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2020-10-17 06:00:01

语法比较难 可能你看不懂 我在线翻译的 下面还有一个我自己写的With another Full, vibrant spring, we started a new journey.一年之计in the spring, I and other students as a new outlook. First of all, I would like to carry forward the spirit of studying hard, and strive to forge ahead and maintain a good attitude study; Secondly, attention should be paid to the efficiency of classroom learning, to concentrate on classroom lectures, structured notes to do a good job. Reasonable arrangements for class study time, review a good first day in an orderly manner by the basic science knowledge, and then deal with related exercises, and not just to complete the operation. In addition, I would like to continue to improve study methods, so as to effort. I believe that in the new semester, I will certainly be able to scale new heightsThe new school term will begin immediately. In the new term, I have lots of things to do. First , I want to stay healthy. So I have to exercise every morning. I would also like to eat some healthy foods, such as vegetables and fruit. Eat less junk food, cutting coffee. In the new school term, I would also like to study hard. Physics and mathematics is important. Listen carefully every day, daily homework. At home, I would like to keep clean. Help the mother to do that I can do some household chores, such as wash dishes , make beds. This is my new semester plan.

Myscheduleforthenewterm简快英语小作文我需要写一篇英语作文题目已给出参考汉语意思如下:随着又一个万紫千红 生机勃勃的春天的到来 我们又踏上了新的征程。一年之计在于

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  1. 2022-03-04 07:20蓀→[天津市网友]IP:762390791
  2. 2021-01-27 09:03杂@熏衣草[河南省网友]IP:736399024
  3. 2019-12-23 10:46扬子·丑女[浙江省网友]IP:737166358


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