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2020-10-20 15:00:01

A gift. Few days ago, I got a gift from an elder friend for my birthday. That was a piggy bank, bear shaped. I know Im not someone who loves to squander money, but I can sense why he gave me that. In our todays society, making money for life is not easy for most of us. And as we are raised by our parents, it is more necessary to value every cent theyve struggled to earn for us, To save money is to love them and to be a golden child. A piggy bank can help me see how much hard work it takes to make life better, so in a more broaden way, it can make me realize how necessary it is for us to value and love our life, because, it is not easy to earn. Well, hes really a thoughtful one who knows what I really need.Yes, he is.



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