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2020-10-20 12:20:01


吉林新东方 王蕊 新东方在线

本次四级写作题目“How to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients/ parents and children/ teachers and students”,主要的提问方向是几种关系的解决方式,是一道典型的解决问题型题目。题目内容与社会实际连接非常紧密,涉及到现在大众非常关注并日益紧张的医患关系,亲子关系,以及师生关系。应用课堂讲解过的解决问题型写作结构,可以比较轻松地应对此次四级考试的写作题目。

写作时,首段需要给出背景并引出题目相关的核心词即哪种关系;其次,可以给出造成目前医患关系,亲子关系,以及师生关系比较紧张的原因,1 2点,进行简要分析,无需详细论证原因。由于题目涉及的主要题目方向是如何最好地解决三种关系,因此主体段应侧重于给出解决办法。比如,医患关系的解决可以依靠媒体宣传,医疗常识普及等;亲子关系的解决可以通过增强父母对孩子的了解,一节加强学校对学生亲子关系的教育来解决;师生关系,一方面部分教师的职业素养,一方面提升学生对教师工作的了解等。主体段的解决方式1 3个均可,如为一个分论点,就需要给出论点后详细解释或举例;如为三个分论点,则简要给出论点即可,注意达到文章的字数要求。结尾段,注意总结主体段给出的解决办法,可适当进行倡议和号召。


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

Currently, the public pour close attention into the relationship between doctors and patients, since it is not uncommon to see the conflicts between the two parties happen.

In order to lead the relationship to a harmonious direction, several approaches can be attempted. First, more common knowledge on medical field, such as the risk for taking medicines and having operations can be introduced to citizens, making it more acceptable when emergencies occur. Moreover, the mass media are supposed to exert favorable effects on educating individuals to treat all possible consequences reasonably, for instance, the public service advertisements on medical treatment can be launched.

Overall, it is high time to take measures to handle the tense relationship between doctors and patients. With more understanding and tolerance, the two can get along in a more harmonious way.


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between parents and children. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

In the contemporary society, in spite of the increase of the public’s living standards, quite a few parents and children share tense relationship. For one thing, many parents are getting busier than ever before with no time to accompany the children. For another, some children concentrate more on electronic products with insufficient communication with parents.

In order to lead the relationship to a harmonious direction, a couple of measures can be taken. First, even if there are a host of stuffs for parents to engage to, they should spend regular time with the young to understand them more, for instance, they can set a family day at least once a week. Furthermore, the adolescents are well advised to control the time on online games and videos; instead, they can spend more time talking with families to promote the understanding, which is likely to eliminate the generation gap.

Overall, it is high time that individuals started to cope with the relationship between parents and children. With more understanding and tolerance, the two can get along in a more harmonious way.


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between teachers and students. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

At present, one of the most intriguing issues folks focus on is the relationship between teachers and students, as more contradictions can be found between the two. On the one hand, teachers impose what they believe is right on students. On the other hand, the juveniles always go against the teacher’s requirement with a rebellious heart.

In order to lead the relationship to a harmonious direction, several solutions have been figured out. First, for some teachers who do not understand the young’s thoughts well, they are obliged to be taught some scientific and effective approaches in educating the students. Second, the youngsters should be requested to be involved in some educational courses to raise their awareness in respecting teachers. Moreover, parents should also shoulder their responsibility to guide the teenager to treat the relationship with teachers properly and correctly.

Overall, it is high time that certain measures were taken to improve the relationship mentioned above. With more understanding and tolerance, teachers and students can get along in a more harmonious way.


四六级考前100天逆袭攻略 0元领!





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