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初二英语作文 假如你是张华 最近从报纸得知美园某公司将在你家乡建一座工厂 清给该

2020-10-20 10:45:01

Dear governmentlead in the first ,i am very glad to hear this news because from this thing our hometown will develop but at the same time with the population in our hometown will be increased . for example British was very happy to accept to join the u=industrial revolution during the late of 1800 but in fact there many containment of contamination . i know the origin of idela is good but the final result from this thing is very badily.so i think the government need to do more thing fo the population .there are two propoal . the first one is we can plan mor tree and make the tree take up the huge amount of our countries and keep the water purify and dont tlet some bad thing happend to like the britian.For example lots of Dutch always use the winmill to deal with the power of electrcity so i think we also use some populated gas to do this thing ,such as carbon dioxide can collect for do many thing the second is that we can do the best education for studets,if they agree we do this thing we will have more ideal in my opinion some students also want to help our hometown to develop so we can make some match for getting moreideal and on the other hand ,we can desigh s.ome plan and choose the best one to built our hometown如果评价好的话,给经验的话可以给你写多次,thank有

初二英语作文 假如你是张华 最近从报纸得知美园某公司将在你家乡建一座工厂 清给该公司写电子邮件 要点 1表示欢迎 有利于家乡发展等.2感到担忧 造成欢境污染等 3希望了解有关环保措施作业帮



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