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2020-10-15 22:35:01



In the winter vacation happened more like the stars in the sky, few are also countless. Although many are already bleak, but there is a star the brightest.It is a sunny Sunday, my mother and I go to shiyan my grandmas. There, I and my cousin had a good time. Suddenly, I hit upon a sudden idea to my cousin and I went downstairs to play games together, cousin readily promised, go downstairs with me.Grandmother home downstairs, I saw many foreigner to rent a house live, there were a lot of farmers. I saw a pair of two siblings, although is a sister, but their dress like is two families, brother probably five or six years old, wearing a down jacket, advanced and beautiful cotton padded leather shoes; Only seven or eight years old sister? In neither fit and thin patch clothes, cold nose dc. I cant help but think: how can the people! The younger brother dressed like a millionaire, the elder sister dressed as a beggar! At once, the younger brother took a few lumps of sugar from home eat it, maybe it is not good, every eat a few lumps of sugar are thrown away, elder sister is very angry, then open the education younger brother: you how so waste... , wow! My sisters words havent say that finish, brother wept. Their mother lion, only heard a few sound and pa! You are bullying younger brother! Pa! It was supposed to grieve me to! You...... The girl and his brother went home.My cousin called me to play games, but I have no mood to play, just the scene deeply printed in my heart. Originally in the 21st century some preference for sons, only can think that the boy reincarnation of the old ideas also blame in peoples mind, people when can you improve?篇二

Winter vacation life is like a book of rich content, gently with the hand open, more wonderful than a page of a page. Turn to page year this...Spring Festival eve, eat dinner. I was carefree get boring, suddenly, not far away from the bang a loud firecrackers. Inspiration now, I have! I gather together the upstairs downstairs a few friend, take a few days ago I bought a big bag of firecrackers dashed downstairs space. Lets try to put a rockets. We will be a rockets inserted into the soil, with the lighter lit the fuse, five, four, three, two, one! We excitedly counting, listen to sou, rockets straight at the sky, in the air to draw a bright fire, and then in the air bang out of a crack a beautiful fireworks. We put a dozen in a row rockets, pop in the air blast out of the fireworks, every fireworks light up our happy face, like a camera click to that moment frames. Then, we put up a smoke again. We use lighter lit the fuse, make a throw, yi! How have no action, I went over and pick it up, just want to see a carefully look, listen to bursts, with a large stock of green smoke to his face to me, wow! I was frightened, busy dropped smoke, can smoke emitting smoke have surrounded me, ah! Your really like the fairy! Walking! Around the friend looked at, has been seemed as laughter, I couldnt resist laughing.We also put the interesting ballet, will circle bee, the black spider is a bit scary...Long night, very quiet, air echoed with our laughter, and guns, with sweet sleep, I spent with my best day in the winter holiday.篇三

Although the winter vacation, I will continue my learning, in the morning, is a good time to read, with the early morning, our family to read with relish, three people has become a bookworm. Dad read the literary works such as crazy, my mother read prose leisurely affectionate, for me, I read catchy childrens poetry. A book, lets open horizon, increase knowledge. Reading good books is like and wise in the communication, the author of often we read happy place, could not help but laugh; Read moving place, can flow was moved to tears... A good book, often make us forget all about eating and sleeping, really achieve reading a good book, three days and I do not know meat.Winter vacation, there is a Spring Festival, this is my most happy moment. The New Year, my father came back from the street to buy a dozen small red lanterns, and string them into 2 series, dad smiled and said: the twelve red lanterns indicates our whole family, in the New Year, twelve months are prosperous. Mother, busy preparing for dinner, but rich, seafood, vegetables, beef, little of course not a fish, in the traditional Chinese Spring Festival, eat fish means more than year after year, good luck. I have not been idle, and come back to the supermarket to buy necessities such as orange juice and beer.Winter vacation, I could have just like all the children have a blast, but my eyesight is bad, only looking at the computer to buy, occasionally WangSha several renju experience, very good!Happy and short winter vacation life, really want to keep the pace of time, has been living in the winter vacation.




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