ngthe ni ng the constructi on of partys adva nce d nat ure and purity and enhancing t he partys r uling a bility w ill event ually be im plemente d to realize , safeguar d and devel op t he fundamental i nterests of the overw helming m aj ority of the people. Al l the w ork merits thi s is a meas ure of the partys fundame ntal standards, i s a meas ure of the partys adv a nce d nat ure and purity standards . Be lieve who, depe ndi ng on who, w ho, sta ndi ng on the positi on of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople ar e always, alway s realize, safeguard a nd develop the fundamental intere sts of the overw helming maj ority of the pe ople , it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of j udgeme nt, is al so sig n of Marxist party is different from other politica l parties . Marxist political party ha s a clear politi cal positi on a nd histori cal missi on: for the i nterests of the vast majority of people, committed to the fundamental interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e. From the day of the e stablis hment of the Chine se Communist Par ty, always a dhere t o bas ic pri nci ples of histori cal materialism, for t he interest s of the most pe ople a s their g oal, always serving a s its fundamental pur pose and value s. Fully tr ust the mas ses, closely rely on the mas ses mai ntain fles h a nd bl ood ties wit h the mas ses is always the source of our party full of vigor and vitality, is always the m ost determi ned i n the development of our party and our countr y. Cons cienti ously accept s upe rvision by t he masse s, pay attenti on to l isten to t he mass es as sessme nt, whi ch it self was the partys a dvanced nat ure and purity into practi cal acti on t o re alize the fundame ntal i nterests of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople . At prese nt, the party committees a nd leading ca dres a nd the Gover nment generally value the close relations wit h the mas ses, do a lot of pr oductive w ork, but there are still some Accor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements , units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i nsiste d party of mas s line, do ma sses w ork, foll owing mai n from four a as pe cts tol d: a, a nd full awarene ss party of mass line educati on practice activities of major mea ning Party s 18 major disti nct pr opose d to focus on the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity, i n the party, with "pragmatic a nd clea n for the people" as the main conte nt of the partys mass li ne a nd e ducational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Ji npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher e to strictly a dministeri ng the party, strengthe n the partys major de cisi on i s in li ne wit h the public expecta tions a nd strengthe ning t he constructi on of learni ng oriente d service i nnovation of Marxist partys major de ployment, i s the important meas ure to adva nce t he great ca use of s ocia lism with Chi nese characteri stics . First, carry out the partys mass li ne i n education pra ctice, wa s carryi ng 18 of the party spir it, summon a powerful force for realizing t he great rej uvenation of the Chi nese nation the Chinese dre am of urgent ne eds . Partys 18 t o promote strategic de ployme nt to buildi ng sociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs, prese nts two 10 0 year g oal, namel y, by 2 020 China s gross domesti c pr oduct and per capita i ncome of ur ban a nd rural re side nts in 2 0 10 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildi ng of a well off society; the mi ddle of this century i nto a pr os perous, democrati c, civi lized a nd harmoni ous Socialist modern country, a nd on t his ba sis, the Chines e dream of realizi ng the great rej uvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Ji npi ng repeate dly expounded t he Chine se dream. T he ba sic connotation of the Chines e dream, is t he national prosperit y, nati onal revitalizati on, t he ha ppi nes s of the pe opl e, China important to foll ow is to kee p China Roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on stre ngth of China , dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determi ned confidence, e nha nce s elf aware ness, a chi eve self relia nce, to bui ld a stronger Chi na, civi lization, harm ony, bea uty, China , Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of China wa s 18 the spirit of the e nrichment a nd development of the party, conscie ntiously st udy the Chi nese dream, leadi ng pe ople t o hard t o realize the Chi nese dream, mass e ducation a ctivities i n depth t he fundamental starti ng point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the partys mas s line , hel ps to train t he collective consci ousne ss of the unity of the party and the people, playi ng the Chine se dream i deol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Zedong stress ed that parties s hould have "com mon lang uage" socialist countries must have "unity of will". History ha s七月七日 点评: 在北京阅卷点的五万多份作文答卷中, 这篇以书信体为表现形式的文章确实给人 们以耳目一新的感觉。 首先,第二人称的运用,没有刻板的说辞,代之以面对面的倾心交流, “我要告诉你的 是……” “还记得吗,棋界以棋风华丽奔放著称的……” “正如你所知道的……”等等,这些 书信体独有的叙述方式,语重心长,娓娓道来,有教诲、有启发,有鼓励,如春风拂面,让 人颇感亲切自然。 其次,文章有条理,由浅入深,结构清晰严谨。文章先由令弟弟“兴奋不已”的疑问引 出答案是丰富多彩的,之后进一步诠释,指出“正因为人们看问题的角度、对问题的理解、 解决问题的方法不同,才会有讨论,才会有切磋,才会有知识的丰富” ,文章主题并没有停 留于斯, 而是通过一系列实例将主题引领到了 “难道人类社会不是由这些多样的不同所促进 的吗” ,使得文章更具深刻性。文章由浅入深地展开,叙议结合的特点,不但符合书信的行 文节奏,同时使得文章结构清晰严谨,从中可见作者思考的周密。 再次,文章材料充实,句式多变,语言流畅,表现出了作者丰富的积累和良好的驾驭文 字的能力。文章的材料涉及对围棋、科技、美术、音乐等内容的讨论,这些材料作者信手拈 来,运用自如,毫无堆砌之感,通篇充满了启发的意味和循循善诱的耐心。此外,文章并非 完全平铺直叙,时而排比,时而反问,充满跳跃感,引人思考,启人心智,有较强的感染力。 本文再次证明,充实的内容与恰当的形式的高度统一,是一篇文章成功的保证。 由此可见, “书信情结”是历届高考优秀作文成功的秘诀之一,值得一试。 2001 年山东省高中毕业会考的作文题是《理想中的我》 ,此题有十分广泛的写作空间。 而通过我们阅卷发现,还是有不少考生写了书信体,并且也不乏上乘之作,下面选录一篇, 以飨读者。 理想中的我 亲爱的妈妈: 你好!在这深夜人未眠之时,请打开信笺听儿轻轻诉说。 现在我已读高三了,明年我就要为自己的一生做一次重要的抉择——大学该选怎样的。 我还是那种心愿,报考农业大学。 妈,理想中的我是农大的一名学生,是为中国千千万万的老百姓着想的农学家。您也许 还会问我为何选择农业,现在我就来告诉您,其实理由很多很多…… 当我看到丰收后老乡脸上那永恒的笑容时, 我的心飞向了田野; 当我看到电视中非洲饥 饿的儿童眼神中的那份期待时,我的眼也会不由地模糊一片;当我在梦中拥抱新成果时,躺 在床上的我留下了一串爽朗的笑声…… 妈,也许你认为理想中的我仅仅是人生大舞台上的一名不起眼的配角,但那又怎样呢? 台上的温馨气氛是主角的功劳,台上的五彩缤纷更是众多配角的努力换来的。 不必担心我会耐不住等待成绩的寂寞, 更不用担心我要在农大路上出现的失落, 我不会 惧怕。理想中的我不是培育在温室中经不起风吹雨打的娇弱花朵,理想中的我会把自卑、失 落像蛛丝一样轻轻抹去。 妈,对儿少几分担忧,多几丝信任吧。现在的我在为理想而不断追求,理想中的我依然 会不断地努力,争取把自己的角色演“绝” 。想成为风景必须有迷人的风彩,想成为英雄必 须有惊人的壮举,相信儿吧,相信儿一定会有所作为的。 妈,相信儿的选择不会错的。为现在的我,也为理想中的我祝福吧! 今夜做个好梦! 儿:×× 点评:此作写来轻松自如,如潺潺流水,文字不是那样跌宕起伏,却也纵横多姿,给人proved t hat a people and a nation, if it does not have it s ow n s piritual pilla r, ther e is no unity of s piritua l support, it m eans that no soul, will l ose cohesi on a nd vitality. Fig uratively s peaking , a sa ck of potatoes , quantity ca nnot be too a team, form a joi nt force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible , no difficult means of strength. Nati onal r ejuve nation of Chine se dream, not only embodies t he common interests a nd pur suits, and covers a variety of groups and cla sse s, ha s a wi de applicability a nd i ncl usive , with a strong integrating force and lea d the for ce. She embodie s the aspirations of several ge nerations of Chine se, refle cting today ... Into sex and purity, and the i nevitabl e requirement of constantly impr oving t he partys governi ng ca pacity. Stre ngtheni ng the constr uction of t he adva nce d nat ure and purity, t he core problem is always maintaini ng the partys fle sh a nd bl ood ties with the masse s, s o that our party will alway s be t he most wholehearted s upport of the mass es. 完 体 立 畅 流 然 自 部 都 看 侧 、 正 从 论 无 后 得 使 琢 细 优 度 弧 。 致 于 属 只 且 您 合 适 最 出 计 设 确 精 , 数 金 黄 等 例 比 的 官 五 及 以 型 脸 据 根 是 术 容 美 雕 面 Must take the fundame ntal interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e as the party all the starting point a nd ending point, t he party has alway s bee n a common fate with t he mas ses, thi s is t he magic wea pon for our party to al ways maintai n the a dvanced nature a nd purity. Stre ngthe ni ng the constructi on of partys adva nce d nat ure and purity and enhancing t he partys r uling a bility w ill event ually be im plemente d to realize , safeguar d and devel op t he fundamental i nterests of the overw helming maj ority of the people. Al l the w ork merits thi s is a meas ure of the partys fundame ntal standards, i s a meas ure of the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity standards . Be lieve who, depe ndi ng on who, w ho, sta ndi ng on the positi on of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople ar e always, alway s realize, safeguard a nd develop the fundamental intere sts of the overw helming maj ority of the pe ople , it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of j udgeme nt, is al so sig n of Marxist party is different from other politica l parties . Marxist political party ha s a clear politi cal positi on a nd histori cal missi on: for the i nterests of the vast majority of people, committed to the fundamental interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e. From the day of the e stablis hment of the Chine se Communist Par ty, always a dhere t o bas ic pri nci ples of histori cal materialism, for t he interest s of the most pe ople a s their g oal, always serving a s its fundamental pur pose and value s. Fully tr ust the mas ses, closely rely on the mas ses mai ntain fles h a nd bl ood ties wit h the mas ses is always the source of our party full of vigor and vitality, is always the m ost determi ned i n the development of our party and our countr y. Cons cienti ously accept s upe rvision by t he masse s, pay attenti on to l isten to t he mass es as sessme nt, whi ch it self was the party s a dvanced nat ure and purity into practi cal acti on t o re alize the fundame ntal interests of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople . At prese nt, the party committees a nd leading ca dres a nd the Gover nment generally value the close relations wit h the mas ses, do a lot of pr oductive w ork, but there are still some Accor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements , units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i nsiste d party of mas s line, do ma sses w ork, foll owing mai n from four a as pe cts tol d: a, a nd full awarene ss party of mass line educati on practice activities of major mea ning Partys 18 major disti nct pr opose d to focus on the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity, i n the party, with "pragmatic a nd clea n for the people" as the main conte nt of the partys mass li ne a nd e ducational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Ji npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher e to strictly a dministeri ng the party, strengthe n the partys major de cisi on i s in li ne wit h the public expectations a nd strengthe ning t he constructi on of learni ng oriente d service i nnovation of Marxist partys major de ployment, i s the important meas ure to adva nce t he great ca use of s ocia lism with Chi nese characteri stics . First, carry out th e partys mass li ne i n education pra ctice, wa s carryi ng 18 of the party spir it, summon a powerful force for realizing t he gre at rej uvenation of the Chi nese nation the Chinese dre am of urgent ne eds . Partys 18 t o promote strategic de ployme nt to buildi ng sociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs, prese nts two 10 0 year g oal, namel y, by 2 020 China s gross domesti c pr oduct and per capita i ncome of ur ban a nd rural re side nts in 2 0 10 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildi ng of a well off society; the mi ddle of this century i nto a pr os perous, democrati c, civi lized a nd harmoni ous Socialist modern country, a nd on t his ba sis, the Chines e dream of realizi ng the great rej uvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Ji npi ng repeate dly expoun ded t he Chine se dream. T he ba sic connotation of the Chines e dream, is t he national prosperit y, nati onal revitalizati on, t he ha ppi nes s of the pe opl e, China important to foll ow is to kee p China Roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on stre ngth of China , dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determi ned confidence, e nha nce s elf aware ness, a chi eve self relia nce, to bui ld a stronger Chi na, civi lization, harm ony, bea uty, China , Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of China wa s 18 the spirit of the e nrichment a nd development of the party, conscie ntiously st udy the Chi nese dream, leadi ng pe ople t o hard t o realize the Chi nese dream, mass e ducation a ctivities i n depth t he fundamental starti ng point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the partys mas s line , hel ps to train t he collective consci ousne ss of the unity of the party and the people, playi ng the Chine se dream i deol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Zedong stress ed that parties s hould have "com mon lang uage" socialist countries must have "unity of will". Hi story ha s以亲切、妥帖之感。 三、写熟悉的情感——母爱 母爱是人世间永恒的话题,是千古绵亘的情感载体。在写作中有不少人写母亲,有的写 继母的爱怜,有的写母亲的坚强,有的写母亲对儿女的影响。 高考作文中也不乏写母爱的,也有很多成功的范例。 这是 1999 年《假如记忆可以移植》的一篇佳作。 我和妈妈换记忆 “叮铃铃” ,我和妈妈双双被推进了手术室。发生什么事了?没什么。放暑假了,爸爸外 出旅游,家里的活儿基本上全得由妈妈来干。妈妈老说我懒,只知道看电视,我不服气,于 是我们达成一协议:交换记忆十天,让我自己来体验当妈妈到底辛不辛苦。 一小时后,手术圆满成功:现在我是“妈妈” ,妈妈是“女儿”了,真是太奇妙了!我兴 奋得差点睡不着。第二天一早,我本该睡懒觉的,可妈妈的记忆涌进我的脑袋:早晨要洗衣 服,拖地,买菜……事情真多呀!我只能睁开惺忪的睡眼,硬把自己从床上拖起来。洗漱完 毕,就开始一样一样地把家务活干完。等我买了菜回来, “妈妈”才刚刚起床,早餐也不吃 就打开了电视机。唉,真没办法! 洗完衣服,一看时间还早,我也上楼看了一会儿电视。可正看到精彩之处,又到了做午 饭的时间。 “妈妈”直催我: “快去做午饭呀,我饿坏了!”谁叫你不吃早餐呢?无奈,还是“温 饱问题”比较重要,我只好下楼做饭。不一会儿,饭做好了,可是刚才喊饿的“妈妈”却是 三请四邀不下来吃饭。好不容易下来了,嘴里还咕哝: “人家正看到好看的时候呢!”好像刚 才喊饿的是我一样。 吃过午饭,我终于可以睡个午觉了。可是, “妈妈”毫无倦意,继续在电视机前“努力 作战” ,我被吵得睡不着。 “妈妈”见状,把音量关低了一点。可是我睡得极不安稳,一觉醒 来,头痛欲裂。 晚饭过后, “妈妈”又和电视机泡在一起了。哦,不,现在的她是以前的我,我以前真 这么爱看电视吗?好容易等“妈妈”睡觉了,我可以看我喜爱的电视了,可倦意一阵又一阵 地袭来,算了,关机睡觉吧! 十天之约终于到期,这十天来,我天天弄得疲惫不堪,而“妈妈”却整天看看电视,上 街走走,好不惬意。又是一个小时,我和妈妈各归各位了。妈妈笑着问我: “当妈妈的滋味 如何?”我红着脸说: “妈妈,我终于体会到您的苦了,以后我一定多帮您干家务活儿。 ” 一个月后,爸爸回来了,惊异地发现我变得勤快多了。 “这是怎么回事儿?”我和妈妈相 视一笑: “这是我们的秘密!” 点评:通过“我和妈妈换记忆”的描写,作者表达了理解父母、培养劳动习惯的良好愿 望,主题积极而富有现实意义。文章取材于平凡的日常生活,读来亲切自然。 《中国青年报》有一次全国征文“假如有时空隧道,你会见到古今中外的哪一个人呢?” 就此写一篇文章。有一位北京的考生写了一篇回忆母亲的文章,真是倾肺腑之言,写出了母 女之恋、之情、之感,催人泪下,泪如泉涌。在这里推荐给大家。 回顾生命 如果真有“时空隧道” ,它可以带你回到历史上的某一时刻,使你有机会见到古今中外 的任何一个人, 你会选择时间上怎样的一个坐标点?会看到什么样的景象?会见到哪一位历史 人物,与他进行什么样的对话呢? “哇”一声嘹亮的啼哭划破了产房中的沉寂,响彻在春雨连绵的夜空中。产房外,年轻 的父亲的一颗心却悬得更紧了。他明白,一个新的小生命在这绵绵的春雨之夜诞生了,另一 个生命却为了创造她而精疲力竭,在逐渐逝去。在奄奄一息中,年轻的妈妈把“楠”这个字 留给了新出世的孩子,油尽灯枯,如那断了线的风筝飘曳到另一个世界去了。只剩下那个无proved t hat a people and a nation, if it does not have it s ow n s piritual pilla r, ther e is no unity of s piritua l support, it m eans that no soul, will l ose cohesi on a nd vitality. Fig uratively s peaking , a sa ck of potatoes , quantity ca nnot be too a team, form a joi nt force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible , no difficult means of strength. Nati onal r ejuve nation of Chine se dream, not only embodies t he common interests a nd pur suits, and covers a variety of groups and cla sse s, ha s a wi de applicability a nd i ncl usive , with a strong integrating force and lea d the for ce. She embodie s the aspirations of sever al ge nerations of Chine se, refle cting today ... Into sex and purity, and the i nevitabl e requirement of constantly impr oving t he partys governi ng ca pacity. Stre ngtheni ng the constr uction of t he adva nce d nat ure and purity, t he core problem is always maintai ni ng the partys fle sh a nd bl ood ties with the masse s, s o that our party will alway s be t he most wholehearted s upport of the mass es. 完 体 立 畅 流 然 自 部 都 看 侧 、 正 从 论 无 后 得 使 琢 细 优 度 弧 。 致 于 属 只 且 您 合 适 最 出 计 设 确 精 , 数 金 黄 等 例 比 的 官 五 及 以 型 脸 据 根 是 术 容 美 雕 面 Must take the fundame ntal interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e as the party all the starting point a nd ending point, t he party has alway s bee n a common fate with t he mas ses, thi s is t he magic wea pon for our party to al ways maintai n the a dvanced nature a nd purity. Stre ngthe ni ng the constructi on of partys adva nce d nat ure and purity and enhancing t he partys r uling a bility w ill event ually be im plemente d to realize , safeguar d and devel op t he fundamental i nterests of the overw helming m aj ority of the people. Al l the w ork merits thi s is a meas ure of the partys fundame ntal standards, i s a meas ure of the partys adv a nce d nat ure and purity standards . Be lieve who, depe ndi ng on who, w ho, sta ndi ng on the positi on of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople ar e always, alway s realize, safeguard a nd develop the fundamental intere sts of the overw helming maj ority of the pe ople , it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of j udgeme nt, is al so sig n of Marxist party is different from other politica l parties . Marxist political party ha s a clear politi cal positi on a nd histori cal missi on: for the i nterests of the vast majority of people, committed to the fundamental interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e. From the day of the e stablis hment of the Chine se Communist Par ty, always a dhere t o bas ic pri nci ples of histori cal materialism, for t he interest s of the most pe ople a s their g oal, always serving a s its fundamental pur pose and value s. Fully tr ust the mas ses, closely rely on the mas ses mai ntain fles h a nd bl ood ties wit h the mas ses is always the source of our party full of vigor and vitality, is always the m ost determi ned i n the development of our party and our countr y. Cons cienti ously accept s upe rvision by t he masse s, pay attenti on to l isten to t he mass es as sessme nt, whi ch it self was the partys a dvanced nat ure and purity into practi cal acti on t o re alize the fundame ntal i nterests of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople . At prese nt, the party committees a nd leading ca dres a nd the Gover nment generally value the close relations wit h the mas ses, do a lot of pr oductive w ork, but there are still some Accor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements , units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i nsiste d party of mas s line, do ma sses w ork, foll owing mai n from four a as pe cts tol d: a, a nd full awarene ss party of mass line educati on practice activities of major mea ning Party s 18 major disti nct pr opose d to focus on the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity, i n the party, with "pragmatic a nd clea n for the people" as the main conte nt of the partys mass li ne a nd e ducational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Ji npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher e to strictly a dministeri ng the party, strengthe n the partys major de cisi on i s in li ne wit h the public expecta tions a nd strengthe ning t he constructi on of learni ng oriente d service i nnovation of Marxist partys major de ployment, i s the important meas ure to adva nce t he great ca use of s ocia lism with Chi nese characteri stics . First, carry out the partys mass li ne i n education pra ctice, wa s carryi ng 18 of the party spir it, summon a powerful force for realizing t he great rej uvenation of the Chi nese nation the Chinese dre am of urgent ne eds . Partys 18 t o promote strategic de ployme nt to buildi ng sociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs, prese nts two 10 0 year g oal, namel y, by 2 020 China s gross domesti c pr oduct and per capita i ncome of ur ban a nd rural re side nts in 2 0 10 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildi ng of a well off society; the mi ddle of this century i nto a pr os perous, democrati c, civi lized a nd harmoni ous Socialist modern country, a nd on t his ba sis, the Chines e dream of realizi ng the great rej uvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Ji npi ng repeate dly expounded t he Chine se dream. T he ba sic connotation of the Chines e dream, is t he national prosperit y, nati onal revitalizati on, t he ha ppi nes s of the pe opl e, China important to foll ow is to kee p China Roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on stre ngth of China , dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determi ned confidence, e nha nce s elf aware ness, a chi eve self relia nce, to bui ld a stronger Chi na, civi lization, harm ony, bea uty, China , Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of China wa s 18 the spirit of the e nrichment a nd development of the party, conscie ntiously st udy the Chi nese dream, leadi ng pe ople t o hard t o realize the Chi nese dream, mass e ducation a ctivities i n depth t he fundamental starti ng point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the partys mas s line , hel ps to train t he collective consci ousne ss of the unity of the party and the people, playi ng the Chine se dream i deol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Zedong stress ed that parties s hould have "com mon lang uage" socialist countries must have "unity of will". History ha s知的小生命在年轻的父亲怜爱的目光下嚎哭着, 哭声在静寂的病房中是那样苍白无力, 或许 她已知道自己一生下来便失去了什么…… 又经过了无数个绵绵的春雨之夜,啼哭的生命成长为了现在 16 岁的我。16 年生活旅途 上的风雨将年轻的男人吹打成了一位成熟干练而又慈爱的父亲。16 年来,我在那无微不至 的父爱的精心呵护下长大,从不曾缺少什么但又总觉得有些若有所失。16 年来,妈妈在我 的脑海中始终是一片空白, 除了影集, 妈妈所留给我的惟一的东西便是我名字中的 “楠” 字, 如果真的有时空隧道,我惟一的愿望便是能回到我出生前的那一段时空,我只要看一看 16 年前曾孕育我,赐与我生命的妈妈,听听她的声音,把她的一切深深烙在我的生命中…… 我身穿一身洁白的护士服,手捧一束淡雅的康乃馨,推开了病房的门,呆望着床上静静 躺着的病人,那是一张苍白而美丽的脸,乌黑的长发披散在洁白的枕上,显出几分憔悴,几 分凄然。 “谢谢,护士小姐。 ”她凝望着我手中的花,脸上露出一丝笑容, “好美的花啊。 ” 妈妈,床上的女人是我的妈妈,我感到她那束射过来的目光,忙低下头,才抑制住那想 哭的冲动。我笑了笑,摆弄着手中的康乃馨,把它插在床头的花瓶中,淡淡地道: “明天, 是母亲节。 ” “母亲节?” “对。 ”我想着这个让我不知所措的节日,望着 16 年前孕育我的母亲,泪水凝聚在眼眶中。 “啊,真是,明天就是宝宝出世的日子,我就要做母亲了。 ” 明天?……母亲?……我再也抑制不住,泪水夺眶而出。透过目光,我看到她在轻抚自己 隆起的腹部,眼底正流露出幸福。我急忙侧过身,拭干了泪,再转身时,她已望向我,还是 发现了我眼中的异样。 “你知道明天你很危险吗?”我忍不住问道。 “我懂。 ”妈妈垂下眼帘。 “那你为何还要……” “我不怕。 ”她抬起眼睛,眼中是一片祥和与宁静。 “我很爱孩子,我应该有一个孩子, 我要看着她成长。 ”她眼中又流露出那份幸福, “即使用我的生命去换,我也不在乎。 ” 我被她那低低的、坚定的语音深深震撼了。面对这个明知自己有病,生育很危险,却坚 定地与死神抗争并无私地把她的生命留给了我的女人, 我多么想扑在她的怀里痛哭一场, 叫 她千万声妈妈,让她好好看看自己孕育并为之献出生命的女儿如今已长大成人。 “没有妈妈的孩子会多可怜……” “不!”她惊慌失措了一下,然而马上又恢复了先前的镇定与平和, “我会活下来的,我 要把她养大成人……万一有什么不测,他会是个好爸爸的,她不会缺少什么,她会拥有足够 的爱,会健康快乐地成长。 ” 是的,爸爸绝对是个难得的好爸爸,可我仍然渴望一份母爱啊。我再也无法抑制,任泪 水决堤,在脸上倾泻。 妈妈诧异地望着我,我急忙擦掉泪水,解释道: “我……我从小就没有妈妈。 ” “噢。 ” 她那双茶色的眼睛流露出温柔怜爱的目光, 怜爱着我这个从小就没有妈妈的 “小 护士” ,那眼神分明就是母亲在看女儿——她可知道在她面前的就是她孕育并为之献出生命 的人, 她的亲生女儿啊。渐渐地, 泪雾蒙上她的眼睛。 我们就这样对望着, 任泪水淌下面颊。 透过晶莹的泪滴,母女间的天性敲开了两人间的大门,心有灵犀,我扑跪在床头,她轻轻地 抚摸着我的面颊、我的头发。我贪婪地享受着,这轻轻的抚摸,16 年来对我来说简直是遥 不可及的神话。我望着她那双茶色的眼睛,那是她留给我的与众不同的印记,我也有一双茶 色的眼睛。我们就这样静静地持续着,我真希望时钟的指针就此停下,哪怕一万个世纪。 不知过了多久,爸爸推门进来了,我惊诧于他那时年轻的脸,远不是历经十六年生活磨proved t hat a people and a nation, if it does not have it s ow n s piritual pilla r, ther e is no unity of s piritua l support, it m eans that no soul, will l ose cohesi on a nd vitality. Fig uratively s peaking , a sa ck of potatoes , quantity ca nnot be too a team, form a joi nt force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible , no difficult means of strength. Nati onal r ejuve nation of Chine se dream, not only embodies t he common interests a nd pur suits, and covers a variety of groups and cla sse s, ha s a wi de applicability a nd i ncl usive , with a strong integrating force and lea d the for ce. She embodie s the aspirations of several ge nerations of Chine se, refle cting today ... Into sex and purity, and the i nevitabl e requirement of constantly impr oving t he partys governi ng ca pacity. Stre ngtheni ng the constr uction of t he adva nce d nat ure and purity, t he core problem is always maintaini ng the partys fle sh a nd bl ood ties with the masse s, s o that our party will alway s be t he most wholehearted s upport of the mass es. 完 体 立 畅 流 然 自 部 都 看 侧 、 正 从 论 无 后 得 使 琢 细 优 度 弧 。 致 于 属 只 且 您 合 适 最 出 计 设 确 精 , 数 金 黄 等 例 比 的 官 五 及 以 型 脸 据 根 是 术 容 美 雕 面 Must take the fundame ntal interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e as the party all the starting point a nd ending point, t he party has alway s bee n a common fate with t he mas ses, thi s is t he magic wea pon for our party to al ways maintai n the a dvanced nature a nd purity. Stre ngthe ni ng the constructi on of partys adva nce d nat ure and purity and enhancing t he partys r uling a bility w ill event ually be im plemente d to realize , safeguar d and devel op t he fundamental i nterests of the overw helming maj ority of the people. Al l the w ork merits thi s is a meas ure of the partys fundame ntal standards, i s a meas ure of the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity standards . Be lieve who, depe ndi ng on who, w ho, sta ndi ng on the positi on of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople ar e always, alway s realize, safeguard a nd develop the fundamental intere sts of the overw helming maj ority of the pe ople , it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of j udgeme nt, is al so sig n of Marxist party is different from other politica l parties . Marxist political party ha s a clear politi cal positi on a nd histori cal missi on: for the i nterests of the vast majority of people, committed to the fundamental interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e. From the day of the e stablis hment of the Chine se Communist Par ty, always a dhere t o bas ic pri nci ples of histori cal materialism, for t he interest s of the most pe ople a s their g oal, always serving a s its fundamental pur pose and value s. Fully tr ust the mas ses, closely rely on the mas ses mai ntain fles h a nd bl ood ties wit h the mas ses is always the source of our party full of vigor and vitality, is always the m ost determi ned i n the development of our party and our countr y. Cons cienti ously accept s upe rvision by t he masse s, pay attenti on to l isten to t he mass es as sessme nt, whi ch it self was the party s a dvanced nat ure and purity into practi cal acti on t o re alize the fundame ntal interests of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople . At prese nt, the party committees a nd leading ca dres a nd the Gover nment generally value the close relations wit h the mas ses, do a lot of pr oductive w ork, but there are still some Accor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements , units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i nsiste d party of mas s line, do ma sses w ork, foll owing mai n from four a as pe cts tol d: a, a nd full awarene ss party of mass line educati on practice activities of major mea ning Partys 18 major disti nct pr opose d to focus on the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity, i n the party, with "pragmatic a nd clea n for the people" as the main conte nt of the partys mass li ne a nd e ducational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Ji npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher e to strictly a dministeri ng the party, strengthe n the partys major de cisi on i s in li ne wit h the public expectations a nd strengthe ning t he constructi on of learni ng oriente d service i nnovation of Marxist partys major de ployment, i s the important meas ure to adva nce t he great ca use of s ocia lism with Chi nese characteri stics . First, carry out th e partys mass li ne i n education pra ctice, wa s carryi ng 18 of the party spir it, summon a powerful force for realizing t he gre at rej uvenation of the Chi nese nation the Chinese dre am of urgent ne eds . Partys 18 t o promote strategic de ployme nt to buildi ng sociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs, prese nts two 10 0 year g oal, namel y, by 2 020 China s gross domesti c pr oduct and per capita i ncome of ur ban a nd rural re side nts in 2 0 10 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildi ng of a well off society; the mi ddle of this century i nto a pr os perous, democrati c, civi lized a nd harmoni ous Socialist modern country, a nd on t his ba sis, the Chines e dream of realizi ng the great rej uvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Ji npi ng repeate dly expoun ded t he Chine se dream. T he ba sic connotation of the Chines e dream, is t he national prosperit y, nati onal revitalizati on, t he ha ppi nes s of the pe opl e, China important to foll ow is to kee p China Roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on stre ngth of China , dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determi ned confidence, e nha nce s elf aware ness, a chi eve self relia nce, to bui ld a stronger Chi na, civi lization, harm ony, bea uty, China , Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of China wa s 18 the spirit of the e nrichment a nd development of the party, conscie ntiously st udy the Chi nese dream, leadi ng pe ople t o hard t o realize the Chi nese dream, mass e ducation a ctivities i n depth t he fundamental starti ng point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the partys mas s line , hel ps to train t he collective consci ousne ss of the unity of the party and the people, playi ng the Chine se dream i deol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Zedong stress ed that parties s hould have "com mon lang uage" socialist countries must have "unity of will". Hi story ha s砺后刻上道道岁月印痕的脸,在静寂中,我抽身而退,将房门虚掩上。 里面传来两人默默的低语。 “明天,不会有事的。 ”这是妈妈的声音。 …… “不……,思涵,不要哭, ‘男儿有泪不轻弹’ ,大男人是不能哭的。 ”还是妈妈的声音, 我听得出她也在哭。 接下来,沉寂似乎一个世纪那么漫长,我呆呆地靠在墙上,回忆着妈妈的只言片语、一 颦一笑、一举一动……不知自己身在何方,突然,妈妈床头的铃声响了,里面传来疼痛的呻 吟, 接下来是护士医生们纷杂的脚步声, 我惟一再见的就是妈妈被推向产房从我身边经过时 的脸,那是一张我永远都无法忘记的被痛苦扭曲了的脸,再接下来,就是爸爸一个人在产房 外焦急徘徊的孤独身影。最后,就是 16 年来我一直知道的,妈妈最后的话语: “思涵,我要 走了,我不能看着我们的女儿长大了,一切就全交给你了……没有妈妈的女儿……难啊,就 叫楠楠吧……没有妈妈的女儿一定要坚强,楠儿有泪——不——轻——弹……” “楠儿有泪不轻弹” ,妈妈,您的女儿已坚强地长大成人,在没有您的路上,女儿从不 轻易掉泪。女儿会永远珍惜生命——那是您的爱在人间的延续。 如果真的有时空隧道,这就是我的经历;如果真的有时空隧道,这便是生命的回顾—— 我愿做的惟一。 北京 马楠 点评:这篇作品十分感人,语言流畅充满情感,而且很好地把握了叙述的分寸,当作者 写下在病房中看到父亲推门进来时, 惊诧于父亲那时的年轻, 这一笔显示了作者写作的才华。 不足之处是有些对话过于哲理和激昂,如果对话平凡和朴实,我们会更加喜爱。作者小小年 纪就知道了写作的力量在何处。那就是写出自己最深的感受。 2000 年全国高考作文,也有不少写母爱的。有的同学写了母爱的多种方式;有的同学 写与父母一起探讨“花儿为什么这样红” ;有的同学写了“生活是什么” ,也举了母亲乃至全 家的例子,写母亲是“生活是爱” ,写父亲是“生活是微笑” ,写姨妈是“生活是酸甜的” , 写姥姥是“生活是锻炼加聊天”等等。 一位考生写了一篇《母亲,您是我的什么人》 ,也同样出类拔萃,崭露头角。 母亲,您是我的什么人 母亲,您是我的什么人?您仅仅是我的妈妈这样一个监护人吗?不!母亲,我要大声地告 诉您,这个答案是丰富多彩的! 母亲,你首先是赋予我生命的人。是你的十月怀胎让我看到这丰富多彩的世界。你还是 我的启蒙老师。当我还在你肚子里的时候,你就常常走到天桥上,指着天空、白云、绿树、 红花,轻声地告诉我它们的名字,尽管我们隔着一层肚皮,但我肯定都听见了。要不然为什 么我那么早就会说话了呢? 母亲, 你是我最好的老师。 当我刚刚学会叫 “妈妈”的时候, 你拿出了自己不多的积蓄, 给我买了一台“红灯”牌录音机。你把我那幼稚而清脆的歌声,包括那首我自编的不成调的 “儿歌”都录了下来。我在现在,还常常听那时的歌曲,我仿佛看到你正举着小红灯引我走 向成才之路呢!哦,母亲,你深知眼界的开阔对孩子成长的重要性。为我购买《十万个为什 么》 《天方夜谭》 《少年科学画报》 ,让我在无边无际的知识的海洋中畅游,在神奇瑰丽的文 化宝库中自由成长的人是你;带我离开故乡,住进上海,让我在那更广阔的天空中找寻自己 占有的一小片土地并尽力让土地上长出鲜艳夺目的花朵的人是你; 时时鼓励我勤奋学习、 全 面发展的人是你; 高考前夕, 陪我一同走过这最艰难、 最劳累的三个月, 并且时常在我床头, 轻轻拍我,让我有一个充足的睡眠的人还是你。哦,母亲! 母亲,你还是我的救命恩人。你还记不记得那年夏天,在南京新街口车站,我为了抢座proved t hat a people and a nation, if it does not have it s ow n s piritual pilla r, ther e is no unity of s piritua l support, it m eans that no soul, will l ose cohesi on a nd vitality. Fig uratively s peaking , a sa ck of potatoes , quantity ca nnot be too a team, form a joi nt force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible , no difficult means of strength. Nati onal r ejuve nation of Chine se dream, not only embodies t he common interests a nd pur suits, and covers a variety of groups and cla sse s, ha s a wi de applicability a nd i ncl usive , with a strong integrating force and lea d the for ce. She embodie s the aspirations of sever al ge nerations of Chine se, refle cting today ... Into sex and purity, and the i nevitabl e requirement of constantly impr oving t he partys governi ng ca pacity. Stre ngtheni ng the constr uction of t he adva nce d nat ure and purity, t he core problem is always maintai ni ng the partys fle sh a nd bl ood ties with the masse s, s o that our party will alway s be t he most wholehearted s upport of the mass es. 完 体 立 畅 流 然 自 部 都 看 侧 、 正 从 论 无 后 得 使 琢 细 优 度 弧 。 致 于 属 只 且 您 合 适 最 出 计 设 确 精 , 数 金 黄 等 例 比 的 官 五 及 以 型 脸 据 根 是 术 容 美 雕 面 Must take the fundame ntal interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e as the party all the starting point a nd ending point, t he party has alway s bee n a common fate with t he mas ses, thi s is t he magic wea pon for our party to al ways maintai n the a dvanced nature a nd purity. Stre ngthe ni ng the constructi on of partys adva nce d nat ure and purity and enhancing t he partys r uling a bility w ill event ually be im plemente d to realize , safeguar d and devel op t he fundamental i nterests of the overw helming m aj ority of the people. Al l the w ork merits thi s is a meas ure of the partys fundame ntal standards, i s a meas ure of the partys adv a nce d nat ure and purity standards . Be lieve who, depe ndi ng on who, w ho, sta ndi ng on the positi on of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople ar e always, alway s realize, safeguard a nd develop the fundamental intere sts of the overw helming maj ority of the pe ople , it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of j udgeme nt, is al so sig n of Marxist party is different from other politica l parties . Marxist political party ha s a clear politi cal positi on a nd histori cal missi on: for the i nterests of the vast majority of people, committed to the fundamental interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e. From the day of the e stablis hment of the Chine se Communist Par ty, always a dhere t o bas ic pri nci ples of histori cal materialism, for t he interest s of the most pe ople a s their g oal, always serving a s its fundamental pur pose and value s. Fully tr ust the mas ses, closely rely on the mas ses mai ntain fles h a nd bl ood ties wit h the mas ses is always the source of our party full of vigor and vitality, is always the m ost determi ned i n the development of our party and our countr y. Cons cienti ously accept s upe rvision by t he masse s, pay attenti on to l isten to t he mass es as sessme nt, whi ch it self was the partys a dvanced nat ure and purity into practi cal acti on t o re alize the fundame ntal i nterests of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople . At prese nt, the party committees a nd leading ca dres a nd the Gover nment generally value the close relations wit h the mas ses, do a lot of pr oductive w ork, but there are still some Accor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements , units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i nsiste d party of mas s line, do ma sses w ork, foll owing mai n from four a as pe cts tol d: a, a nd full awarene ss party of mass line educati on practice activities of major mea ning Party s 18 major disti nct pr opose d to focus on the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity, i n the party, with "pragmatic a nd clea n for the people" as the main conte nt of the partys mass li ne a nd e ducational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Ji npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher e to strictly a dministeri ng the party, strengthe n the partys major de cisi on i s in li ne wit h the public expecta tions a nd strengthe ning t he constructi on of learni ng oriente d service i nnovation of Marxist partys major de ployment, i s the important meas ure to adva nce t he great ca use of s ocia lism with Chi nese characteri stics . First, carry out the partys mass li ne i n education pra ctice, wa s carryi ng 18 of the party spir it, summon a powerful force for realizing t he great rej uvenation of the Chi nese nation the Chinese dre am of urgent ne eds . Partys 18 t o promote strategic de ployme nt to buildi ng sociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs, prese nts two 10 0 year g oal, namel y, by 2 020 China s gross domesti c pr oduct and per capita i ncome of ur ban a nd rural re side nts in 2 0 10 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildi ng of a well off society; the mi ddle of this century i nto a pr os perous, democrati c, civi lized a nd harmoni ous Socialist modern country, a nd on t his ba sis, the Chines e dream of realizi ng the great rej uvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Ji npi ng repeate dly expounded t he Chine se dream. T he ba sic connotation of the Chines e dream, is t he national prosperit y, nati onal revitalizati on, t he ha ppi nes s of the pe opl e, China important to foll ow is to kee p China Roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on stre ngth of China , dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determi ned confidence, e nha nce s elf aware ness, a chi eve self relia nce, to bui ld a stronger Chi na, civi lization, harm ony, bea uty, China , Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of China wa s 18 the spirit of the e nrichment a nd development of the party, conscie ntiously st udy the Chi nese dream, leadi ng pe ople t o hard t o realize the Chi nese dream, mass e ducation a ctivities i n depth t he fundamental starti ng point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the partys mas s line , hel ps to train t he collective consci ousne ss of the unity of the party and the people, playi ng the Chine se dream i deol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Zedong stress ed that parties s hould have "com mon lang uage" socialist countries must have "unity of will". History ha s位而被未停稳的电车撞倒,眼看着车轮就要从我身上轧过,你一个箭步冲了过来,似乎有无 穷的力量聚集在了你的身上, 你竟然一把就把我从死神手中抢了出来。 更不可思议的事很快 发生了,当天下午,我读报纸,南京发生空难,仅有一个小女孩幸存,而她的幸存完全是她 的妈妈创造的——在空难发生前的一瞬间,她妈妈把她紧紧地搂在了身体里…… 母亲,你知道吗,我读了这报道一点儿也不惊异。因为我从你的身上看到了这伟大的母 爱,这种难以置信的母性的本能。你让我感受到了这种无尽的、非凡的爱,我多么感激和珍 惜它!哦!母亲! 母亲,你更是我的朋友,我们几乎每天都在一起谈笑,那时刻,我们之间的距离多近啊! 偶尔,我也会感觉到“代沟”的存在,但是,母亲,我始终把你当做我最亲爱的人。你知不 知道,有时候我夸耀着说: “妈,以后我成才了,赚到了钱,一定带你到夏威夷转一转。 ”我 是多么希望这一天早点儿到来啊! 母亲,您看, “您是我的什么人”这个答案多么丰富!但是,千言万语归于一言,您是我 的妈妈,是我值得骄傲的好妈妈! 点评:本文感情真挚,用动人的生活片段展现母爱,以母喻师,深深的母爱呵护“我” 的成长。把母亲的爱分成众多不一的“答案” ,使文章的主题得以深化,内容遥相呼应。全 国卷作文,通过人们对于四个图形符号由于观察、比较的角度不同而得出的不同结论,要求 考生以 “答案是丰富多彩的” 为话题写一篇文章, 从一定程度上说, 全国卷对于考生的提示、 启发工作,似乎比上海卷做得更为周到、细致一些,也更便于学生根据各自的生活经验、文 笔特长写出各有特色的文章来。 四、理性——作文得高分的“秘密武器” 思想、理念、理性,大都是一个话题。怎样才能达到理性、思想的深刻呢? 1.理性应当是目光远大的,认识深刻的 要放眼于长远,放眼于未来,而不要就事论事,就理论理,要把事物放在一个大的背景 上去看,去想。高考作文可能给你的是一个局部材料,但也要尽量地用大的眼光去看,要用 世界的、长远的、人生的目光去审视生活、生命、人生的大话题。 2000 年《答案是丰富多彩的》就是这样,它考查的是考生对人生的体验与追索。一位 考生这样去写: 对人生意义的寻求 我的心突然间收缩起来。那是一个秋季的午后,刚下过一场清雨。我看到了溪流中的落 花,任溪水的摆布,漂泊游荡。收缩的心开始自问:难道花的生命就这样白白地消逝吗?那 人呢?人生的意义何在? 哲人的思辩总有其永久的魅力。 我伏案思索, 从哲人的思想旁滑过, 去窥探其中的奥秘。 眼前首先出现的是一座欧式的房屋,堪称悲剧大师的叔本华正坐在他的书房里伏案疾 书。人只是求生意志的客体化而已?照此逻辑推演下去,个体的生存相对于种族的生存没有 丝毫的意义。我黯然了。如果这样,生命的意义就仅仅是在求生意志摆布下的无所作为,因 为痛苦和无聊是整个人生的必然。那么人活着还有什么意义?无所作为本身怎么可以作为人 生的意义呢?我不敢面对叔本华的心, 可能他自己有他自己的逻辑吧!这大概可以作为人生意 义的第一个答案。 接着,我的眼前又出现了第二个画面。那是在一个夜晚,萧瑟的秋风吹打着桅船上的风 灯,给寂静的夜撕开了一个缺口。苏轼和他的几个朋友正在那里饮酒。 《前赤壁赋》里的诗 句突然蹦入了我的脑海: “盖将自其变者而观之,则天地曾不能以一瞬;自其不变者观之, 则物与我皆无尽也。 ”苏轼坎坷的一生使他的思想更加丰盈。人生就在历史和未来之间,夹 杂着欢欣和悲痛。现在仅是那么短暂的一瞬,但假若抛弃时间,宇宙万物与人类共存。这就 是人生的意义:与天地共存。去爱世间的万物,取之于心,拥之入怀,尽情地挥洒人的精神proved t hat a people and a nation, if it does not have it s ow n s piritual pilla r, ther e is no unity of s piritua l support, it m eans that no soul, will l ose cohesi on a nd vitality. Fig uratively s peaking , a sa ck of potatoes , quantity ca nnot be too a team, form a joi nt force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible , no difficult means of strength. Nati onal r ejuve nation of Chine se dream, not only embodies t he common interests a nd pur suits, and covers a variety of groups and cla sse s, ha s a wi de applicability a nd i ncl usive , with a strong integrating force and lea d the for ce. She embodie s the aspirations of several ge nerations of Chine se, refle cting today ... Into sex and purity, and the i nevitabl e requirement of constantly impr oving t he partys governi ng ca pacity. Stre ngtheni ng the constr uction of t he adva nce d nat ure and purity, t he core problem is always maintaini ng the partys fle sh a nd bl ood ties with the masse s, s o that our party will alway s be t he most wholehearted s upport of the mass es. 完 体 立 畅 流 然 自 部 都 看 侧 、 正 从 论 无 后 得 使 琢 细 优 度 弧 。 致 于 属 只 且 您 合 适 最 出 计 设 确 精 , 数 金 黄 等 例 比 的 官 五 及 以 型 脸 据 根 是 术 容 美 雕 面 Must take the fundame ntal interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e as the party all the starting point a nd ending point, t he party has alway s bee n a common fate with t he mas ses, thi s is t he magic wea pon for our party to al ways maintai n the a dvanced nature a nd purity. Stre ngthe ni ng the constructi on of partys adva nce d nat ure and purity and enhancing t he partys r uling a bility w ill event ually be im plemente d to realize , safeguar d and devel op t he fundamental i nterests of the overw helming maj ority of the people. Al l the w ork merits thi s is a meas ure of the partys fundame ntal standards, i s a meas ure of the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity standards . Be lieve who, depe ndi ng on who, w ho, sta ndi ng on the positi on of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople ar e always, alway s realize, safeguard a nd develop the fundamental intere sts of the overw helming maj ority of the pe ople , it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of j udgeme nt, is al so sig n of Marxist party is different from other politica l parties . Marxist political party ha s a clear politi cal positi on a nd histori cal missi on: for the i nterests of the vast majority of people, committed to the fundamental interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e. From the day of the e stablis hment of the Chine se Communist Par ty, always a dhere t o bas ic pri nci ples of histori cal materialism, for t he interest s of the most pe ople a s their g oal, always serving a s its fundamental pur pose and value s. Fully tr ust the mas ses, closely rely on the mas ses mai ntain fles h a nd bl ood ties wit h the mas ses is always the source of our party full of vigor and vitality, is always the m ost determi ned i n the development of our party and our countr y. Cons cienti ously accept s upe rvision by t he masse s, pay attenti on to l isten to t he mass es as sessme nt, whi ch it self was the party s a dvanced nat ure and purity into practi cal acti on t o re alize the fundame ntal interests of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople . At prese nt, the party committees a nd leading ca dres a nd the Gover nment generally value the close relations wit h the mas ses, do a lot of pr oductive w ork, but there are still some Accor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements , units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i nsiste d party of mas s line, do ma sses w ork, foll owing mai n from four a as pe cts tol d: a, a nd full awarene ss party of mass line educati on practice activities of major mea ning Partys 18 major disti nct pr opose d to focus on the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity, i n the party, with "pragmatic a nd clea n for the people" as the main conte nt of the partys mass li ne a nd e ducational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Ji npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher e to strictly a dministeri ng the party, strengthe n the partys major de cisi on i s in li ne wit h the public expectations a nd strengthe ning t he constructi on of learni ng oriente d service i nnovation of Marxist partys major de ployment, i s the important meas ure to adva nce t he great ca use of s ocia lism with Chi nese characteri stics . First, carry out th e partys mass li ne i n education pra ctice, wa s carryi ng 18 of the party spir it, summon a powerful force for realizing t he gre at rej uvenation of the Chi nese nation the Chinese dre am of urgent ne eds . Partys 18 t o promote strategic de ployme nt to buildi ng sociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs, prese nts two 10 0 year g oal, namel y, by 2 020 China s gross domesti c pr oduct and per capita i ncome of ur ban a nd rural re side nts in 2 0 10 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildi ng of a well off society; the mi ddle of this century i nto a pr os perous, democrati c, civi lized a nd harmoni ous Socialist modern country, a nd on t his ba sis, the Chines e dream of realizi ng the great rej uvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Ji npi ng repeate dly expoun ded t he Chine se dream. T he ba sic connotation of the Chines e dream, is t he national prosperit y, nati onal revitalizati on, t he ha ppi nes s of the pe opl e, China important to foll ow is to kee p China Roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on stre ngth of China , dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determi ned confidence, e nha nce s elf aware ness, a chi eve self relia nce, to bui ld a stronger Chi na, civi lization, harm ony, bea uty, China , Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of China wa s 18 the spirit of the e nrichment a nd development of the party, conscie ntiously st udy the Chi nese dream, leadi ng pe ople t o hard t o realize the Chi nese dream, mass e ducation a ctivities i n depth t he fundamental starti ng point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the partys mas s line , hel ps to train t he collective consci ousne ss of the unity of the party and the people, playi ng the Chine se dream i deol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Zedong stress ed that parties s hould have "com mon lang uage" socialist countries must have "unity of will". Hi story ha s之要义。我似乎感觉我找到了心底的问题的答案。 我的心逐渐地平静下来。无数的哲人做过不尽的思索,他们的思想是人类的共同财富。 他们都给我们一个完美的解释人生的方案。答案的多彩似乎掩饰了问题的严肃性。于是,我 又去问平凡的世间人。 一位农人对我说,人活一辈子,就是不要干亏心事,对得起生我养我的父母,并为我的 子孙留下点家产,我就心满意足了。 多么朴素的回答!多么至情至性的真实。世间的政治场、名利场上的衮衮诸公似乎能从 这几句话的恬淡和隽永中感悟到一点朴素与真淳带给人的欢欣。 一位教师对我说过,我的一生就是把这群孩子培育大,让他们个个都考上大学。 这位教师,独自一人在穷山沟里做着他的事业,平凡吗?真是很平凡。但人生的含义似 乎就往往在平凡中露出它的真身。 人生,如一条长长的河,铺开在我的面前。对其意义的寻求以及多样的答案使我更加成 熟理性地面对以后我所走的路。 我要拥抱我的一生。 2.理性应当是善于思考的,辩证深邃的 理性往往闪耀着思辩的光辉。事物往往存在着两面、甚至多面性,把它挖掘出来,加以 归类、整理,去粗取精,就掌握了它的精髓。2000 年有一篇优秀佳作是这样写的: 零的断想 为了补足阿拉伯数字的第十位数,古人造出了零。于是,便有了一个让人遐想万 千的数字,有了一个令人消沉或使人奋进的符号。零,你可以认为它是单调乏味的, 也可以认为它是丰富多彩的。你可以认为它是一个实物的象征,也可以认为它是一个 虚幻的精神产物。 在刚刚启蒙的孩童眼里,零是一轮金灿灿的太阳,是热乎乎的鸡蛋,是一朵盛开的向日 葵,是一颗圆形的巧克力,是妈妈炸的香喷喷的甜圈,也或许仅仅是一个圆圈…… 在迷茫失望,对生活失去了信心,对世界充满了怨言与不满的人的眼里,零永远是一个 令人消沉的符号。在他眼中,零是一个无底的深洞,是一个黑乎乎的陷阱,是一个令人恐怖 的血盆大口,是一个能置人于死地的枪口。生活对他们似乎永远是不公平的,这个世界似乎 永远都是痛苦而又无奈的,在他们的眼中,永远都满含着防卫与不信任。 而在乐观开朗,对生活充满了希望,对整个世界满怀感激与爱心的人,零则是一轮闪光 的太阳, 是他们为之奋斗的动力和目标。 他们对未来充满了信心, 风对他们来说也是柔和的, 整个世界也似乎永远都是美好的。他们似乎永远不会向命运低头,永远都在抗争、学习、奋 斗,即便有时失败了,他们也会不以为然地笑一笑,认为那只不过是生活给他们的一次小小 的考验,在他们眼中,似乎永远流溢着笑意与希望。 在进入暮年的人的眼中,零则是一轮夕阳。但那些老有所为的人,他们相信“但得夕阳 无限好,何必在乎近黄昏” 。他们已经为社会贡献了大半生,但仍在发挥着自己的余光余热。 “零”对他们来说也是一个美好的代名词。同样的,在一些人眼中,零却是死亡的象征,它 充满了怨恨与恐惧。于是,他们那碌碌无为的一生便会在对零的恐惧中悄无声息地结束,不 会留下一丝痕迹。 零,它给人带来了一个丰富多彩的世界,给人带来了无限的遐想空间。那么,亲爱的朋 友,零给你带来了什么样的感想呢? 3.理性应当是充满反思的,带有哲理的 反思,意味着进步;反思,意味着灵性。对一个事物可以正面看,也可以反面看。人们 往往对事物进行欣赏,而忽视了它的恶果;往往浸泡在它的幸福中,而不知居安思危。 2000 年京、皖春季高考作文,就是让人们去反思,去进行理性的思考,从而得出哲学proved t hat a people and a nation, if it does not have it s ow n s piritual pilla r, ther e is no unity of s piritua l support, it m eans that no soul, will l ose cohesi on a nd vitality. Fig uratively s peaking , a sa ck of potatoes , quantity ca nnot be too a team, form a joi nt force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible , no difficult means of strength. Nati onal r ejuve nation of Chine se dream, not only embodies t he common interests a nd pur suits, and covers a variety of groups and cla sse s, ha s a wi de applicability a nd i ncl usive , with a strong integrating force and lea d the for ce. She embodie s the aspirations of sever al ge nerations of Chine se, refle cting today ... Into sex and purity, and the i nevitabl e requirement of constantly impr oving t he partys governi ng ca pacity. Stre ngtheni ng the constr uction of t he adva nce d nat ure and purity, t he core problem is always maintai ni ng the partys fle sh a nd bl ood ties with the masse s, s o that our party will alway s be t he most wholehearted s upport of the mass es. 完 体 立 畅 流 然 自 部 都 看 侧 、 正 从 论 无 后 得 使 琢 细 优 度 弧 。 致 于 属 只 且 您 合 适 最 出 计 设 确 精 , 数 金 黄 等 例 比 的 官 五 及 以 型 脸 据 根 是 术 容 美 雕 面 Must take the fundame ntal interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e as the party all the starting point a nd ending point, t he party has alway s bee n a common fate with t he mas ses, thi s is t he magic wea pon for our party to al ways maintai n the a dvanced nature a nd purity. Stre ngthe ni ng the constructi on of partys adva nce d nat ure and purity and enhancing t he partys r uling a bility w ill event ually be im plemente d to realize , safeguar d and devel op t he fundamental i nterests of the overw helming m aj ority of the people. Al l the w ork merits thi s is a meas ure of the partys fundame ntal standards, i s a meas ure of the partys adv a nce d nat ure and purity standards . Be lieve who, depe ndi ng on who, w ho, sta ndi ng on the positi on of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople ar e always, alway s realize, safeguard a nd develop the fundamental intere sts of the overw helming maj ority of the pe ople , it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of j udgeme nt, is al so sig n of Marxist party is different from other politica l parties . Marxist political party ha s a clear politi cal positi on a nd histori cal missi on: for the i nterests of the vast majority of people, committed to the fundamental interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e. From the day of the e stablis hment of the Chine se Communist Par ty, always a dhere t o bas ic pri nci ples of histori cal materialism, for t he interest s of the most pe ople a s their g oal, always serving a s its fundamental pur pose and value s. Fully tr ust the mas ses, closely rely on the mas ses mai ntain fles h a nd bl ood ties wit h the mas ses is always the source of our party full of vigor and vitality, is always the m ost determi ned i n the development of our party and our countr y. Cons cienti ously accept s upe rvision by t he masse s, pay attenti on to l isten to t he mass es as sessme nt, whi ch it self was the partys a dvanced nat ure and purity into practi cal acti on t o re alize the fundame ntal i nterests of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople . At prese nt, the party committees a nd leading ca dres a nd the Gover nment generally value the close relations wit h the mas ses, do a lot of pr oductive w ork, but there are still some Accor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements , units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i nsiste d party of mas s line, do ma sses w ork, foll owing mai n from four a as pe cts tol d: a, a nd full awarene ss party of mass line educati on practice activities of major mea ning Party s 18 major disti nct pr opose d to focus on the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity, i n the party, with "pragmatic a nd clea n for the people" as the main conte nt of the partys mass li ne a nd e ducational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Ji npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher e to strictly a dministeri ng the party, strengthe n the partys major de cisi on i s in li ne wit h the public expecta tions a nd strengthe ning t he constructi on of learni ng oriente d service i nnovation of Marxist partys major de ployment, i s the important meas ure to adva nce t he great ca use of s ocia lism with Chi nese characteri stics . First, carry out the partys mass li ne i n education pra ctice, wa s carryi ng 18 of the party spir it, summon a powerful force for realizing t he great rej uvenation of the Chi nese nation the Chinese dre am of urgent ne eds . Partys 18 t o promote strategic de ployme nt to buildi ng sociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs, prese nts two 10 0 year g oal, namel y, by 2 020 China s gross domesti c pr oduct and per capita i ncome of ur ban a nd rural re side nts in 2 0 10 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildi ng of a well off society; the mi ddle of this century i nto a pr os perous, democrati c, civi lized a nd harmoni ous Socialist modern country, a nd on t his ba sis, the Chines e dream of realizi ng the great rej uvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Ji npi ng repeate dly expounded t he Chine se dream. T he ba sic connotation of the Chines e dream, is t he national prosperit y, nati onal revitalizati on, t he ha ppi nes s of the pe opl e, China important to foll ow is to kee p China Roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on stre ngth of China , dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determi ned confidence, e nha nce s elf aware ness, a chi eve self relia nce, to bui ld a stronger Chi na, civi lization, harm ony, bea uty, China , Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of China wa s 18 the spirit of the e nrichment a nd development of the party, conscie ntiously st udy the Chi nese dream, leadi ng pe ople t o hard t o realize the Chi nese dream, mass e ducation a ctivities i n depth t he fundamental starti ng point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the partys mas s line , hel ps to train t he collective consci ousne ss of the unity of the party and the people, playi ng the Chine se dream i deol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Zedong stress ed that parties s hould have "com mon lang uage" socialist countries must have "unity of will". History ha s的答案。下面这篇文章值得学习。 20 世纪留给我们的债单 人类在地球上已经生活了几万年。 现在,人们正兴高采烈地做着 21 世纪的梦,议论着如何继续主宰这个地球。 人类以自己的智慧和伟大的创造力改造了地球。 在这个美丽星球上, 几乎没有未曾留下 人类足迹的地方现在还在以英雄气概填补一些仅存的“空白”。人们不断获取各种自然资 源,又将改造和使用过的各种废弃物还给了地球。 刚刚过去的 100 年,社会生产力和科学技术突飞猛进, “人类获得了以无数方法和在空 前的规模上改造其环境的能力” 。 人们把动物的基因移植到植物里,获取优质、高产的大米、番茄,制造新品种的鱼和奶牛。 在太空架设人造月亮,开辟新能源; 征服雪山,化掉冰川; 填海造机场,填湖造农田; 筑坝截流让江河改道; 人类的繁荣使地球上人口数量猛增…… 20 世纪,正是人类对自然取得巨大胜利、凯歌高奏的世纪。但是,对于生存环境而言, 这是一个让我们足以自慰的世纪吗? 恩格斯很早就告诫我们: “我们不要过分陶醉于我们对自然界的胜利。对于每一次这样 的胜利, 在第一步都确实取得了我们预期的结果, 但是在第二步和第三步却有了完全不同的、 出乎预料的影响,常常把第一个结果又取消了。 ” 这是一段准确得令人惊异,深刻得令人害怕的“世纪预言”!——恩格斯说这话的时候, 20 世纪所有技术进步可都还没有产生呐!它使我想到:也许,大自然真有这样一种“平衡律” ——我们所获得的就是欠下的? 我们不能接受这样的“平衡律” ,因为它否定了进步,否定了人凭借理性使自己超越这 种得失怪圈的可能。什么能使我们超越这个怪圈?只有经验和理性。这里的经验,就是 20 世纪我们面对自然胜利与失败、获得与丧失的经验;这里的理性,也不是静止的、纯粹思辩 的理性, 而是 20 世纪我们在痛苦的丧失中所获得的观念进步。 没有 20 世纪人类面对自然环 境、对自身的反省, “胜利就是失败、获得就是丧失”的怪圈就完全可能在 21 世纪重演,而 我们的地球已经没有多少可以供人重演这个怪圈的空间。20 世纪,我们的物质进步、科技 进步在环保上的补偿, 加上人类环境观念的进步, 或许可以 “平衡” 掉我们在环境中的损失。 如果我们不珍重这些,我们可能是“净亏” ,并且将接受地球更严厉的报复。 当我们庆贺自己对自然界的辉煌胜利, 跨入新世纪的时候, 让我们回过头来再读一读联 合国《人类环境宣言》 ,回顾一下这 100 年里,人类对地球所欠下的债务,或许能使我们比 较清醒地知道,在未来该做些什么,该关心哪些问题。还清这些债务,也许是我们获取新世 纪更大成功的必要准备。 4.理性应当是富有激情的,执著神圣的 理性并不是虚幻的,而是充满激情,以情感人,以情动人的。 1999 年高考作文《假如记忆可以移植》 ,有些考生写得特别突出,原因之一就是与自己 的志向结合起来,用自己的情去倾注,用自己的志向去抒发,从而也充满了理性,充满了执 着,我们觉得为了自己的理想而去嫉恶如仇,而去奋不顾身,而去挥洒热血,本身就是神圣的。 用笔,呼唤世界的和平! 今晚,夜阑人静晚风轻,羞答答的月姑娘把皎洁的月光洒满静谧的人间,整个世界是如 此地谐和与安宁。 我站在窗子旁向远处点点闪烁的灯光望去, 手中紧紧握着我的出国通行证 和那梦寐以求的记者工作证。明天,我将奔赴南斯拉夫去进行战地报道了。啊!一切都那么proved t hat a people and a nation, if it does not have it s ow n s piritual pilla r, ther e is no unity of s piritua l support, it m eans that no soul, will l ose cohesi on a nd vitality. Fig uratively s peaking , a sa ck of potatoes , quantity ca nnot be too a team, form a joi nt force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible , no difficult means of strength. Nati onal r ejuve nation of Chine se dream, not only embodies t he common interests a nd pur suits, and covers a variety of groups and cla sse s, ha s a wi de applicability a nd i ncl usive , with a strong integrating force and lea d the for ce. She embodie s the aspirations of several ge nerations of Chine se, refle cting today ... Into sex and purity, and the i nevitabl e requirement of constantly impr oving t he partys governi ng ca pacity. Stre ngtheni ng the constr uction of t he adva nce d nat ure and purity, t he core problem is always maintaini ng the partys fle sh a nd bl ood ties with the masse s, s o that our party will alway s be t he most wholehearted s upport of the mass es. 完 体 立 畅 流 然 自 部 都 看 侧 、 正 从 论 无 后 得 使 琢 细 优 度 弧 。 致 于 属 只 且 您 合 适 最 出 计 设 确 精 , 数 金 黄 等 例 比 的 官 五 及 以 型 脸 据 根 是 术 容 美 雕 面 Must take the fundame ntal interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e as the party all the starting point a nd ending point, t he party has alway s bee n a common fate with t he mas ses, thi s is t he magic wea pon for our party to al ways maintai n the a dvanced nature a nd purity. Stre ngthe ni ng the constructi on of partys adva nce d nat ure and purity and enhancing t he partys r uling a bility w ill event ually be im plemente d to realize , safeguar d and devel op t he fundamental i nterests of the overw helming maj ority of the people. Al l the w ork merits thi s is a meas ure of the partys fundame ntal standards, i s a meas ure of the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity standards . Be lieve who, depe ndi ng on who, w ho, sta ndi ng on the positi on of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople ar e always, alway s realize, safeguard a nd develop the fundamental intere sts of the overw helming maj ority of the pe ople , it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of j udgeme nt, is al so sig n of Marxist party is different from other politica l parties . Marxist political party ha s a clear politi cal positi on a nd histori cal missi on: for the i nterests of the vast majority of people, committed to the fundamental interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e. From the day of the e stablis hment of the Chine se Communist Par ty, always a dhere t o bas ic pri nci ples of histori cal materialism, for t he interest s of the most pe ople a s their g oal, always serving a s its fundamental pur pose and value s. Fully tr ust the mas ses, closely rely on the mas ses mai ntain fles h a nd bl ood ties wit h the mas ses is always the source of our party full of vigor and vitality, is always the m ost determi ned i n the development of our party and our countr y. Cons cienti ously accept s upe rvision by t he masse s, pay attenti on to l isten to t he mass es as sessme nt, whi ch it self was the party s a dvanced nat ure and purity into practi cal acti on t o re alize the fundame ntal interests of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople . At prese nt, the party committees a nd leading ca dres a nd the Gover nment generally value the close relations wit h the mas ses, do a lot of pr oductive w ork, but there are still some Accor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements , units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i nsiste d party of mas s line, do ma sses w ork, foll owing mai n from four a as pe cts tol d: a, a nd full awarene ss party of mass line educati on practice activities of major mea ning Partys 18 major disti nct pr opose d to focus on the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity, i n the party, with "pragmatic a nd clea n for the people" as the main conte nt of the partys mass li ne a nd e ducational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Ji npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher e to strictly a dministeri ng the party, strengthe n the partys major de cisi on i s in li ne wit h the public expectations a nd strengthe ning t he constructi on of learni ng oriente d service i nnovation of Marxist partys major de ployment, i s the important meas ure to adva nce t he great ca use of s ocia lism with Chi nese characteri stics . First, carry out th e partys mass li ne i n education pra ctice, wa s carryi ng 18 of the party spir it, summon a powerful force for realizing t he gre at rej uvenation of the Chi nese nation the Chinese dre am of urgent ne eds . Partys 18 t o promote strategic de ployme nt to buildi ng sociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs, prese nts two 10 0 year g oal, namel y, by 2 020 China s gross domesti c pr oduct and per capita i ncome of ur ban a nd rural re side nts in 2 0 10 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildi ng of a well off society; the mi ddle of this century i nto a pr os perous, democrati c, civi lized a nd harmoni ous Socialist modern country, a nd on t his ba sis, the Chines e dream of realizi ng the great rej uvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Ji npi ng repeate dly expoun ded t he Chine se dream. T he ba sic connotation of the Chines e dream, is t he national prosperit y, nati onal revitalizati on, t he ha ppi nes s of the pe opl e, China important to foll ow is to kee p China Roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on stre ngth of China , dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determi ned confidence, e nha nce s elf aware ness, a chi eve self relia nce, to bui ld a stronger Chi na, civi lization, harm ony, bea uty, China , Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of China wa s 18 the spirit of the e nrichment a nd development of the party, conscie ntiously st udy the Chi nese dream, leadi ng pe ople t o hard t o realize the Chi nese dream, mass e ducation a ctivities i n depth t he fundamental starti ng point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the partys mas s line , hel ps to train t he collective consci ousne ss of the unity of the party and the people, playi ng the Chine se dream i deol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Zedong stress ed that parties s hould have "com mon lang uage" socialist countries must have "unity of will". Hi story ha s难以置信!一阵清风拂来,我的思绪不禁随之飞去,越来越远,越来越远了…… 8 月,刚参加完高考的我拿着那张来之不易的通知书来到我向往已久的复旦大学攻读新 闻。第一天上课,当教授问我为何选择“记者”这种职业时,我毫不犹豫地回答道: “我要 和邵云环、许杏虎和朱颖三位烈士一样用笔做武器呼吁世界的和平。 ”然后,我看到了教授 赞许的目光。没想到正是我的回答给我带来了生命中最宝贵的财富——邵云环同志的记忆。 原来在邵云环同志刚牺牲时, 科学家及时地在她的大脑中汲取了储存记忆信息的脑细胞, 在 现代科技如此发达的情况下, 国家部决定找一个热衷于记者工作的年青人来取代邵云环 同志,而我,成了这名能拥有这位烈士一生辉煌记忆的幸运儿。 当科学家把邵烈士含记忆信息的脑细胞注入我的大脑后, 眼前浮现出的竟是科索沃的种 种场面: 战火纷飞的科索沃笼罩在浓浓的炮烟中, 天空低沉的乌云似乎在向谁诉说着这个国 家的悲愤, 天空中时隐时现的北约战斗机在歇斯底里地嚎叫着, 一会儿一阵烟火过后一声震 耳欲聋的爆炸声传来,一座建筑物被毁了……战火纷飞的日子里,忘不了,忘不了在采访难 民时看到的他们悲愤的目光和因失去家园而流泪的悲苦; 忘不了当北约炸毁一所小学校, 那 遍地的儿童尸体,那是祖国的花朵啊!忘不了在大桥被炸毁时卓娅带着她 7 岁的小弟弟在桥 栏上插进一束百合花, 希望能给自己多灾多难的国家带来幸运; 更忘不了五枚导弹射向我驻 南大使馆时那狼嚎般的声响…… 啊!邵云环烈士,您在我的大脑中装满了您对南斯拉夫人民的同情,更装满了您对事业 的热情! “只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间” ,不知谁家的录音机里飘出的音符 把我飘远的思绪拉了回来。看着通红的记者通行证。我暗下决心:我一定用邵烈士丰富的记 忆、博学的知识继承先烈未完成的使命——用笔,呼唤世界的和平!透过朦胧的双眼,我似 乎看到了重建后的科索沃,南斯拉夫人民和美国人民、世界各国的人民在那里唱歌跳舞,一 群白鸽在世界上空久久地盘旋着,盘旋着…… 点评:1999 年的高考作文题,要求清楚明白,几乎没有任何审题障碍。文体要求十分 宽泛,不加限制,考生的思路可以在一定的范围内自由驰骋,灵活性、开放性都很大。但这 个题目对学生的联想和想象能力, 对学生创造性思维能力的要求又是比较高的。 如何通过大 胆、丰富而合理的想象来表达中心,是写好作文的关键。 这篇优秀作文的作者,是一个热爱和平,有献身社会主义事业决心的热血青年。他 借助丰富合理的想象把对现实生活深刻的理解和独特的感受表达出来, 使文章具有强烈的现 实感和新颖性,产生了打动人心的力量,形成了自己突出的特点。为了使文章主题表达鲜明 感人,表达方法的运用也匠心独运,全文熔叙述描写议论抒情于一炉,语言优美流畅。对战 火中科索沃惨象的描绘, 对南斯拉夫人民的同情, 对和平的向往, 都表现得具体深刻而感人。 开头结尾互相呼应,令人回味无穷。 ●高考鉴文 ·例文 1· 诚信,难道也需要“出口转内销”? 江苏考生2001 年 同学的姐夫买了一件进口名牌衬衫, 回家才发现就是他们厂生产的, 只不过出口转内销 时包装改了,多了几个唬人的外文而已。物质上有出口转内销,精神上也有出口转内销。当 我们有些人丢掉雷锋精神时, 美国西点军校竟然认认真真地学起了雷锋, 这便是 “雷锋出国” 。 某些国人散布民族文化虚无论时,日本人将《孙子兵法》奉为经商圣典,我们才发现“宝贝” 被人“偷”了,于是“孙子”陡然热起来,眨眼工夫,研究孙子兵法的专著铺天盖地,这便 是“孙子回家” 。 以上现象都犹有可说, “墙内开花墙外香”呗。现在好了,连做人立业之本的诚信也需proved t hat a people and a nation, if it does not have it s ow n s piritual pilla r, ther e is no unity of s piritua l support, it m eans that no soul, will l ose cohesi on a nd vitality. Fig uratively s peaking , a sa ck of potatoes , quantity ca nnot be too a team, form a joi nt force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible , no difficult means of strength. Nati onal r ejuve nation of Chine se dream, not only embodies t he common interests a nd pur suits, and covers a variety of groups and cla sse s, ha s a wi de applicability a nd i ncl usive , with a strong integrating force and lea d the for ce. She embodie s the aspirations of sever al ge nerations of Chine se, refle cting today ... Into sex and purity, and the i nevitabl e requirement of constantly impr oving t he partys governi ng ca pacity. Stre ngtheni ng the constr uction of t he adva nce d nat ure and purity, t he core problem is always maintai ni ng the partys fle sh a nd bl ood ties with the masse s, s o that our party will alway s be t he most wholehearted s upport of the mass es. 完 体 立 畅 流 然 自 部 都 看 侧 、 正 从 论 无 后 得 使 琢 细 优 度 弧 。 致 于 属 只 且 您 合 适 最 出 计 设 确 精 , 数 金 黄 等 例 比 的 官 五 及 以 型 脸 据 根 是 术 容 美 雕 面 Must take the fundame ntal interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e as the party all the starting point a nd ending point, t he party has alway s bee n a common fate with t he mas ses, thi s is t he magic wea pon for our party to al ways maintai n the a dvanced nature a nd purity. Stre ngthe ni ng the constructi on of partys adva nce d nat ure and purity and enhancing t he partys r uling a bility w ill event ually be im plemente d to realize , safeguar d and devel op t he fundamental i nterests of the overw helming m aj ority of the people. Al l the w ork merits thi s is a meas ure of the partys fundame ntal standards, i s a meas ure of the partys adv a nce d nat ure and purity standards . Be lieve who, depe ndi ng on who, w ho, sta ndi ng on the positi on of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople ar e always, alway s realize, safeguard a nd develop the fundamental intere sts of the overw helming maj ority of the pe ople , it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of j udgeme nt, is al so sig n of Marxist party is different from other politica l parties . Marxist political party ha s a clear politi cal positi on a nd histori cal missi on: for the i nterests of the vast majority of people, committed to the fundamental interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e. From the day of the e stablis hment of the Chine se Communist Par ty, always a dhere t o bas ic pri nci ples of histori cal materialism, for t he interest s of the most pe ople a s their g oal, always serving a s its fundamental pur pose and value s. Fully tr ust the mas ses, closely rely on the mas ses mai ntain fles h a nd bl ood ties wit h the mas ses is always the source of our party full of vigor and vitality, is always the m ost determi ned i n the development of our party and our countr y. Cons cienti ously accept s upe rvision by t he masse s, pay attenti on to l isten to t he mass es as sessme nt, whi ch it self was the partys a dvanced nat ure and purity into practi cal acti on t o re alize the fundame ntal i nterests of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople . At prese nt, the party committees a nd leading ca dres a nd the Gover nment generally value the close relations wit h the mas ses, do a lot of pr oductive w ork, but there are still some Accor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements , units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i nsiste d party of mas s line, do ma sses w ork, foll owing mai n from four a as pe cts tol d: a, a nd full awarene ss party of mass line educati on practice activities of major mea ning Party s 18 major disti nct pr opose d to focus on the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity, i n the party, with "pragmatic a nd clea n for the people" as the main conte nt of the partys mass li ne a nd e ducational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Ji npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher e to strictly a dministeri ng the party, strengthe n the partys major de cisi on i s in li ne wit h the public expecta tions a nd strengthe ning t he constructi on of learni ng oriente d service i nnovation of Marxist partys major de ployment, i s the important meas ure to adva nce t he great ca use of s ocia lism with Chi nese characteri stics . First, carry out the partys mass li ne i n education pra ctice, wa s carryi ng 18 of the party spir it, summon a powerful force for realizing t he great rej uvenation of the Chi nese nation the Chinese dre am of urgent ne eds . Partys 18 t o promote strategic de ployme nt to buildi ng sociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs, prese nts two 10 0 year g oal, namel y, by 2 020 China s gross domesti c pr oduct and per capita i ncome of ur ban a nd rural re side nts in 2 0 10 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildi ng of a well off society; the mi ddle of this century i nto a pr os perous, democrati c, civi lized a nd harmoni ous Socialist modern country, a nd on t his ba sis, the Chines e dream of realizi ng the great rej uvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Ji npi ng repeate dly expounded t he Chine se dream. T he ba sic connotation of the Chines e dream, is t he national prosperit y, nati onal revitalizati on, t he ha ppi nes s of the pe opl e, China important to foll ow is to kee p China Roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on stre ngth of China , dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determi ned confidence, e nha nce s elf aware ness, a chi eve self relia nce, to bui ld a stronger Chi na, civi lization, harm ony, bea uty, China , Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of China wa s 18 the spirit of the e nrichment a nd development of the party, conscie ntiously st udy the Chi nese dream, leadi ng pe ople t o hard t o realize the Chi nese dream, mass e ducation a ctivities i n depth t he fundamental starti ng point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the partys mas s line , hel ps to train t he collective consci ousne ss of the unity of the party and the people, playi ng the Chine se dream i deol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Zedong stress ed that parties s hould have "com mon lang uage" socialist countries must have "unity of will". History ha s要出口转内销了。可以毫不谦虚地说,我们中华民族一直是以诚为本、以信立国的。商鞅变 法就从立柱取信于民始,这才有了秦的强大。尾生与女子相约在桥下见面,女子未至,猛涨 大水,尾生为守信抱柱而死,具体做法虽然迂腐,但其精神是值得肯定的。我们做生意,历 来把“经商信为本” “诚招天下客”奉为信条。可是,曾几何时,我们渐渐丢掉了这些“传 家宝” ,让“无商不奸”大行其道。作为对此的反驳,各行各业“承诺”之风盛行,无非是 承诺不卖假药、不售假烟假酒、不发假文凭、不搞假竞标、不播假唱录像……千承诺,万承 诺,不过是承诺“不假” 。然而,正面文章反面看,正因为假的东西太多了,才需要这么多 本不需要承诺的承诺。试想,莱农、花农有必要承诺他们的蔬菜和鲜花决不是塑料的吗?只 有当真茅台难见一面,假茅台到处露脸神气活现时才需要这种大大“贬值”了的承诺。说中 国现在的经济是假货经济,固然是夸大了,但某些地区如浙江温州等地曾一度形成“造假 经济”繁荣的局面肯定是事实,俄国人、日本人视中国货其实是某些缺少商德的国际倒爷 的假货为假货的同义语,恐怕至少有几成是事实吧。 发达国家的月亮确实并不比中国的圆, 但他们在诚信方面如果打总分, 肯定能高出我们 不少。美国的商人对顾客特别讲信誉,只要顾客不满意,买回去的任何东西,在一个月内都 可以无条件退货。于是一位中国留学生注意,这可是知识分子啊利用自己的“智慧” ,今 天到鞋店买一双皮鞋, 明天到服装店买一套西装, 后天到电器商店买一部彩电……使用两三 个星期后,再声称对产品不满意而退回去,以此过一种天天尝鲜的生活。一位美国同学劝他 要诚实守信,他竟不以为耻,反以为荣: “这有什么不可以呢,谁叫你们美国商人这么笨!” 究竟谁更笨,相信明眼人一望便知。难怪一位经济学家不无忧虑地说,中国马上就要加入 WTO世贸组织了,我们在硬件上也许还过得去,但是我们在软件方面问题太多了,其中一 个最重要的软件就是商业诚信。 人家信不过你, 怎么会买你的东西, 怎么会大胆地向你投资, 怎么可能放心地跟你合作呢?这位学者呼吁我们在商业诚信上迅速与国际接轨,说白了还不 就是向人家看齐。 一个人失去诚信,他她将失去朋友;一个企业失去诚信,它将失去市场;一个商店失 去诚信,它将失去利润;一个国家失去诚信,它将失去国格;一个民族失去诚信,它将失去 族魂。如果说“诚信”曾是我们引以为骄傲的“国有资产” ,那么,它的大量流失是十分令 人痛心的,难道我们真有一天会面临诚信“出口转内销”的尴尬? ·例文 2· 剃头记 江苏考生2000 年 剃头匠黄老二在新月镇可谓无人不知, 无人不晓, 经他那双手剃过的头不下于万儿八千。 今年黄老二已经七十有三,近日经一天劳累之后渐感体力不支。他意识到,该到了找接班人 的时候啦。 经过黄老二的细心观察, 青年后生王振华被其定为接班人。 这王振华在新月镇可谓有口 皆碑,其为人忠厚老实,干活稳当细心。黄老二的活传给他,大家都感到很高兴。 三个月的学习以后,今天王振华正式上岗。 第一个客人经过王振华的精心修剪,站起来照照镜子说: “剪得是不错,只是头发留得 有点长。 ”王振华听后不好意思地笑了笑。而黄老二却停下手中的活说: “这位同志不明白了 不是,头发长使您让人感到含蓄,有点深藏不露的味道。现在这社会就流行您这发型。 ”这 个顾客听后,乐滋滋地道别而去。 第二位顾客又坐到了王振华的手下, 他特别吸取了前一次的教训, 给这位顾客剪得短些。 完工之后,这个顾客捋捋头发说: “手艺是不错,可是留得太短了。 ”王振华听后无语。黄老 二又接过话茬说: “我说你外行啦不是,你到大街上去看看,头发有几个长的,短头发让人 看起来感到亲切,不会产生距离。别说咱这大老爷们,就是那大姑娘也有不少剃板寸的。 ”proved t hat a people and a nation, if it does not have it s ow n s piritual pilla r, ther e is no unity of s piritua l support, it m eans that no soul, will l ose cohesi on a nd vitality. Fig uratively s peaking , a sa ck of potatoes , quantity ca nnot be too a team, form a joi nt force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible , no difficult means of strength. Nati onal r ejuve nation of Chine se dream, not only embodies t he common interests a nd pur suits, and covers a variety of groups and cla sse s, ha s a wi de applicability a nd i ncl usive , with a strong integrating force and lea d the for ce. She embodie s the aspirations of several ge nerations of Chine se, refle cting today ... Into sex and purity, and the i nevitabl e requirement of constantly impr oving t he partys governi ng ca pacity. Stre ngtheni ng the constr uction of t he adva nce d nat ure and purity, t he core problem is always maintaini ng the partys fle sh a nd bl ood ties with the masse s, s o that our party will alway s be t he most wholehearted s upport of the mass es. 完 体 立 畅 流 然 自 部 都 看 侧 、 正 从 论 无 后 得 使 琢 细 优 度 弧 。 致 于 属 只 且 您 合 适 最 出 计 设 确 精 , 数 金 黄 等 例 比 的 官 五 及 以 型 脸 据 根 是 术 容 美 雕 面 Must take the fundame ntal interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e as the party all the starting point a nd ending point, t he party has alway s bee n a common fate with t he mas ses, thi s is t he magic wea pon for our party to al ways maintai n the a dvanced nature a nd purity. Stre ngthe ni ng the constructi on of partys adva nce d nat ure and purity and enhancing t he partys r uling a bility w ill event ually be im plemente d to realize , safeguar d and devel op t he fundamental i nterests of the overw helming maj ority of the people. Al l the w ork merits thi s is a meas ure of the partys fundame ntal standards, i s a meas ure of the partys adva nce d nat ure and purity standards . Be lieve who, depe ndi ng on who, w ho, sta ndi ng on the positi on of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople ar e always, alway s realize, safeguard a nd develop the fundamental intere sts of the overw helming maj ority of the pe ople , it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of j udgeme nt, is al so sig n of Marxist party is different from other politica l parties . Marxist political party ha s a clear politi cal positi on a nd histori cal missi on: for the i nterests of the vast majority of people, committed to the fundamental interest s of the overwhelming majority of the pe opl e. From the day of the e stablis hment of the Chine se Communist Par ty, always a dhere t o bas ic pri nci ples of histori cal materialism, for t he interest s of the most pe ople a s their g oal, always serving a s its fundamental pur pose and value s. Fully tr ust the mas ses, closely rely on the mas ses mai ntain fles h a nd bl ood ties wit h the mas ses is always the source of our party full of vigor and vitality, is always the m ost determi ned i n the development of our party and our countr y. Cons cienti ously accept s upe rvision by t he masse s, pay attenti on to l isten to t he mass es as sessme nt, whi ch it self was the party s a dvanced nat ure and purity into practi cal acti on t o re alize the fundame ntal interests of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople . At prese nt, the party committees a nd leading ca dres a nd the Gover nment generally value the close relations wit h the mas ses, do a lot of pr oductive w ork, but there are still some Accor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified



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