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2020-10-20 21:55:01

> > > > 家乡变化英语作文70词「经典」家乡变化英语作文70词「经典」发布时间:2020 03 30

My hometown zigong is referred to as the hometown of dinosaurs, salt city, the city of lights.

Old street is very narrow, the house is not neat not beautiful also, traffic jams, no street lights on in the evening after work, people brought the same garbage everywhere, no place for leisure and entertainment, no broad street, square and new garden more fitness equipment, home also does not have how many appliances not to mention have a color TV, smart fridge and expensive washing machine.

Hometown great changes have taken place in recent years, after the city government to take measures to narrow muddy streets into a broad, beautiful with a street garden boulevard, installed the many beautiful on both sides of the street and street lamps and lighting the night, the day is also very beautiful; Now rarely happen traffic jams, past old mud room and brick houses building, building into a novel and chic, neighborhood with trees, lawns and flowers of every color, flowers blossom with refreshing aroma, home of coal into gas reduces the pollution of the fresh air at the same time, strengthen the body s health, life better people s lives across the more prosperous, every family has a home appliances color screen TV, smart fridge, expensive, washing machine. Electric fan... Phone also obtained the popularization of mobile phone adults have a mobile phone, many families bought a computer, used in learning, browse, and engage in cultural and recreational activities has brought people great convenience and endless fun.

My home town of zigong is constantly changing, the life of people is constantly improve income is rising, I love my hometown.



近几年来家乡发生了翻天覆地的变化,经过市政府采取措施把狭小泥泞的街道变成了宽阔、美观带街心花园的大马路,街两旁安装了许多美丽的路灯黑夜又能照明,白天也很美观;现在很少发生交通堵塞了,一座座陈旧的泥土房和砖瓦房变成了新颖别致的大厦、楼房,小区里有了树木、草坪和五颜六色的花儿,花儿竞相开放散发着沁人心脾的芳香,家里的煤碳换成了天燃气同时减少了对新鲜空气的污染,增强了身体的健康,生活变好了人们的生活越过越红火,家家都有家用电器了彩色大屏的电视机、智能冰箱、昂贵的洗衣机。电风扇 电话也得到了普及手机成年人都有一部手机,许多家庭购置了电脑,用于学习、浏览和从事文化娱乐活动,给人们带来了极大的方便和无穷的乐趣。


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