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关于玩手机有害的英语作文 玩手机的危害英语作文

2020-10-20 21:55:01

People who like the mobile phone are much more concerned about its advantages. It is convenient for people to get connection with their family members or friends. In addition,we can easily turn to police or someone else for help when we facing danger or emergency situation. What’s more, The youth of today send messages, surf on the net, listen to music ,chat with people who they may not familiar with ,and so on . People also can send their care to those who they love the most in their deeply heart by phones.However, we have to look at the other side of the coin,to begin with, it s expensive to buy and costly to pay the bills,besides,it can’t express your true feeling exactly. Worst of all,the most problem is electric wave radiation ,which is bad for our health. Personally,I think the advantages of phone are better than its disadvantages, if we use it properly,we will have a good life style by the phones in our hands. 当今世界,随着科学信息技术水平的发展,无论在城市还是在农村,手机都扮演着很重要的角色。每个人对此都有不同的意见。



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