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英语四六级作文句式模板 总有一句你用得上!

2020-10-20 21:45:01

你开始准备今年的四六级考试了吗?小编在这里先把一些作文中用得上的,不算太简单的模板句式奉上,快把你觉得能快速运用起来的句式记起来!1.开头It is often said that…/Many people claim that…In this day and age…/Nowadays…/These days…… is a hotly debated topic that often divides opinion.… is often discussed yet rarely understood.It goes without saying that… is one of the most important issues facing us today.The following essay takes a look at both sides of the argument.2.正文①序列词Firstly/To start with,…First of all, it is worth considering…Secondly,… Thirdly,…Furthermore,…/In addition,…/What’s more,…/On top of that,…Another point worth nothing is…/Another factor to consider is…Lastly,…/Finally,…/Last but not least,…②陈述观点,举例When it comes to,…/According to experts,…In terms of,…/Research has found that…With respect to…/There are those who argue that…For instance…/For example…/such as…③表述原因、影响As a result, …/As a result of …, Although/Even though… has led to …/… has resulted in …, Despite/In spite of,…Consequently, …/Therefore, … Despite the fact thatOn account of …/Due to ... On the one hand… On the other hand…One reason behind this is … However …/Nevertheless, …/Even so…④总结To sum up,…/In conclusion,…All things considered,…Taking everything into consideration, …Weighing up both sides of the argument, …The advantages of… outweigh the disadvantages.⑤表达个人观点As far as I’m concerned, …From my point of view, …In my opinion, …Personally speaking, …My own view on the matter is…每天花点时间准备,到最后才不会慌~加油哦! 展开剩余内容



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