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初中英语作文带翻译:抗击疫情 心系武汉

2020-10-13 19:15:01



Busy to send off the final exam, full of joy to usher in the fall of the Spring Festival. Countless travel plans have been planned in mind.


Who knows, at the end of December 19, I talked back to my classmates. At that time, I knew that SARS like virus had happened. I said half jokingly that the Internet is too exaggerated to be so serious. After we had fun with each other, we didn t pay attention.


On January 20, I went to the supermarket and the vegetable market with my mother to buy all kinds of things for new year s products. On that day, all the people did not wear masks as before. I did not know that the epidemic would be so fierce behind us. I felt that it was too far away from us. There are fewer and fewer cars on the road. My father said with emotion that it s so cold not to go home this new year. I joked, otherwise, we will drive back on the first day of the new year and surprise grandma!


On January 22, my mother and I began to work in the kitchen. At this time, my cousin, who went back to my hometown for the new year, sent me a wechat message, telling me that the epidemic was very serious, and it was estimated that Wuhan would be closed. I was stunned for a long time, then I replied to her, don t run around at home, and don t go downtown. Put down the matter in hand, quickly dial grandma s phone, emphasize again and again, don t go out, don t go in


On January 23, it was seen on TV that Wuhan was really closed. I feel uneasy about doing anything at home. I called my grandmother several times and told her not to go out. I also sent wechat to the students in Wuhan to inquire about the situation. I learned that everything was ok with them, and I was just a little calm. Since that day, TV has been the main source of my understanding of the real situation of the epidemic. The number is increasing faster and faster, and more and more, and my uneasy heart begins to hang again. I can t do anything. I pray in my heart that my hometown will be better soon.

武汉,这座城市,对于我来说,是陌生的。尽管宜昌和武汉相隔不远,尽管每次回家必定经过,但从未走近它。我只知道黄鹤楼,也一直想去一睹它的风采,究竟是怎样的一栋建筑,让古代众多诗人对它情有独钟?留下那么多脍炙人口的诗句: 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。 昔人已成黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼,黄鹤一去不复返,白云千载空悠悠。

Wuhan, this city, is strange to me. Although Yichang and Wuhan are not far apart, and though they must pass by every time they go home, they never approach it. I only know the Yellow Crane Tower, and I always want to see it. What kind of building is it, which makes many ancient poets love it? There are so many well known poems left: the old man said goodbye to the Yellow Crane Tower in the west, and the fireworks came to Yangzhou in March. In the past, people have become yellow cranes. There is no yellow crane tower here. Once the yellow crane is gone, it will never return. The white clouds have been empty for thousands of years.



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