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求 濒临灭绝的蓝鲸 英语小作文150词左右

2020-10-15 00:00:01

Nice Blue Whale Blue Whale is the worlds largest mammals, the waters around the worlds oceans. It is up to 30 meters in length and weighing about 170 tons, a mouth can be opened to allow free access to 10 adults in width. Blue Whale my back was light blue, belly full of folds, with ocher color macula. It is a broad flat tail flat, the freedom and flexibility to be able to swing in water, is the driving force, but also plays a role in the rudder, speed of up to 27 km. Blue whale predation way as "eat type", the main food is shrimp, jellyfish, diatoms and other plankton. It is often open Xuependakou water to shrimp and sea swallowed with the mouth, then shut up and filter out sea water, the shrimp swallowed intra abdominal. A blue whale eat about 4 tons a day of small krill. If its belly in less than 2 tons of food, it will be hungry tears, it seems like never enough to eat. Therefore, it is often sneak into the depth of thirty or forty meters away, in search of food. As a long time to stay in the water, ventilation time floating in the sea, it will spray out from the nostril up to 15 meters of the water column, from afar, like Yi Gu fountain. Blue whale great effort, about the equivalent of a mid sized locomotive pulling. It is said that there was a blue whale to a 27 meters long whaling boats dragging ran more than 70 kilometers, and there was that the speedboat to the back rows are full steam ahead. ? ? blue whales during the winter breeding. Mother whale pregnant for one year after the health of small whales. Just the birth of whales about 7.5 meters in length, there, and weighs about 6 tons, after 24 hours of feeding, which can increase the weight of about 100 kg, with an average increase of about 75 grams per minute. Calf after 7 months of breast feeding, the weight can reach 23 tons, body length of 16 meters, and began to learn to eat a variety of plankton mouth. Xiaolan Jing go to 5 year old be considered an adult, and its life is about 20 30 years. ? ? blue whale just full of treasure, it is the fat can be prepared soap; whale meat and delicious edible, nutrient rich; whale bone glue can be extracted; whale liver contains a lot of vitamins; blood and internal organs is also high quality fertilizer. Therefore, the blue whale repeated the wanton killing of human beings. At present, the number of blue whales are falling sharply, almost to the verge of extinction. 原文:漂亮蓝鲸蓝鲸是世界上最大的哺乳动物,遍布全球各大洋海域。它身长可达30米左右,体重约170 吨,一张嘴就可以开到容10个成年人自由进出的宽度。蓝鲸背脊呈浅蓝色,肚皮布满褶皱,带有赭石色黄斑。它的尾巴宽阔平扁,能在水中自由灵活地摆动,既是前进的动力,也起着方向舵的作用,时速可达27千米。蓝鲸捕食方式属“吞食型”,主要食物是小虾、水母、硅藻等浮游生物。它常在水面张开血盆大口,把虾和海水一起吞入口中,接着闭嘴滤出海水,把小虾吞进腹内 。一头蓝鲸每天要吃约4吨重的小磷虾 。如果它肚中的食物少于2吨,它就会饿得发慌,好像是永远吃不饱似的。所以它经常潜入水深三四十米处,搜寻食物。由于长时间待在水中,每次浮上海面换气时,会从鼻孔内喷射出高达15米左右的水柱,远远望去,宛如一股喷泉。蓝鲸的力气很大,大约相当于一台中型火车头的拉力。据说,曾有一头蓝鲸把一艘27米多长的捕鲸快艇拖着跑了70多千米,而当时那艘快艇正开足马力向后退行。??蓝鲸在冬季繁殖。母鲸怀胎一年后才生小鲸。刚产下的幼鲸体长就有7.5米左右,重约6吨,经过24小时的喂奶 ,它的体重就能增加100千克左右,平均每分钟增加约75克。幼鲸经过7个月的哺乳后 ,体重可达到23吨左右,体长约16米,并开始学着张嘴吞食各种浮游生物 。小蓝鲸要到5岁才算成年,它的寿命约为20—30年。??蓝鲸浑身是宝,它的脂肪可制肥皂;鲸肉鲜美可食,营养丰富;鲸骨可提炼胶水;鲸肝含有大量维生素;血和内脏器官又是优质肥料。因此,蓝鲸屡遭人类的肆意捕杀。目前,蓝鲸的数量正急剧下降,几乎到了濒临灭绝的境地。注: 只有你自己写的作文,才会有真情实感的感觉,才会真正地打动人!



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