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一篇介绍哈尔滨的英语作文哈尔滨——黑龙江省的省会 以冰雪闻名于世 被誉为“冰城”

2020-10-17 12:45:02

Harbin is the capital of Heilongjiang Province,with a population of 5.3 million and covering an area of 18,000 square kilometers.Located in eastern Songnen plain,its a rolling land with low hills,and shallow valleys and crossed by the Songhua River.It has a semi humid temperate climate with an annual average temperature of 3.5 degree Celsius,rainfall of 530 millimeters and a frost free period of 140 days.Its mineral resources are coal,quartzite,marble,copper,lead and zinc etc.Harbin is one of Chinas key industrial bases,with machine building industry as its main stay.Foodstuff,petroleum,chemicals and textiles are its important prop ups.The output value of its pharmaceutical industry ranks first in China.The main agricultural products are wheat,soybean,beet,flax,tobacco,poultry,etc.Its among Chinas major beet growing areas.Harbin is the commercial center of Heilongjiang Province as well as the communication hub in the northern part of North East China,with a well developed railway and highway network.It has regular air links with over 30 cities at home and abroad.The Songhua River is an important waterway for shipping.

一篇介绍哈尔滨的英语作文哈尔滨——黑龙江省的省会 以冰雪闻名于世 被誉为“冰城”.松花江北部的太阳岛是避暑的好地方.每年冬季在哈尔滨举办的冰雪节和冰灯游园活动吸引了国内外众



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