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求一篇英语作文.采访邀请```假如你是你校校报记者李华 请就以下内容些一封一百词左右

2020-10-14 11:55:01

Dear Mr. Principal/headmaster my name is lihua , i work as a reporter with our school newspaper. in the coming up issue of our newspaper, we are about to discuss a problem about which lots and lots of students, teachers and parents are concerned, namely, how to wisely use the internet to aid study. as an established educator, you must have your own insightful opinion on this problem. it would be a great honor for us to interview you on this issue, and i believe your views will be a great help and instruction for all our reader. i hearby am asking your permission to interview you. please let us know if you can be interviewed at 5 pm, 7th august, Friday. is this a good time for you? and is it ok for us to interview you in your office? if you are approval of this interview, a press photographer will come together and have your picture taken. thank you for your time! yours sincerely

求一篇英语作文.采访邀请```假如你是你校校报记者李华 请就以下内容些一封一百词左右的电子邮件 与你的校长预约一次采访.1 八月七日星期五下午五点2 地点校长办公室3 内容:中学生如



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