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2020-10-20 15:10:01

With the rapid /amazing development of…There is a heated / focused debate at present about the issue of…Recently / nowadays / at present, the phenomenon of …has loomed up wide public concern.The question of … has been in the limelight / brought into focus.Now people in significant / growing numbers are aware of the idea that …Researchers / scientists have established the concept that …It’s well known / believed / agreed that …People’s views are divergent on the question of …When it comes to …正反对比论证法There is much discussion nowadays as to the problem of … Those who object to …argue that …But those who advocate…on the other hand, argue that…There is no agreement among people as to the issue of… Some people say that …Others say that… As to me, I am on the first side of the argument. The following examples can prove my standpoint.According to the survey / research / poll…The figure indicates that…A survey is undergone about….Some statistics present an undisputable fact that….One of the basic / hot topic facing our society is: what…Why is there a … in society? It is no easy task to identity the cause for it.名人名言法There is an old / popular saying / proverb which goes that …One of the great men once remarked that … Now it still has a realistic / profound significance.One of the scientists once said that…Now it is still working in our modern society.One great writer had ever said that… Now more and more people share this belief.Last week, a classmate of mine ….The story is not rare. It has now drawn public attention to the problem of…A few days ago, I met with...The incident is not isolated. It has aroused wide concern in the society.The story / case /incident is not rare / unique /unusual in our life.…, defined as…, is…We generally define…as…by definitionby the word “…”, we mean …主体段落的写法:并列法(分类法)常用词汇:most of all, next, moreover, in addition, besides, furthermore, to begin with, to start with, first of all, additionally, apart from, first, second, third….比较对照法By contrast, it is also important to note that…The advantages of A outweigh any benefit we gain from B.Good as A is, however, it has its own disadvantages. For one thing…for another…Although A has a distinct advantage over B, it cannot compete with B in…When the advantages and disadvantages of …are carefully compared, the most striking finding is self evident.People rarely reach an absolute consensus on such a controversial issue.Every coin has two sides. / Every knife is double edged. / Every knife is double edged.Every rose has its thorn.Fire is a good servant but a bad master.… itself is neither good nor bad and its value to people and society depends on how it is used. We should exploit its merits and shun its drawbacks.The reasons for…are profound. And the first reason may be…The success / failure derives / results from the factors as follows. One lies in… Another is found in …Still another consists in ……. is mainly responsible for the rise in …We may cite / quote / mention a single / common example of ….Here are further examples.Our life abounds with examples in point.I can think of no better illustration of this idea than the fact that….But I don’t think this view will hold water 有道理.The great / obvious drawback in this remark / view is that it is ignorant of / blind to the fact that …His view is voiced by more and more people, but finds no echo in my heart.结尾的写法(总结法,呼吁法, 预测法)A conclusion from …, is that…To summarize / To sum up / In summary / In brief / In a word / In conclusion / All in all / From this point of view / As a final comment / Consequently, …



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