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根据提示.以My Winter Vacation为题写篇50

2020-10-16 20:35:01

根据句意、汉语或首字母提示以适当形式填写正确的单词。1. Mothers Day is on the second Sunday 五月 in a year. Children usually send flowers to their mothers.2. One of my 牙齿 hurts badly. I must go to see a doctor. 3. Listen carefully in class and you are sure to understand the teacher 容易. 4. If 可能, Ill go to Beijing to visit Tiananmen Square this summer. 5. The 因特网 has become an important part of our life. We all like surfing on it. 6. When I meet with difficulties, the teacher often encourages me to work them out by m . 7. The sign "No P " tells you not to stop your car here. 8. Yesterday she didnt go out to play with her friends. I , she stayed at home to help her mother do some housework. 9. When s comes, trees turn green and flowers come out. Its the best season of the year. 10. I like Chinese tea w anything in it, but my friends John likes tea with some milk.



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