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2020-10-20 15:25:01

四六级作文模板现象解释型模板一1. Recently, .2. What amazes us most is .3. It is true that .4. There are many reasons explaining .5. The main reason is .6. What is more, .7. Thirdly, .8. As a result, .9. Considering all these, .10. For one thing, .11. For another, .12. In conclusion, .现象解释型模板二1. As is known to all, .2. seem to get accustomed to .3. In fact, .4. The reason of lie in several aspects.5. Firstly, .6. Secondly, .7. Thirdly, .8. Finally, .9. As a matter of fact, .10. On the one hand, .11. On the other hand, .12. Therefore, .现象解释行模板三1. Nowadays, .2. For one thing, .3. For another, .4. It is obvious .5. Many remarkable factors contribute to .6. First of all, .7. In addition, .8. Thirdly, .9. As to me, .10. As we know, .11. Besides, .12. In a word, .现象解释型叙事类作文专用模板1. It so happened that .2. Just at the moment .3. It impressed me most because .4. What happened was .5. At first, .6. Almost at the same time, .7. What’s more, .8. As a result, .9. As I understand, .10. On the one hand, .11. On the other hand, .12. Therefore, .对比选择型模板一1. Recently, we may hear quite different opinions .2. Most people take it for granted that .3. However, others hold .4. A dominant idea is that .5. In this view, .6. Nevertheless, the objectors think .7. They argue that .8. As to me, I prefer .9. On the one hand, .10. On the other hand, .11. Therefore, .12. In conclusion, .对比选择型模板二1. There is a heated debate over .2. It is commonly accepted that .3. In contrast, others .4. Those who hold the first opinion suggest .5. In their view, .6. However, others think .7. They argue that .8. Considering one after another, I stand on the side of .9. First of all, .10. Further more, .11. Thirdly, .12. Therefore, .对比选择型模板三1. Different people will offer quite different ideas .2. Many people assert .3. However, others believe .4. Some may proclaim .5. They maintain such an idea because .6. In contrast, the objectors think .7. They argue that .8. As far as I am concerned, I agree to .9. First, .10. Second, .11. Last but not least, .12. In a word, .问题解决型模板一1. With the of , .(问题出现的背景)2. So it is of great importance for us to .3. On the one hand, .4. On the other hand, .5. However, we have figured out many ways to .6. Firstly, .7. So long as .8. Secondly, .9. Thirdly, .10. In fact, .11. That is because .12. In a word, .问题解决型模板二1. There has been a discussion recently about .2. It is true to the present situation that .3. But .4. As is known to all, there are many ways .5. First of all, .6. Further more, .7. Last but not least, .8. So it is high time for us to .9. That is because .10. Secondly, .11. Thirdly, .12. All in all, .问题解决型模板三1. Nowadays, there is a growing concern on .2. It is certain that .3. However, .4. It will cause many serious results if .5. Firstly, .6. Secondly, .7. Finally, .8. In spite of all these, there are still many ways .9. First of all, .10. In addition, .11. Thirdly, .12. Only in this way can we .



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